Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)

Page Two Section Two ST. PETERSBURG TIMES TUESDAY. nRCFMRFR 11 101 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1929 ST. PETERSBURG TIMES Section Two Page Three mnrurK amis i hiimaviin wii 1 1 tnn diiijii i a rniiA iiivmnvvn HILL LLHU III ML I. I rUM.N QTAP RAPtf Tn OUTSTANDING CHAMPIONS OF 1929 KKIHTK DI AMOND Of TPL'T uinn ununu 1 nttJMELR, Dec.

30. (JP) Tho DOG TALK By HARRY B. EATON wT-m "'6iio 1 1 it, villi today that employers and workmen's innu in iha in ,1 wni 1 mil uy uniU im 1 1,, sui ting industry had decided to reduce till, miti.nl r. mm flMtf HHflR TY TUT ill 'jr-K Hvat NEGRO IS BOUND OVER ON CHARGE OF THEFT Charles Lawrence, negro, was hound over to circuit court under $750 bond Monday by Magistrate Qejty Thigpen following arraignment on a charge of breaking and entering. The negro pleaded guilty to entering a garage at 219 Ninth atreet north and stealing $32.50 In cash.

The negro was taken to the county jail at Clearwater in lieu of bond. i i. tut nmiicil uy uu JM'l cent a tiring January. The world's fastest greyhound will race at the St. Petersburg- Kennel club this year.

Make a note of this, you boys and girls who like to outguess the hounds. His name Is "Irish Gray." Mr. and 'School Cage Squad To Hold Workout During Morning The Green Devils basketball squad will hold another workout ut the high school gym this morning at 10 O'clock. The practice yesterday was attended by only 15 players, and Coaches Stewart and Trogdon are fearful that unless a better turnout is made at the balance of the holiday practices that the locals will drop couple of their early ftmea. All pluyers are urged to attend the workout today.

Bteomtngton Gwinn. Terro 412 TOURISTS McNitt, Se SB I II I I lb I Neither Bachman nor Ney- LEGAL NONCE Haute. WHERE TO GO TODAY IOWA L. C. Bailey H.

A. McNitt, Jr, Cleveland Heights. PENNSYLVANIA -Griffith, Lansdale; NOTICE OF MIHTFP'S fill Mrs. Mrs. E.

A. trlenn IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Fort Dodge; DeVries, Or- Fannle K. land Divulges Lineup Mr. and Mrs. John J.

ango City. KENTUCKY Miss Frank "Sunrise" Holly, East Rocka-way; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kam-ber. Auburn; Lawrence Kamber, New York city; Mrs.

Minnie L. Barber, Rochester; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W. Miner, Pelham Manor; Mr.

and Mrs. T. G. Bente, Pelham Manor; William Hackett, Brooklyn: Mr. and Mrs.

Charles W. Brown, Lock port; SIXTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA. IN AND I HQ DIMtri I Ac rAnwTtf (Continued on Paoe 10) TUESDAY Tourist Dramatic club, tourist auditorium, 10 a. Kiwanis club, luncheon at Shrine club, 12:15 p. m.

This hound is the headliner in the Bill Ewult Kennel, which also includes Herman II, winner of lasl year's derby, Mercury and No Risk. i -nu WWW, I I. IN CHANCERY, No. 10,60 mM Flgg, Louisville. MAINE Mrs.

George Libby, Port LEGAL NOTICE ARRIVE; TOTAL PASSES 15,000 Registration of C. C. Jumps Miss Alice Polhvine, Cheviot; Mrs. Carrie Evers, Pleasant Ridge; Mr Caroline Kruse. Norwood; Mrs.

V. B. Grumman, Columbus; Thomas White, Cleveland; Frank Neuberger, Cleveland: Richard Kirkby. Toledo: Mr. and Mrs.

James II. Morris. Ober-hn: Mr. and Mrs. James Yant, Canton; Mrs.

Cora S. Fuson, Bellefon-tain; Mr. and Mrs. A. O.

Zook. Mr. and Mrs. J. F.

Zook, Dick Zook. Cleveland Heights; Mrs. M. E. Bottomley, Cincinnati; Mr.

and Mrs. C. W. Hipp. St.

Marys; Floyd Bevis, Mrs. Bessie Be vis, Miamltown; Mrs. Ella McIIenrv. Quade, Kansas City; Mr. and Mis.

Eugene Buder. St. Louis; Miss Evelyn Hunter, New Madrid. NEW HAMPSHIRE Mr. and Mrs.

A. A. Bennett, Misses Hazel and Alzadu Bennett, Center Harbor; 11. F. Nichols.

Peterboro; Mrs. Jessie Fields. Peterboro; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J.

Kidder, New London; Joseph I Sheridan, Ijincaster. NEW JERSEY Mr. and Mrs. H. D.

Newkirk, Clayton; Mr. and Mrs. John Gage, Vineland; Mrs. Emma W. Nichols, Freehold; Mrs.

Catherine E. Justice, Belmar; Mr. and Mrs. George RuUerworth, Blfcoin-fleld; Mr. and Mrs.

Alonzo Browcr, FOKKCLOSUItK K. R. Rleck, for Game By DILLON L. GRAHAM Associated Pre Siiortk Writer) ATLANTA, Dec. 30.

(P) -Gene McEver, Teiines-sco's liiill'hack ace, will lead the NOTICE OF SALE Ruder and by virtue of a Final Decree made ami enteral on (lie 3uth duv nf I .1 VS. Newport Manufacturing com- Orvllle Burner, who had charge of the Budd Kennel for several years, is here with a fine string of hounds. Barber is now in charge of n. iki, uy Lilts Judge of the Circuit Court Pinel Mrs. Ida E.

Young. Iockport; Harry Keeser. Utica; Mrs. Emma I Williams. I-tica; Mr.

and Mrs. Iuis J. Joscelyn, 1-arihmont; Miss Pauline F. Broste, Buffalo: Mr. and Mrs.

Charles E. Vnger, Freeport Miss pany. a North Carolina Corporation, et al, I lefenrla Gresh Wins Third Place in Tamoa land; Mr. and Mrs. Fred T.

Chase, Belfast. MARYLAND Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Noel, Baltimore.

MASSACHUSETTS Dr. Elizabeth M. Ferris, Onset Mr. and Mrs. W.

H. Parker, Gleasondale; Mr. and Mrs. Charles -E. Cowdrey, Fitch-burg; Miss Edith Moore, Springfield; Henry J.

illiams, Miss Alice Williams, Springfield: atlas Grace am squad iroui the northern the Hetntz Kennels, and suggests that the wise will do well Five Days Ahead of Last Season Resume Shows NOTICK IS HEREBY GIVFN THAT, under and hy virtue of a De- an eye on Oakland Dictator. Optimist club, luncheon at Y. M. c. 12:16 p.

tn. Sunshine Card club, tourist auditorium, 2 p. m. Moses Band, concert at Williams park, 2 p. m.

Open Forum, Williams park, 4 p. m. Unmarried Folks club, telephone building, 8 p. m. Connecticut tourist society, waffle supper at Vermont staple Sugar House, 519 First avenue north, 7:30 p.

m. New Jersey tourist society, masquerade ball at Magnolia hall, 9 p. m. Moses Band, concert in Williams park, 7 p. in.

Catholic Social club, dance at K. of C. hall, 8 p. m. WEDNESDAY Three-Quarter Century club, New England turkey dinner at Vermont Maple Sugar house, B49 First avenue north, 2 p.

m. Moses Band, concert at Williams park, 2 p. m. New York tourist society, tourist auditorium, 2:30 p. m.

Open Forum, Williams park, 4 p. m. New Hampshire tourist society, tourist auditorium, 7:30 p. tn. gfee ana DrUer or the Honorable T.

Frank Hudson, Judg of tb Circuit Court of tha sivih region and stumpy Thonia-sou, the mighty mite from Georgia Tech, will captain the Cardinal team from the south 'as the two elevens clash here of the State of 1'lurldu, in and for l'lnellas County, dated the 29th day Bond Hill; Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Routson, Paul Routson.

Covington; Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Fischer, Cleveland; Miss Harriet Parmelee, Cleveland: Mr. and Mrs. H.

A. McNitt. las County, Florida, in Chancery Suit No. 10184, In a certain cause wherein, Abliy I.tndley, la Complainant, and Sallie McMullen and tier husband J. S.

McMullen, are Defendants, and wherein 1 was appoint -ed Special Muster to execute said Decree, 1 shull aa such Special Master on Monduy the 6th day of January A. D.i 11130, during the legal hours of sale, before the Court House Door in the City of Clearwater, l'lnellas County, Florida, offer for sale and sell at public outcry, to tbe highest and best bidder fur cash, all the following described land, situate, lying Marie Mason, Syracuse; Mr. and Mrs. Hurley E. Williams, Forrest Hills; Harold Anderson, Ithaca; Mr.

and Mrs. F. W. Rodgers, Orchard Park; Margaret Russell, Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs.

Addison G. Hall. Lynn J. Hall. Gouverneur; Frank Stevens, Evans Mills; Mr.

and Mrs. Edward M. Ayres, Miss Edna Ayres, Oakland Dictator has never raced I in Florida before, but in the north and west he ll well known and favored by those who follow the speeding canines. Avon by the Sea; Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Ayers, Sussex; Miss May S. Apgar, Flcmlngton; Miss Grace Vincent, Montclnir; Mr. and Mrs. F. C.

Smith. Bloomfield; Miss Emma C. Pew, ML Holly; Mrs. George ui muvemuer. a.

1929, directing the undersigned, John Dickinson, r.so.. as SDecial Muster In to make sale of the hereinafter de-SCrihed premises upon (allure of the With every state in the United States, with the exception of Nevada, every Canadian province and eight foreign couiil lies-represented on ihe bookn, tourist registration at the Chamber of Commerce swept past the 15,000 murk Monday when Ihe dully list of 412 new names brought tho total for the season to 1 5,054. On tho corresponding day last season only Ut were registered, making Race Yesterday Karl Greah. well known local outboard driver, piloted the Miss Manhattan to a third place in the feature race of the Tampa regatta yesterday afternoon. Clresh won the second heat in the fastest time of the meeting, but was unable to hit his stride in the other beats.

E. Lardner Darrell, water daredevil, gave an exhibition of tana sailing behind the Baby Oar at a speed of over 40 miles an hour. W. Carpenter, W. F.

Carpenter, Foxboroy.Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hudfleld. MiHvtlle; Mr. and Mrs.

J. A. Rich, Newton; Miss Rose M. Lessor, Cotrain; Miss Anna C. McGee, Cclraln; Mrs.

Ella II. Bragg, Shrewsbury; Mrs. Sara B. Angevine, Winchester; Mr. and Mrs.

C. Ken ouove nameu aereuaants to pay the amount decreed to ba paid in Final Decree, the undersitrrien! RAILROAD SCHEDULES Arrival and departure nf passen- ger trains at St. IVtershtirK. The following- schedule figures are published as Informs tfoa only and arc not guaranteed. p.

m. i la I Master In Chancery, will on Mnn. New Year's day in the Shrine Southern Conference charily gridiron classic. The roaches announced the appointments today. Further evidence that both squads would resort to aerial devices for yardage came today with the rival mentors devothaf much time to forward pass plays and to the perfect-ins: of anti-aircraft forlinVal ions.

day, ihe Clh day of Jamiary, A. Bedford; Mr. and Mrs. J. G.

Cross, Cobleskill; T. W. Russell. Utica. NORTH CAROLINA Miss Eunice Morrow, Burlington; Mr.

and Mrs. G. W. Foster, Ilemlersonville. Buck Taylor is back.

Buck is with the Frost Kennel and that wonder dog "Hezada" is still the top dog of the stable. This kennel also Includes a group of dogs that ure nationally known as among the fastest ln the country. ortnwestern society, presidents' union room at city hall, 7:30 Tourist Sunshino Dancing Club. Gold Dragon. 8:30 p.

m. THURSDAY Ladies of the Klks, card party at Klks auditorium, 2:30 p. m. Moses Band, concert at Williams park, 2 m. Open Forum, Williams park, 4 p.

m. "in same oeing a Kulo Day of the said Court, at the front door ot tho Courthouse in Plnello anu iieuig lii FlnellHS Comity, Florida, to-wlt: Dots Four (41. Five f5) and Six (6) of Hammock Brothera Subdivision, in the City of Largo, Florida, nrcnrdlng to Map or Plat of said Subdivision, as it appears on file and of record in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Pinellas County, Flor- a net gain for the day of 186. The gain for the season now stands ut 930. Atlantic Coast Line Ry.

Florida, during the legal hours of sale, offer for sale and sell lo tho Beck, Miss Anna M. Beck, East Orange; Mr. and Mrs. John F. Pope, Redbank; Mrs.

Josephine Stoffel. Redbank; Raymond Rose, Redbank; Mrs. Amy S. Grow, Summit; Mr. and Mrs.

Albert A. Church, Cae May; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lee, Glassboro; Mr. and Mrs.

John J. Cogan, Belleville. NEW YORK Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Lewis, Syracuse: Mrs.

Minnie Ward Kellogg, New York city; Bernard V. Carpenter, Buffalo; nedy, Boston; Mr. and Mrs. Ebon Edwell, Mrs. Nellie German, Gloucester; Mr.

and Mrs. George Watkins, Brockton; Mrs. Susie Taylor, Hyannis; Mr. and Mrs. J.

II. Chase, Onset; Mr. and Mrs. ARRIVE DEPART Illinois tourist presidents' union room nt city hall, 7:30 p. ni.

jSrt t0 NcW Year we cannot but insider the achievements of the red st. ru t0 fre many WTm that Above Ks pic! wnnlt wiS M- who has ttered the 100-yard back stroke, barely missing the M.0 vhM fr 0f N' Wb0 attained the national championship of he car K'r0ke- ln the Wrttet world of Walter Pearee and POrt" Whi" KlIdie Shore', achievements have been termed the greatest hockey performances of the present day. noiumt nun nan luuuer tor cash at pul, lie outcry, (he following described property, situate. 1 vi Dff and lielnir in M. 1:35 P.M.

MS A M. 11:20 A. Regis) rat Inn Is exactly five days ahead of the total last year as on Jan. 3 of tho past season the total OHIO Judge and Mrs. W.

K. Panlee, Miss Caroline Pardee, Akron; Mr. and Mrs. William D. Franklin, Cincinnati; Miss Rebecca Groner, Leetonia: Mr, and Mrs.

Sherman Applegate, Oscar Apple-gate, Miss Alice Applegate, Cheviot; the County of l'lnellas, Slate of Florida, more particularly described as: The bis blue squad, with Bobby Dodd of Tennessee, and the fast Cardinal group, with Karl Dutilap of Oeorcia Tech. nrvtuiess nuir r.P tVio Clyde Smith, of Pittsburgh. Kansas, is expeeteM daily with his fine string of dogs. There is a great deal of local Interest In Bill Morgan, the fastest dog in the Smith kennel. We understand that this dog is one of the nation's marvels In the sprint races.

"'ie Jiireo (3). Four (4), Five (5), Six (6), Eight (S), Nine (9). Ten 10). Kloven fin Twelve (12), Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14). Fifteen (15), Sixteen iu, in i-iai HOOK page 8.

said Subdivision being a re-subdlvistnT nf Dots One (1), Two (1), Eleven (tt) and Twelve (12) of Block Three (3) of Whitehurst end Others Addition to said Town of Largo, Florida, said property to be sold ns the property of the said Defendants to satisfy said Decree. JOHN H. LEWIS, As Special Master in Chancery Hardee Martin, Solicitors for Complalnnnt. I Ida, and the dynamic Ike Armstrong of Tulane constitute open field threats for the red squad. Line-ups Indefinite Neither coach has decided definite hner and faster i than ever Jacksonville New Vork Baltimore Washington Boston Buffalo Cleveland Pittsburgh Washington Chicago Jacksonville Philadelphia BaMflMfa Washington Chicago Cincinnati most accurate passers in Dixie and the coaches are constructing1 their aerial formations around them.

Bachnian Is uach- Coach Charles Bachman of Florida II COPS HAVE HOME WORK. FAIL IN TRAFFIC TEST Written tests on the new traffic ordinance were being Riven police officers by Thief I H. Noel Monday. Only one-half the cops who took the examination passed and the others will be required to do some home work and take another test. Tests have been passed by the following officers of one shift: Patrolman Tabb.

Riggs, Shiver, Roberts and Richardson and Motorcycle Officers Caruthers, Tucker and Tanner. sassss lourisi society, tourist auiiitonuin, 7:30 p. m. Moses Band, concert in Williams park, 7 p. m.

Progressive Health and Success club. 234 Fourth avenue south, 8 p. tu. FRIDAY Tourist Dramatic club auditorium, 10 a. m.

Tourist Girls of Y. W. C. A. outlns from Y.

W. C. 11 a. m. Rotary club, luncheon at Lutheran church, 12:30 p.

m. Lions' club, luncheon at Shrine club, 12:15 p. m. Three Quarter Century club, tourist auditorium, 2 p. m.

Moses Band, concert at Williams park. 2 p. m. Open Forum, Williams park, 4 p. m.

Ohio tourist society, tourist auditorium, 7:30 p. m. Scandinavan tourist society, presidents' union room at city hall, :30 p. m. Moses Band, concert In Williams park.

7 n. m. (IT), Kigliteen (18). Nineteen (19), Twenty-eight (28). Twelltv-ntno t'Q r.l-,..

Radio Bowling Talk Printed at Request of St. Petersburg Fans lor Ihe season that far was identical with tho total this season through Monday. New York is toward the 3.000 mark and five other states, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania are in the columns having more than 1,000. New Jersey Is expected to join this group by Tuesday night. Registration to date by states follows in alphabetical order: Alabama.

49; Arizona, Arkan Harry S. Caldwell, Onset. MICHIGAN Mrs. F. O.

Walters, Harbor Springs; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brown, St. Joseph; Charles W. Collins, Allegan; Mr.

and Mrs. Howard Avery, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. H. Simpson, Michigan Center; Mrs.

William L. Colclough, l'ort Huron; Mr. and Mrs. L. G.

Palmer, Napoleon; Mrs. Sarah F. Lathers, Dearborn; Miss Lydia Thornton, Detroit; Mrs. E. L.

North, Battle Creek; Mrs. W. D. Farley, Battle Creek; Mr, and Mrs. Milo-C, Decker, 7:43 H.

Wi Thirty-one (31), Thirtv-two ct2), Thirty-three (33), Tbirty- 0:00 P. M. PARK VIEW HOTEL Venice, Florida (In the Gulf of Mexico Must Beautiful KM) Room lintel in the State Earh Room with ub HEADQUARTERS VENICE TARPON CLUB Hurt Bathing Uolf Cmirsie mill Country Chili Olisrated to the Hotel Management J. V. ChampUll, many years malinger and operator Ocean House, li Hill, H.

I. Watch the morning Times for further "Dog Talks." Remember the Kennel club starts operation on Jan. 4. ly on the starting line-ups, but teum of the blues formed today with lour lid, i niriv-nve Tnlrty-six (36), Thirty-nine (39), Forty (40), Fortv-oni! (41). Wiriv.i Now only one night on' to Cincinnati uith finer equipment iaeJesstaff Library-Observation car, through Steeping Cars to Detroit, Cleveland, Chicaso, Indianapolis.

v.tt. miiiui iJiriiiui, wni pleased with the way his red-shirts slipped into the pass defense sets given them. He had one backfleld composed of Armstrong of Tulane, Woodruff of Mississippi, and Belhea (42), Forty-three (43), Forty-four (H) and Forty-five (45), of days, and afternd before games, and ln the sessions when one does not care to play, the members gather and play cards or have a social time. The open United States championships tournaments are played here in February. This vear Hug and Brandt, of Tennessee, at ends, Lepo of N.

C. State, and Hawkins of W. and at tackles, Drury of Kentucky and Gunnells of Clem-son at guards and Grow of V. M. at center.

Two backfields were nl. SPORTSMEN PAY TRIBUTE TO MIAMI RACE HEAD to igni oou or l'lnellas County, Florida, as per map or nlot thereof nn file 500 I'lcasure club, card party, municipal pier, 8 Detroit p. m. (Editor's Note) Due to the number of requests we have had fi-om local bowlinf fans that we reproduce the recent talk on lawn bowling made by President Charles Q. Blake of the St.

Petersburg club, over station WSI'N, we. have obtained from Mr. Blake a copy of the talk, and are reproducing1 it here. Sister Lakes; Mr. and Mrs.

M. W. NOTICE OF MASTER'S SALE 1 nder and by virtue of a nnal decree in Chancery entered and enrolled ember 14th, A. D. 11'9.

ln a certain cause pending Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit of tbe State of Florida. In and for I'inH-Ijis County, wherein Frank J. Hurk-bard for himself and an Trustee and Jennie jmrirtiard, Joined by her hus- ItOlllI Fr, 1 P.M. Macon 5:10 M. Itlaata and of record in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court of said SATURDAY Children's story hour, public library, 10 Moses Band, conceit at Williams park, Ar.


DENVER .11:30 P.M. 7:35 A.M. 7:25 A.M. 7:30 AM. 1:10 P.M.

LUKEEN BOUND OVER ON LIQUOR CHARGES m. P. m. arid Mine, said Brlght-wood Subdivision being a subdivision Of the North Half rWlZI if Mitchell, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs.

C. J. Allen, Detroit. MINNESOTA H. E.

Ditzei, Du-luth; Mrs. J. S. Young, Minneapolis. MISSISSIPPI E.

E. Killgore, Jackson. MISSOURI Mrs. Sonora E. they start Feb.

3. Speaking of rainy days, it is interesting to note that during the lu nnM V. i I MIAMI, Dec. 30. More than I 300 horsem*n today paid final tribute to the memory of William Don-das, racing secretary of the Miami Jockey club, who died suddenly Friday -night.

ternating with this line. Dodd, Mc-Kver and Packman of Tennessee and Hawkins of M. composed one quartet, while the other found1 Branch and Magner. Kelly and Ra-1 dice of Maryland running buret hue the Northeast Quarter (NK4) of the Northwest Quarter (NWi) of sas, alifornla-r 8(1; Canada, 482; Colorado, 25; Connecticut, 377; Delaware, 18; District of Columbia, tl; Florida, 36; Foreign, 90; Georgia, 36; Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Plj Iowa, 101; Kansas, 20; Kentucky, 101; Louisiana, 12; Maine, 572; Maryland, 75; Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, 162; Mississippi, Missouri, 85; Montana, 12; Nebraska, 23; New Hampshire, 366; New Jersey, 947; New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, 108; North Dakota, no mcr.wen or i lonua lireamng up the tosses Diinlap threw to Jones, Georgia Tech, and Maffett. Georgia, ends, and MtaMll, Georgia Tech halfback.

Over on the blue proving grounds, Bob Neyland of Tennessee, northern sqad coach, also had a couple of baCkfleld sets working on pass defense. With five of his Tennessee key men on his team. Neyland was expected to depend on the aerial Open Forum. Williams park, 4 p. in.

Southland society, presidents' union room at city ball, 7:30 p. m. Sunshine Card club, tourist auditorium, 7:30 p. m. Moses Band, concert in Williams park, 7 p.

m. Shrine dance, Shrine club, 8:30 p. m. piainants, and E. H.

BsgersHrlueas Is defesdani i win sell, at public outcry, to the hfclieat and best bidder for cash, on Monday, the sixth (filh) i of Ifiitojiri, Ill-Ill lk urn Dumnwcjt Quarter (HW'i) of Section Twenty-five (2B), Township Thlrtv-one cm Rooih By CHARLES U. MAKE (Pres. St. ftUnbarg BuwUn Club) Say, folks, if the radio existed S5 BOCA CIEGA INN 3026 54th St, South at Boca Ciega Bay, Gulfport NEW YEAR'S DINNER 12:30 to 2 and 5:30 to 8 $1.50 per Plate Guests will enjoy porches, spacious grounds, and bathing-beach. Please make reservations.

Phone 85-971. jcam iur nave neen Ulit days when the sun failed to shine before 3:30 p. m. in St. Petersburg.

Just think of it, an average of less than 5 days per year for 19 years. 15 p. ru. Range Sixteen (1C) East, excepting twenty (20) feet on the west Knoxvltia Louisville Indianapolis: Cincinnati Cleveland Detroit Chicago Grand Rapids CITY TICKET BFTICk, 18 Taylor Arcade Phone 7741 First Ave. and Third St.

8. Atlantic Coast Line Pass. Station Phone 5343 Saturday Kvening Bruise club, American Legion home, Pier Bridge club, municipal pier, 7:45 p. m. Bachman gave much attention to an eleven composed of Jones, and Maffett at the flanks.

Maree of Georgia Tech and HVinfoin nf nunia Requiem mass was suid over Rou-das' body, prior to its o-night to his former home in St. Louis. John Lukeen, Fourth street and Forty-fifth avenue north, was bound over to county court tinder bond Monday by Magistrate P. K. Smiley on charges of violating tho prohibition laws.

He was arrested Saturday night by Constable M. E. Benjamin. Detectives Kd Patrick. Albert Lipsey and Captain E.

Lipphard. Police confiscated 14 pints, two quarts and a gallon of liquor. Eur information or reservations in-qtlire Local Ticket Agent or Sam Jones, General Agent. St. Petersburg, Fla.

CITY TICKET OFFICE Corner 4th St. and Central Avenue Phone 5 1 liS Sfflbaairi "i sam tract dedicated for street purposes. Said sale to be mad. to Rntiofu ih MUNICIPAL RAILWAYS City of SI. Petersburg, Fla.

years ago, and five-minute talk I we have quietly another station? for I would prol: dumb to realize someone started a ibout golf, wouldn't twirled the dial to I think I would, ibly have been too the value the ad- eph; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Theisen, Betty Ellen and Greta Marie Thei i tie climate makes St.

Pt a veritable bowlers' paradi a lenl aales day, between the hours of eleven o'clock A. and two o'clock P. at the front door of the Court House at Clearwater. Florida, the following' described property, situate in PlnHlaa Count Florida, to-wlt: Lot Seventeen (17), Block Eldorado I nils Subdivision, according to the map or plat thereof On file and of record in the office of Hie Clerk of the Circuit Court terms of the said Final Decree entered in the above entitled Cause on Miss Grace Chav Brant -ford, Miss Helen Williams, Becton, Ont. game even more than Bachman.

Although" polishing up their air attack the coaches were not overlooking the collection of speedy runners oa their squads. Off tackle slants and sweeping flank maneuvers itff November, A. lOITV THCL'TVcnv tersburg se. The largest orld. St.

largest Bowl- is the COLORADO- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jh; OIUo, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, 131; South Carolina, 13; South Dakota, 18; Tennessee, 110; Texas, 11; iriah, Vermont, 183; Virginia, 92; Washington, 14; West sen, Charles Theisen, St. Joseph, Mr. and Mrs.

C. H. Collien, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. R.

H. Labagh, Whitehall. St. Petersburg club is the lawn howling club in the 9 Petersburg also has the women's lawn bowling club, ers have found that winter vance information would be. There are about m.mv iwaini ui nig enu oi J'lnenas Peninsula, on the west coast of Florida, and has the Gulf of Mexico on the west and south, and the great Tampa bay, like a great Inland sea.

on the east. The prevail Siieclal Master in Chancery. Bllger (raster, tackles, Steele of Florida and Bo-denger of Tulane at guards, and llarkins of Auburn at center, with Dunlap, Thomason, Mizell and Hot it-stein of Georgia in the backfleld. A long practice tomorrow morning with a light tapering off workout in the afternoon wjll finish the training program. Arrangements have been made for tbe visiting players to broadcast their Van.

A lawn today bowlers in the United States Mrs. C. F. Emery. eio ior i omplatnant.

SPECIAL MASTER'S Car routing on Central Avenue and First Avenue North, between 9th Street and 2nd Street. Effective December 31st, MINNESOTA Minneapolis. Coleman, Steamboat Springs. FLORIDA Mrs. Pearl Woodard, Qulncy, ILLINOIS Mr, and Mrs.

G. Gottlieb, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. A. J.

Krom, Chicago; Miss Sophie, Falk, best tune tn tnWp. ST. PETERSBURG HOTELS UMt aALt tinder and by virtue of that certain inal Decree In Chancer" Issneil not as there were golfer. 35 years ago, and it is coming very fast, as golf did. Therefore, as a matter of increasing your knowledge of things, why not forget to move that dial for five minutes? Beginners are as welcome as experts at both clubs.

When I have mentioned the superiority of St. Petersburg's climate received much attention at both morning and afternoon practices. The blue team has Gene McEver, the nation's high scorer last season; Kelly of Kentucky, Branch and Magner of North Carolina and Hawkins of V. M. any one of whom becomes extremely dangerous when escorted past the line nf RCrimmoo-o of the Circuit Court of the Sixth ing wums are rrom tne southeast, right oft of the Gulf of Mexico itself, from which flows tbe gulf stream that crosses the Atlantic and gives to Fnglund the delighTfuT climate which she enjoys for a in riBmiss i oiiniy, i-iorioa.

Said land will be sold to satisfy said decree and costs of this suit, deed to be given at purchaser's expense. Dated this 14th day of December, A. D. 1929. FRANK M.

HARRIS, Special Master. Raynard Rnynard Solicitors for Complainants. NOTICE OF MASTER'S SaTeF Under and by virtue of a final decree In Chancery entered and enrolled Deiemlier MM, A I)' HIM In ALLEGED BREW OWNER ALLOWED $100 BOND James Sage. 117 Second street south, charged with having liquor in his possesslunrwaived preliminary hearing before Magistrate Casey Thigpen Monday and was bound over to county court under $100 bond. County officers who raided BafS'S establishment found 18 bottles of home brew and a trallon of liquor.

j.rr iriu greeivngs to tne rollis back home over station WSB here at o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The game will not be broadcast. 10 my rriends up north, some buve said, "Why is that; Florida la av large BUTLER hotel 100 Hatha HOTEL DeVILLE 100 Rooms NEW HAMPSHIRE Mr. and Mrs. E.

D. Kidder, New Market. NEW JERSEY Mr. and Mrs. Asbury Rowland, Miss Edith How-land, Asbury Park; Mrs.

William A. Gay, Miss Maude C. Gay, Bloom-field; Mrs. J. Vanderbeck, William and Carl Vanderbeck, East Orange; Charles H.

Ray, Long Branch; Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Atkinson, Woodbury; Joseph F.

Morgan, Woodbury. NEW YORK Mr, and Mrs. John Virginia, 150; Wisconsin, 319; Wyoming1, 13. Among thosa registered Monday morning were: AUSTRIA Gottfried DinsI, Ba. CANADA A.

Latng, Downsview Mr. and Mrs. Harding, St. Johns, N. Mr.

and Mrs, R. D. Levery, Toronto, Miss Jeanne Downing, Toronto. Ont. CON BCT I I TT M.

C. Noble, New Haven; Mr. and Mrs. John It. Gould, Mystic; Charles Ueauvais, West Mystic.

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Miss Bessie Harrison, Daisy, Sadie and Tl reason is that St. Petersburg Glenview; Mr. and Mrs. Seymour G. Nelson, Misses Emelia and Adah Nelson, Glenview; Mr.

and Mrs. J. K. Winters, Miss F.dith Winters, Augusta; Miss Olive 1 f. Colean, Springfield; Miss Harriet Krwin, Jersey vllle; Mrs.

Lewis B. Hanby, Libertyvllle; Mrs. C. A. Huck, Ted Buck, Chicago; Rev.

and Mrs. R. A. John, Chicago; Mrs. Minnie F.

Goldsmith, Galesbnrg: Mrs. Char Bowlins on the green, or lawn bowling as it is usually called, lids been played 700 years, 200 years longer than golf has been played. It is the young man's game par excellence, that can safely be played by men past the prime of life. ARMS 3rd Ave. No, near 2nd St.

Mayan MstSsT Kimiib in Connerrlun leathers bvsesn Kiriusiv. Vn IMeMieSwd Hutel Home ut uniet dignity lot eeais nf ssssnHaallsai Second Avenue South, between fifth and Sivth Streets Ho ft Water Used Exclusively Spacious Porches Southern Exposure EUROPEAN PLAN A MODERN AND COMFORTABLE HOME Fireproof JOHN J. MURPHY, Ownership Oircclion "Stumpy" Thomason of Georgia Tech, regarded by many as the greatest back in Dixie, and his running mate, Mizell, Bethea of Flor- Milk contains a hitherto unrecognized factor, which is vitamin in character, and Is essential for the growth of chickens. Modernffl Ktc t.UiryO Hunny I'tircl. Strum Hrnt IVHute Btillm fltHUD 1,110 1 to 3 feMLti from AfmiM'ntcnt 'nrk nnd All Attraction GRIFFITH MAY FACE SHARKEY IN MIAMI uircull or the State of FIor-1 ida.

In and for l'lnellas County, dated the 29th day of November, A. D. 1929,1 in that rertnln cause therein pending wherein W. F. Burke Is complainant and Harry B.

Eaton and Cora Eatoa, his wife, Donald E. Hose and Edith F. Rose, bis wife, O. II. Allen and Mary K.

Allen, his wife, C. D. Haines and Sadie P. Haines, his wife, Hugh R. Cramer and Cramer, his wife, if married, and Halllo C.

Cramer Joined by her husband Cramer, If married, are defendants, being Chancery Case No. 10,840, the same being a lilll to foreclose a mortgage on the real estate hereinafter described, the undersigned Special Master will sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash onlv on Monday, the Clh day of January, A. D. TITTThouiui cars west on Central Avenue, bet ween tad Street and Sth Street, I purl Tangerine Ave. to St.

S. Jungle Wesi Central in Street illh Ave. No. to IStb St. Big Bayou Shore Acres Outbound cars west on Central Avenue, between "dli Street and itth Street.

Gulffwrt Tangerine Ave. to Sltfa St. So. Jungle West Central to Utfe St, 9th Ave. No.

to 18th SI. '-Sth St. to Sr. High School i nave piayea all the games, including tournament tennis and 18 a certain cause pending in the Circuit Court of the sixth Judicial circuit of the State of Florida, In and for l'lnellas County, wherein l-'imik .1. Burk-bard and Jennie Hurkhard, his wife, are complainants, and David O.

Healor, and tjeator, his Wife, If married, are defendants, I will sell at pubiS outcry, to the htahest and besT bidder for cash, on Monday, the sixth (lith) day of Jan G. stam, CoMeskill; William Mc- Mahon, New York City; Charles Spitzer, Olcott Beach; M. Hogan, GOLFERS Fiill shuts with nil j1(r clubs At Hh Ave. Golf Practice faltsjai Individual tees. tf furnish loo IU for T8e hihI ISO fur 4(lr.

Dm'I worry ubiiut where they r. He sisnS. ladies Invited, Claim Rented. ITU AYR, son i fi jffrjj NT. European Excellent Cafeteria Monthly ami Season Ratea ROYAL PALM 110 Fifth St.

South Today's Cross-Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER The HUNTINGTON "A Resort Hotel of Merit" Fourth at Second St. North SdccuiI, American or European Rales lo Jan. 1st J. LEE BARNES. Proprietor.

PAUL 15. BARNES, Manager large part of the year. As Tampa bay Is an arm of the Gulf of Mexico, St. Petersburg has the gulf on I three sides. Only this Pinellas peninsula has this great natural asset.

The climate is far superior to that of the Riviera on the shores of the Mediterranean. Therefore lawn bowlers, everywhere north, leave the cold, the mush and the slush and come to St. Petersburg for a month, and bowl. You will live longer, and that month in the sunshine, will build you up to such an extent, that you will do more business during the year, than if you keep your nose on the grind- I stone. Yours for lawn bowling, the game that keeps men young and happy, and also for the best place in the world in which to spend winter vacations 8t.

Petersburg, Florida, the Sunshine City. Come! lotte Lebrecht, Villa Park; Mrs. George Gow, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. James Lynn, Maywood; Clara Welch, Austin; Mr.

and Mrs. H. T. Kadlec, Virginia and Jane Kadlec, Evanston; Miss Dorothy Mikofn, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs.

A. J. Rudolph, Winnetka; Kenneth P. Glea-scn, Chicago; Miss Mary Ward, Rockford; Mrs. Alice Albridht, Dan uary, the same being a legal sabs day.

between Hie hours of eleven o'clock A. and two o'clock P. at the front door of the Court House i n.ai, tne same being a leiral sales date, between the hours of eleven O'clock In the PENINSULAR HOTEL NEW YORK, Dec. 30. (JP) Madison Square Garden's efforts to select a suitable opponent for Jack Sharkey in the Miami, show Feb.

27, may wind up this week with Tuffy Griffith decided upon as the logical nominee for the honor. It was understood in boxing circles here that Griffith already has come to an agreement with the garden corporation but that Sharkey Is not particularly anxious to meet the Sioux City slugger who beat Johnny Risko here last Friday night. Olcott Beach; Mrs. M. Thomas, Utica; Mrs.

.1, R. Rnssell, Utica; Mrs. T. W. Russell, 1 It lea.

OHIO Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jones. Springfield; Mr. and Mrs.

C. W. Baumgardner, Mechanicsburg; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E.

Wood, Cleves; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schwlnd. Elyria; Mr. and Mrs.

Alan McVey, Sabina; J. Dennett, Youngs-town; Miss Linda Graham, Cleveland; Mrs. F. G. Johnson, Cleveland Heights; Mr.

and Mrs. Murk A. Modern Fireproof Phone 5901. II. YY.

Tourist Home DWaf Room HOT it. Mfir. 39 7th St. South snore Acres Ida Harrison, Jean M. and Kffie Duncan, Miss Katharine ft, Duncan, Washington.

FLORIDA -Mrs. Adah Hanagan. West Palm Bench. ILLINOIS Mrs. M.

D. Curtis, M. D. Curtis. Betty Jane Curtis, Tis-kiliva: Mr.

and Mrs. Frank A. Beyer, Kewanee; John L. Johnson, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs, Reno, Rockford; Mrs.

Btta Fulton, Charlston. INDIANA Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Thomas.

Richmond. KENTUCKY Mr. and Mrs. O. K.

Dinner. Danville. MA INK Mr. and Mrs, M. Outbound cars east on First Urniie between Street Golf Practice 50c NORTH SHORE DRIVING RANGE Kanjre Between 7th and Sth Ave North on North Shore Drive.

Mr. Dnnko. P. O. A.

in chnr ville; Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Sehlndler, Chicago. INDIANA Mrs.

William J. Mc-Aree, Margaret McAree, Indianapolis; Charles L. Rawles, Bloom-Ington; Senator and Mrs. Hoadley, ALLISON HOTEL Ave. and 3rd St.

North OverlooUins American ami European Plan VY. A. Allison, and Kh Street. o'clock In the afternoon, at the front door of the Court House In Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida, to satisfy said Decree, together with costs thereon, the following described property situated In the County of Pinellas, State of Florida, to-wlt: The North half 0,4) of the North half (N'i) of the Southeast Quarter (SE'4) of the Southwest Quarter (ftWIi) of Section 2, Township 32. Range 16 East, containing 10 acres, more or less.

Less, however, the following norllona nf llm I i.il.,.l FLORONTON HOTEL (Rooms and Verandas Overtookini TAMPA RAY) European Plan A Hotel of Excellence COFFEE ROOM AND DINING ROOM IN CONNECTION Corner First Ave. ami Second St. North Phono 7817 Dial 479 Steam Heat Park Mar. at Clearwater, Florida, the following described property, situate in l'lnellas County, Florida, to-wlt: Lot twenty-two (22) of Plock Fldorado rfllla Subdivision, according to the map or pint thereof on file and of record In the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of PlnellaS County, Florida. Said land will be sold to satisfy said decree and costs of this suit, dged to be given at purchaser's expense.

Dated this Hill day of December, A. D. 1929. 9tUMK V. HARRIS, Special Master.

Raynard A Baynard, Solicitors for Complainants. 9th. St. No. to 31lh Ave.

North Shore Municipal Pier Big Bayou shore Acres Callahan, Cleveland; Mrs. Fred L. Fessenden, Cincinnati. PENNSYLVANIA Mr. and Mrs.

THE WEST COAST INN On lhf Water Frnnt IW-ftrh Driv tktul Thin! 9onth Homv-tike I umfrtl1p imvenipnt mm fnpcnUe litiotvlct l9HHi ir, flMH H17 ROUP Spasmodic Croup is frequently relieved by one application of WL mm LJl- 20 1 mil 26 "ffl 7 WhE premises which have been heretofore released from the lien of complainant's mortgage: Eots 7, 8. 1, 2, 11. 12, 10, 13, 14, IK, 16 nnd 90 In I 11 Temporary Transfer Slalion at 2nd Street and 1st Avenue North. Transfers will only he honored at this point. Phone for Information HOTEL POINSETTIA Kurnpean PIm Phone 7861 Moderate Rates I).

It. QrasVi Manager 430 Central Avenue cicaves, Kciinchiink; Mr. and Mrs. William F. Waterhouse, Kenne-btink.

MARYLAND Clarence and John Barker, Baltimore. MA SSACH 1 TSKTTS M. R. Nichols, Waltham; Mrs. C.

H. Cooper, Miss Vera Cooper. Nantucket; M. Q. Jackson, West Somerville; Mr.


Prop. vism OVER tf MILLION JAPS USED YEARLY ArlMr Franklin: Mr. nnd Mrs. C. D.

Blllig, Erie; Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Smith, West Chester; Mrs.

Lydia Kisfler Kunkel, Wil-liamsport; Stanley S. Smith, Wil-liamsport Ezra D. Heyler, Wtl-liamsport; Mr. and Mrs. Karl T.

Bogart, Girard; Mr. and Mrs. Allen F. Zllhaver, Cambridge Springs. Among those registering Alonday afternoon were: CANADA Mr.

and Mrs. R. C. years or goir. so I am not guessing when I say that it actually affords more continuous interest to the players than golf affords.

Although so Intensely interesting. It calls for only Just the right amount of complete exercise to equalize the blood circulation. In other words, there is no severe physical strain. That spells health. It is one.

of the most sociable of games. It Is one of the least expensive of the high class outdoor games. It Is to the man of 50 what golf is to the man of 30, a life lengthened It adds 10 years to the lives of men wise enough to play it, instead of the more strenuous games, after they reach the age of 50. It can be played both day and night, as the green is usually lighted. No 'fussing and fuming, waiting for a long line to tee off, or for Jay-scorers to get off the green.

Sixty-four men or women may-play at one time on about a half-I acre of ground, the size of a single large golf green. That explains, in part, why it la so inexpensive a game. Another reason is that a pair of bowls costs but about $15, the cost of one or two good golf clubs. No lost balls, nor caddy fees. Only the annual dues of $10.

Beginners may rent bowls at a nominal cost. Ten or twelve years ago I wandered into Mirror nuke park, here in St. Pett rsliurg, Florida, and saw the game being played. I had reud of it, but had never seen it. It struck me it would be a good game to play when 1 was stale at golf, and joined the club.

It was so interesting that the next winter I only played golf occasionally. The next winter 1 brought my golf sticks with COMMODORE HOTEL I'mlrr Res) MnnnfeineBt SrEIM HF4TKD MtlDF.KN. UP-TO-DATE Central Avenue O. P. I.

M. Dow, Props. rr- PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL Dances Dinners Club -Holiday Gatherings AM demand formal evoninp wear allow us to fulfill your needs in correct accessories (hp vcrv hit est ac outside rnoiiK, h.iths, porehei LIO Close to recreation partW AT THIRD AVE Phone SAM If. CARY. Ais't Manager I (II Kill ST.

NORTH Loweit rates. II. C. CASE, Manager Mrs. I-rank li.

Lowe, Brockton; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Coutts, Concord: John T.

Neat, Fitcbburg; Mr. and Mrs. William A. Booth, Mlllville; Mrs. ft i.

Hasfleid, Fairs vest; Mrs. Sarah J. Jenney, New Bedford; Mr. and Mrs. Charles K.

Brownell, Taunton; Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Richmond, rod on; Mr. nnd Mrs.

William Donaldson, Harding Donaldson, Watertown. MICHIGAN Mrs. Anne M. Bibhy, Whitehall; Mrs. A.

J. Brockman, Vanderbllt; Lena Kessler, St. Jos- ApSan HOTEL DEERMONT 'X8 wniitr niTE5DLiKEm axd rouHTHsfl ark bi.fmieu nm AM ATMil-l'Hl UK OP Alisul.l TK KIHtORr SECOND AVKNLE NORTH W. UOCRENRl'Rt HOTELALBEMARLE 666 ix it a Prescription for Colds, Grippe Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. It is the most speedy remedy known Ad.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Court of ho County Judge, Pinellas County, State of Florldn. In re Kstate of AUGUST NINFST, deceased. To all creditors, legatees, distributors and nil persons having claims or demands against said estate: You, and each of you, are hereby notified and required to present any claims or demands which you, or either of you, may have against the estate of August Nlnest. deceased, late of l'lnellas County', Florida, to the County Judge of Pinellas County at his office In the Court House at Clearwater, Florida, within 12 months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Said claims or demands must be duly sworn to.

And you should file with the undersigned a copy of said claims or demands. Haled this the 12lli dnv of December, A. D. 1929. AMERICAN BANK TRI'ST COMPANY, Administrator.

Address St. Florida. Vm. King, Attorney, Magnolia Arcade, St. Petersburg, Florida.

NOTICE MAS IS SALE Under and by virtue of a final decree in Chancery entered and enrolled December 16th, A. D. 1929, In a certain cause pending In the Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida, In and for Pinellas County, wherein Frank J. Burk-liard for himself and as Trustee and Jennie Burkhard, Joined by her husband. Frank TllirlHinril nr frtm.

12 and 13 lii Block "13" of Maximo Heights. Special Master's Peed to be Issued at cost of purchaser. E. KENNEDY, Special Master. I- H.


CHANCERY NO. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE. L. McMasters, Complainant, vs. i J.

Seely Glidley, and Helen If, Grldley, Defendants. ORDER OF PIIMLICATION It appearing by affidavit of h. McMasters, filed in (he above entitled cause, that Helen M. Grldlev Is a non-resident nf the State of Florida, and that after diligent search and Inquiry to ascertain the exact address of said defendant, that the address -as State of Illinois. City of Chicago, Is as particular as was ascertained, and that there Is no one Within the State of Florida service of subpoena upon whom would bind the said defendant, and that sh is over the nge of twentv-one years.

IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED tint the said defendant. Helen M. Crldley be and she Is hereby required to aonear on or before the 3rd day of February, A. D. 1930.

to answer the Hill nf Cnmnlntnt filed In this 81. Prtirburf' Conrrrts IM DUtlnftive Hutcl American of QaaNtf nil Oruuin Hnipitalitr rii.me 71 143 Third Are. N. 55 towards cepted fashions await you 1 A The neneot xhirt to NEW STEAMSHIP TICKET OFFICE Conveniently located in the ORIDA THEATRE BUILDING PRINCESS MARTHA HOTEL FIRST AVE. NORTH AND FOURTH ST.

OPEN ALL THE TEAR 150 ROOMS. BATHS 150 I'rinress Mariha Coffee Shop Moderate Ratea. Sherman Dennis, Manager 42 hort sleep 44 head HOTEL CORDOVA vi uak ur put sud- tnnl- here 66 -finiah 57 tall WBf with the dinner in. Ml I- I I5.1 SIH IN AVE. Itath snd Phone in Ut.UIJ 16 semi-circle 1ft ft 1 Ofl, WILLIAMS PARK Esrery Room.

European Han. Steam Heat. structure 58 Drotuben. hn one utiul open in. Sail dress worn by various church digni to nip uiill 19 restrain on lo ance VfDTIC At llress Sets Si.OO $10.00.

Butterfly and bat wing necktie Silk Scarven Imported appropriately HOTEL DENNIS wfw 21- -signature 1 witty say- HORIZONTAL. 1 stir 3 keerr- blade 7 thirsty 10 river in west Siberia 11 at no time 12 liberate 13 tilt 15 guided 1 6 alcoholic bererae 17 pertaining to the sun NEW YORK HAVANA PARK CAFETERIA AND GRILL Kirst Ave. and Third M. North Modern Fireproof Msloj Across from Williams Park from wading 23 cut in 9 A Vn.t;.L SUWANNEE HOTEL Rooms Oj Hat lis Rates on Applicitinn Your Comfort is Our Husinex Serving You is Our Sticress Hills N. RROWN.

Owner-Onerator me, my put them in the but room ut I hotel, and there they stayed ALEXANDER HOTEL noble- 8 told 4 mm until playe, my return north. I huve 1 very tittle arolf since, such I' M.50 to S.V00 nun is taries 45 beer containing few hops 48 reposed 49 couch 60 large hole in the ground 52 rounded posterior part of the foot 54 Anelo- Steam Heat Central Ave. European Kootus With or Without Bath Dial 7818 Ownership Operated A. Gover, Mgr. 6 the letter 7.

26 Indian $1.50 to $10 Silk Handkerchiefs $1.00 to $2.00 Msnilker, hlrf. In white linen, h.nd rnlld. aelf patterned Iwiifr, nl so nost Mark border. ancestral pole alternative 7 ferH piainants, and B. 11 Kggersgluess, Is I cause for the foreclosure of mortgage ,1.

,1 1 i nn Die mm ri' Is the pull of this great game. You are invited to come and Join the St. Petersburg Lawn Bowling i lub. It has a comfortable club-! house in which, on the few rainy HOTEL PONCE DE LEON i dreary (poetical) zo more pleasant 8 note of the aaata NOW OPEN New and attractive quarters to better serve you when you want information, literature, reservations and tickets. DC LUXE SERVICE to NEW YORK from Jacksonville or Miami A plesisnt nd sppeettfisr fouls by ate.

Attractive c-commodstioni including rooms with beds sr-d privste bsth. Orchestris. Dancing. Deck Sporft. MOM JACKSONVILLE.

IssdSr. Utu, ,4 Mfe Si P. cllmf lor lew hour it ChHiton. in a palatial Cunard Trans-Atlantic liner. You'll enjoy excellent accommodations, perfect food First-class service, luxurious appointments.

"On Tampa Avenue and Beach hashions Club House European, Modern, Moderate Kate Drice Wm. F. Mee, Owner and Manager a i 65c to $1.00 9 medium-sized vsr. DON CE-SAR HOTEL Pass a Grille Fronting Direrllj on the litilf OPEN DM. litis Thomas 3.

Roe. Owner 11. It. Churchill. Mgr.

IndTan whe has 33 member of the upper HOTEL MILLER jiti.f.MoW tt bl.ek and white w.hhlnn green tree of ilow $1.75 and $2.00 house of Congress amassed wealth ALA growth 12 Kneed Murk nothing inn be nlhrr limn thrv esSM in miK-hn or nievkin. 531 Third Avenue South Moderate Rales With or Without SHfe Near Heart of City G. Das is. Manager IV 4- coonng utensil 23 withdrawn as from union 25 neuter pronoun 27 fvet-like carnivore 29 web-like membrane 30 Supreme E. 45 ft.

of T.ot 1, Block 33, of Snell Hamb-lfs North Shore Subdivision, in the City of St. Petersburg. Florida, according to Plat thereof recorded In Plat Hook 6. Page 26. Pinellas County Records.

otherwise the allegations of said Bill of Complaint will lie taken ss confessed by said defendant. Tf Is further ordered that this order be piihlishe-d once a week for four ft) conseeutlve weeks In the St. Peters-bur Times, a newspaper published In Pinellas County. State of Florida. Dated this Sftih dsv of December.

A 1929 T. FRANK HOBSOV. Judge circuit Court. 86 nard malleable Thp fold-over collar tVlntr worn hy men who net tn Twice weekly sailings of the swter Cunarders linn APPLEGATE HOTEL 4. 7.

11. H. jnd cm ftOM MIAMI i Dec, J. Sd Sturdy thrtftr. Herewith is the solution to yesterday's puzzle.

bHIbIIBRMD3qiii 25c to 35c i- stss FI.IABr.lll SI.I.Ksj Pllth Arenae IHsn III I HI Hotel) Attmrtlse Bates TAMfA NtW ORLEANS from Ttmo4 Tucsdjrs M. THE SORENO HOTEL Modern, Fireproof, 175 rooms, earh with bath. A imine and Sere-ice tested and approved from past season, and again awaiting you. At the Yacht Basin on ISc.u lrive. Soreno Lund A Son, Owners.

Frank S. Dodge, Mgr. Mnnacers (FornierlT of iirot.nry Mew nnd -t i- i A I seam (j f. I i I it 4 A A ir Enquire Silk Socks, full Stenm Heat mm ir i j-ji if If i I CARONIA CARMANIA I ihninert. ft.

nn cry, to tlte highest and best bidder for I rash. on. Monday, the sixth (Bth) day of January, 1S30, the same being a legal sales day. between the hours of eleven o'clock A. and two o'clor P.

st the front door of the Court House at Clearwater, Florida, tbe following described property, situate in Pinellas County, Florida, to-wlt: Dot Twenty (20) of Rlock Eldorado Hills Subdivision, according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record In the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Pinellas County, Florida. Said land will be sold to satisfy said decree and costs of thla suit, deed to be given at purchaser's e-pens. Dated this 16th day of December. A. D.

l2t. FRANK M. HARRIS. Special Master, Raynard A Baynard Solicitors for complainants. The annual meeting of the stockholder, of the UoMr-McOuire, will be held st the office of the corporation In the Koyal Palm Hotel.

In the City of St Petersburg, Florida on January 15. 19.10, st 10 o'clock 'In the forenoon, for the purpose of electing I directors for the ensuing yesr. and to transact such other business as may properly come before said fknnrr. if Secretary-Treasurer Rates from $95 $Uiwt Mtsmi 4irtcl CmlnslnL. jDeing 32 plunges 34 obstruct 35 rt)cle i i .1 ,1 1 1 McQUADE IS CHARGED WITH ABUSIVE CONDUCT NEW YORK, Dec.

$0. (A) Affidavits alleging abusive conduct by Magistrate Francis X. MiHJuude were filed in the state supreme court today by Leo J. Bondy, treasurer, and Charles A. Htoneham, president of the National Inhibition company, owners of the New York bants.

Tbe affidavits were filed In support of Mr. Bondy's motion to include McUuade and Daniel E. Finn, county clerk -elect, a defendants in the suit which a group of minority stockholders in the company Iav brought against Kondy and Stoneham for accounting of of the company's funds. The group is headed by William" F. Kenny.

i-irisn ST. Mnields. Solicitor for Complainant iim wni, i it iii mug. i HOTEL BEVERLY A hotel of dialinefloa and harm for the dtseriminntins traveler, Delisht- fnl environment, convenient lK-n4ion. nnd eti-epttonal cuisine.

Ainen.an Finn A. L. Rsnrf Sfiwlerals Kates summer Hotel Colnnsbaa, Asbar; Park. H. t.

NOTICE OF ANNUAL STOCK HOLDERS MEETING element 38 bend, as under a weight 41 permit 43 energy or vim 45 part of the ear 46 religious ceremony 47 feminine pronoun 49 cry of the crow 61 unit of weight 53 -half an em 54- -negativ HOTEL PILLET For full particulars Csee Lcxdl Agrt of trie UNARD LINE Osily overnight service between Mistni and Hseaae, I January to AprN Through tlrtrti ind baggitr checked through flk to principal Brthraad waters polou I ric ogr cw. Spec I rites wht Kce-mae-'ed. CLYDE -MALLORY SUNSET HOTEL -The Home" West Central Asa. nt 7 lib St. s- it Pnsndene nnd Golf I AIo deep sea Ashing- ks nnd t.iilf ll.

Dining rnnm fares rlfy purl. Obi hett.rtifiil a Iriga Ussy. Uriia unit for dinner nstd enjoy the ssnmoanjj unet. I. t.

Osnter. MAVBFRRY. Manager X7 i gouuess oi agriculture 39 Biblical pronoun one who wonld destroy social t. Throughout Reasonabia Rtes The regular Annual Meeting of Stockholders of the Florida Mutual Building and Association, will lie held on Tuesday. January 14th.

1930. at 8:00 P. In Magnolia Hall, located at 441 First Avenue North, St. Petersburg. for the purpose of electing Directors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of any Othrr business that may prooerly come be-ief snld meeting Traesfer boos will close December 31 R.

W. GREENE 8wrttsrv. 25th Street gnd Central Avenue American oa European Steam Heat Room, with or without bats) 3' E. W. BIRO Manager I itPMuptoiSiE The naMronl for near nlth the nar-roner boai.m hlrt i.i," to 15.50 to HI Hats for Men $7.50 ERICKSON TRAVEL BUREAU PHONE 6331 CENTRAL AVE fiorina 1 1 3 -s it Ct ter.bwrg Tclenhont 4395 TROPIC HOTEL alined.

Corner street and Vint As. StiMlern. nerjtblas new thnasshmtt, Ktirosessfs sunt. A iilep elaner ta taeaitrrs nnd alt aWsratawn nrtisltlas step km-et in ptH-e. SIR, JSfXt ir I I lili it.

Stgr. rHoan For Space in This Directory Call 5101.

Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)


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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.