Computer mice or mouses? It’s a case of irregular plurals (2024)

See that mouse next to your computer? Pretend there are two of them. What would you call them: “mice” or “mouses”?

In the first 15 years or so of its mainstream life, the computer mouse has had an uncertain plural, word watchers say. But in the current issue of English Today, linguist Alan Kaye argues that “computer mouses” is starting to win out.

Kaye takes issue with the 1999 book “Words and Rules: The Ingredients of Language” (Harper Perennial, 368 pages, $15) by Steven Pinker, which stated that most English speakers either avoid the plural of computer mouse or reluctantly choose “mice.” (Most dictionaries list both “mice” and “mouses” as possible plurals for the computer instrument.)

Kaye surveyed more than 1,000 students at California State University at Fullerton, where he teaches linguistics, and he found that about 90 percent opt for “mouses” as the plural of the clicking device.

“Insofar as my own California dialect is concerned, `mouses’ is the correct form and `mice’ refers exclusively to rodents,” Kaye writes.

Bill Walsh, copy chief of the national desk at The Washington Post and author of “The Elephants of Style: A Trunkload of Tips on the Big Issues and Gray Areas of Contemporary American English” (McGraw-Hill, 238 pages, $14.95), says he is inclined to agree — even though most authoritative advice he’s seen recommends “mice.”

“I think `mice’ is an irregular plural unique to the animal,” Walsh writes by e-mail. “Once we’ve coined a new sense of it, we go by modern processes and eschew the irregular.”

“Computer mice” gets about six times as many results as “computer mouses” in Google searches, but “computer mouses” gets about six times as many results as “computer mice” in a search of newspaper articles in the Lexis-Nexis database. (Maybe some of the confusion comes from the fact that the computer mouse usually exists in solitude; you only need one to work your computer.)

This phenomenon isn’t unusual in English, as Pinker observed in “Words and Rules.” A baseball player may fly out, but an announcer says the player “flied out,” not “flew out.” You have one “silly goose” and multiple “silly gooses.” When the Walkman debuted, stores advertised that they sold “Walkmans.” And get two people in Mickey Mouse costumes together, and you have Mickey Mouses, not Mickey Mice.

Kaye calls this phenomenon “semantic bifurcation”: The same word can have different forms when it has different meanings.

You might be wondering how English got into the mouse mess to begin with — why does one mouse plus one mouse equal two mice? The problem is that in Old English, some words were made plural by changing the middle of the word rather the end. So the singular “fot” and plural “fet” in Old English became our “foot” and “feet,” and the singular “mus” and plural “mys” became “mouse” and “mice.”

The term “computer mouse” comes from somebody thinking the device resembled a rodent. Here’s another linguistic example of seeing mice: The word “muscle” comes from the same root word as “mouse” — due to “the resemblance of a flexing muscle to the movements of a mouse,” according to the American Heritage Dictionary.

Of course, some of us would have to start working out to get our muscles looking more like mice.

Endings: In his farewell address as outgoing general editor of Language Learning, a quarterly journal based at the University of Michigan, Alexander Guiora said the scientific study of language is expanding to interact more with other academic fields — including psychology, which Guiora teaches at the University of Haifa in Israel. In his address, which was published last year in Language Learning, Guiora said researchers have come to “the recognition that language is more than a spoken text, that it is more than communication, that it is behavior … that it is biologically mediated.”

Guiora says the future of the language sciences was exhibited in last fall’s “A. Guiora Annual Roundtable Conference in the Cognitive Neuroscience of Language” in the Netherlands.

“The gradual change on my watch [was the journal’s] becoming an international research journal, publishing data-based empirical research in the language studies,” Guiora writes in an e-mail from Israel. In a 50th anniversary issue of Language Learning in 1998, a former editor praised Guiora’s “enthusiasm and drive” in his leadership of the journal since the late 1970s. …

Peter Ladefoged, one of the world’s leading researchers of the sounds of human languages, died last month at 80. Ladefoged was perhaps best known as the consultant to Rex Harrison for the film “My Fair Lady,” but he was respected among linguists as the author of popular textbooks on phonetics and an avid field researcher of dying languages. In a tribute at Language Log, a Web log written by academic linguists, colleague Geoffrey Pullum called Ladefoged “a tireless investigator of languages, a pioneer in archiving and digital teaching aids, an original thinker, a pillar of the International Phonetic Association, a true gentleman, [and] a wonderful human being.”


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Computer mice or mouses? It’s a case of irregular plurals (2024)


Computer mice or mouses? It’s a case of irregular plurals? ›

What would you call them: “mice” or “mouses”? In the first 15 years or so of its mainstream life, the computer mouse has had an uncertain plural, word watchers say. But in the current issue of English Today, linguist Alan Kaye argues that “computer mouses” is starting to win out.

Is computer mouse or mice plural? ›

In computer terms, a mouse is a corded or wireless device that moves your computer's cursor while you move the mouse. In most cases, the plural of mouse is "mice," but more than one computer mouse can also be called "mouses." Mouse can also be a verb in this context, like when you mouse over an icon to select a link.

Is mice regular or irregular? ›

The plural form of mouse is mice. Hi Fernandez The plural form of mouse is mice The noun mouse is an irregular noun. Irregular plural nouns are nouns that do not become plural by adding -s or -es, as most nouns in the English language do.

What is the plural form of rodent mouse? ›

noun,plural mice [mahys].

What is the plural form of multiple mouse? ›

So there you have the authorative answer: Douglas Englebart says the plural of mouse is mice. So it would just be silly for us to say it should be something else. Especially mouses.

Do you say computer mouses? ›

In English speaking countries, people might prefer the use of 'computer mice' and the plural form of 'computer 'mouse'. Nevertheless, the form 'computer mouses' has been agreed to be correct, too. In conclusion, we could say that 'computer mice' is "extra correct" and 'computer mouses' simply correct.

Why do we say mice instead of mouses? ›

The problem is that in Old English, some words were made plural by changing the middle of the word rather the end. So the singular “fot” and plural “fet” in Old English became our “foot” and “feet,” and the singular “mus” and plural “mys” became “mouse” and “mice.”

What is the irregular plural? ›

Unlike regular plurals, irregular plurals don't become pluralized when -s or -es is added to the end. An example of an irregular plural is 'wolves', which is the plural of 'wolf'.

What is the irregular of mice? ›

Irregular Plural Noun Teacher Posters and Practice Pages Irregular Plurals do not follow the regular forms of plurals created by adding an -s or an -es to the end of singular nouns.

What is the irregular plural form of person? ›

Some irregular nouns don't follow any established rules to become plural. For example, the plural of person is people, the plural of woman is women, and the plural of goose is geese. Similarly, mouse becomes mice in its plural form, while house becomes houses.

Is mice singular or plural possessive? ›

Therefore, the plural possessive form of 'mouse' is 'mice's'. Note: When a singular noun already ends with an 's', we add only an apostrophe at its end and not an additional 's'.

What is the plural form of group of mice? ›

A group of mice is referred to as a nest of mice. Nest is the collective noun we use to identify many mice in a group.

What is the plural form of mouse in my house? ›

Answer: There are mice in the house .

Which is singular mice or mouse? ›

The singular of the word "mice" is "mouse". "Mice" is the plural form of "mouse", which refers to a small rodent with a pointed snout, rounded ears, and a long tail. The singular form "mouse" is used when referring to a single individual of the species.

Is it one mouse or mice? ›

If you see a mouse, it is most likely that there are many more. The rule of thumb is if you see one, there are really 25 mice. Some of these mice will be babies. A female mouse will move into a house or barn because it is good shelter to raise her young.

What is the plural possessive form of mouse mice? ›

Then we add the apostrophe and the 's' at its end. Now the sentence is, the mice's habitat is a burrow. Therefore, the plural possessive form of 'mouse' is 'mice's'.

How do you say computer in plural? ›

The plural form of computer is computers.


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