Conan Exiles: Isle of Siptah Edition - Steam Código de Resgate digital (2024)

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Conan Exiles: Isle of Siptah Edition - Steam Código de Resgate digital (1)

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Código: X6YGJVZ46

R$ 124,07

R$ 96,10

ou R$ 86,49 via Pix

Comprar Estoque: Disponível

  • R$ 86,49 Conan Exiles: Isle of Siptah Edition - Steam Código de Resgate digital (2)

  • R$ 96,10 Conan Exiles: Isle of Siptah Edition - Steam Código de Resgate digital (3)

* Este prazo de entrega está considerando a disponibilidade do produto + prazo de entrega.

Conan Exiles: Isle of Siptah Edition - Steam Código de Resgate digital (4)


Inclui: jogo base, DLC Isle of Siptah

Isle of Siptah é uma enorme expansão para o jogo de sobrevivência de mundo aberto Conan Exiles, apresentando uma vasta ilha nova para explorar, novas criaturas enormes e vis para matar, novos conjuntos de construção e um ciclo de jogo totalmente novo. Lute contra as raças mais antigas em novas masmorras subterrâneas. Derrote monstruosidades demoníacas que surgem de uma tempestade de puro caos. Domine a onda para garantir o único suprimento de escravos da ilha.

Você chega à ilha naufragado e sozinho. Com nada além dos restos nas costas, você cria as ferramentas necessárias para sobreviver. No início, um acampamento simples e algumas ferramentas de pedra rudimentares, com o tempo uma fortaleza e espadas brutais feitas de aço endurecido ou obsidiana.

Os seus olhos são atraídos para o centro da ilha, onde uma torre escura paira sobre a paisagem. A violenta tempestade que o envolve parece ganhar força e horrores indescritíveis espreitam por dentro. Mas o seu inimigo mais perigoso podem ser os outros sobreviventes da ilha, já que os recursos são escassos e a luta pela sobrevivência é selvagem e brutal.

Requisitos mínimos


Windows 7 64 bits/ Windows 8 64 bits/ Windows 10 64 bits


2 GB


10 MB


Intel Quad Core i5-2300 ou AMD FX-6300


Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 (1GB) ou AMD Radeon HD 7770 (1GB)

Conan Exiles: Isle of Siptah Edition - Steam Código de Resgate digital (5)

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Conan Exiles: Isle of Siptah Edition - Steam Código de Resgate digital (2024)


Is Isle of Siptah good for single player? ›

The new areas, thrall camps and mechanics make Siptah about as single player friendly as the original map. If you are tired of the original map and want something mostly the same but different, then give Siptah a try. Very much imho. I find Isle of Siptah significantly easier than exiled lands.

Can you play Isle of Siptah without DLC? ›

The Isle of Siptah is a seperate map and he can not play on Siptah with you, without owning it. You can play the default version of the game with him however. The other more cosmetic DLCs whiled also tied to your player, can be made and dropped / given to friends or randoms on the server you are on.

Can you travel between Exiled Lands and the Isle of Siptah? ›

You can transfer on servers within Exile Lands and Siptah, but also between Exile Lands and Siptah (To note that you will need to have acquired the 'Isle of Siptah' DLC to be able to transfer your character to Siptah servers).

What is the point of Isle of Siptah? ›

Isle of Siptah is a massive expansion to the open world survival game Conan Exiles, featuring a vast new island to explore, huge and vile new creatures to slay, new building sets and a whole new gameplay cycle. Fight the elder races in new underground dungeons.

Is Conan Exiles solo friendly? ›

Yes, learn how to use admin panel to make it more balanced for solo. I only play single player. However the games main design is ment for Multiplayer. The endgame without player made threats is VERY weak.

Does race matter in Conan Exiles? ›

Race is purely cosmetic and any diety is good. You can eventually learn all the religions though and can get the benefits later on.

How many dungeons are in the Isle of Siptah? ›

For dungeons siptah has 14 vaults, each one is unique but they are quite short, exiled lands has i think 9 dungeons, each one is very different and aside from the witch queen longer than the siptah vaults, they are also scaled more with some being easy at lower level and other aimed at max level, the siptah vaults all ...

Does Isle of Siptah have purge? ›

There are purges on Siptah.

Does Isle of Siptah have a map room? ›

Map-Rooms can be placed on the Isle of Siptah, but only serve as decoration, as they are not functional there. After being placed, the Map-Room cannot be returned to your inventory, but can be removed, returning all or some of the materials used to make it to your inventory.

Can you fast travel on Isle of Siptah? ›

There is no 'map' in Siptah. The only way to fast travel is through the Sorcery, or signing in as Admin. There are mods for fast travel. Waystones and Extended Cartography are two that I use.

Can you switch between maps in Conan Exiles? ›

It is possible to change the map of your server to explore various worlds that Conan Exiles provides. It is also possible to use DLC maps on your Shockbyte server although the connecting players will have to own the DLC to join.

Are there baby animals in Isle of Siptah? ›

In the center of the northeastern island there is a place on a rock where you can always find a bear with two cubs. Also in the pirate camp in the west of Siptah, in the pit, you can take the strongest pet, a puppy named Brut. Yup, younglings are both…

Is the isle of siptah worth? ›

Siptah is a fantastic map to play on. But don't expect all new features to be added there. For example, you can make a tavern, but there is no purge base to raid. I do honestly think it's worth buying though… it's a lot of fun.

Can you transfer to Isle of Siptah? ›

You need two servers and transfer between them to keep both going concurrently. Server transfers are disabled so this is not an option currently. You'd need to start from scratch on siptah. Unless you have access to the saves and can simply copy over in sinle-player.

Can the Isle be played single-player? ›

Well, *technically* you can play single-player by choosing to host a game and set it to private. Then it will be just you and the AI dinos (avaceratops, orodromeo, psittaco, and velociraptor). However, it will be quite boring as there are no threats.

Is Conan Exiles single-player offline? ›

You can play the game even if you are not connected to the internet, or if you choose to use Steam's Offline Mode. Simply ignore the "Failed to Login!" message, as mentioned above, and you will be able to continue a game or start a new one in single player mode without any problems. Enjoy your game and have fun!

Is Path of Exile mostly single-player? ›

The whole game is single player with the option of having others join you.


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.