Tap Titans 2 - The Ultimate Tournament Guide - Idle Gamer (2024)

It is no longer possible to trick the Tap Titans 2 matchmaking algorithm into putting you in a lower bracket. But due to the way they generate the tournament ladders, we can still manipulate our way to success. Without wasting any more time, let us first explain how Tap Titans 2 places you in a tournament in the first place.

Tap Titans 2 - The Ultimate Tournament Guide - Idle Gamer (1)

How Tap Titans 2 picks your tournament opponents

The game calculates the theoretical maximum stage you can reach. This number may be higher than your actual maximum stage so if you keep getting put in tournaments that are way too difficult, maybe you need to strategize on your playstyle a bit more.

All ssorts of things are taken into account when calculating your theoretical maximum stage, your pet levels, skill tree, artifact bonuses, and even your equipment.

Tournament Matchmaking

In Tap Titans 2 tournaments, the matchmaking system utilizes a concealed value known as the “theoretical maximum rank” to pair players against similar opponents. The specific calculation of this metric remains undisclosed by the developers to prevent gaming the system.

By focusing on improving artifacts, equipment, and skill tree choices, players can enhance their theoretical maximum rank and increase their chances of facing tougher competitors. Keep in mind that winning tournaments requires a little bit of planning and time. We will discuss the ultimate tournament-winning strategy later in this guide,

How to trick Tap Titans 2 and get easy tournaments

The following things are taken into account when Tap Titans 2 matches you against other players:

  • Pet Levels
  • Skill Tree
  • Equipment bonuses
  • Artifact bonuses

Pet levels are permanent and manipulating the skill tree is rather costly. Selling your best equipment will hurt you even more, so we are only left with one option: artifact bonuses. The trick is very simple: don’t invest in any artifacts which might help you reach further tiers, until you join a tournament.

Tournament Strategy

In order to have the best chance at winning tournaments, you need to start strategizing right after a tournament ends.

  1. Stop investing your relics in artifact upgrades.
  2. The only artifact you should upgrade is Book of Shadows
    • The reason we only upgrade Book of Shadows is because it does not increase your maximum stage by any significant margin, but it does increase the number of relics you earn.
  3. Try to reach your maximum stage before joining the tournament, you have to prestige in order to join a tournament, so you might as well get the most relics possible for doing so.
  4. During the tournament, you should invest all your earned relics into artifacts which can help you progress.
  5. Prestige as soon as progress slows down, and invest into your max stage pushing artifacts once more.

Maximizing your damage in Tournaments

Before you prestige, take a look at your highest damage hero, this is the hero that is doing most of the work. This hero is also responsible for carrying you to your current level. Therefore, the most efficient investment for your progression is going to be this hero.

Always keep at least one equipment for each damage type. There are three damage types in Tap Titans 2:

  • Melee – Identified by an orange sword in the hero’s panel.
  • Ranged – Identified by a green bow in the hero’s panel.
  • Magic – Identified by a blue staff in the hero’s panel.

If the hero with the highest damage percentage deals Magic damage, then you should switch to equipment that also does magic damage. Similarly, you should use a pet that has the highest impact on your overall DPS.

Choosing the best pet for Tournaments

Choosing the best pet in Tap Titans 2 Tournaments is crucial to achieving a high tournament rank. The right pet can greatly boost your damage output and help you take down tough enemies more quickly. When selecting a pet, it’s important to consider the pet’s active and passive abilities, as well as its effect on your overall DPS.

With some trial and error, you will quickly learn that selecting a lower level pet will often have a much higher effect on your DPS as opposed to selecting a high level pet. This is simply because of how multipliers behave with one another:

  • 5 x 10 = 50
  • 4 x 11 = 44

So it is always a better idea to raise the lower multiplier!

How to best use your perks for Tap Titans 2

You can earn a lot of perks by participating in tournaments and these can help you grab that first spot faster than ever. The important perks for tournaments are:

  • Mega Boost – You can watch advertisem*nts to get this one, unless you have the no ads pass.
  • Adrenaline Rush – The most important perk as it speeds up your runs significantly by spawning titans faster.
  • Make It Rain – If you want to idle, then get at least one level of this perk. It upgrades your heroes automatically!
  • Doom – Another incredibly powerful perk that will help you push through those higher stages by increasing your damage against titans who refuse to die.

Should you buy perks for tournaments?

If your diamonds matter to you, absolutely not. You can get a lot of perks for free by simply participating in tournaments. It is better to save them for the tournaments where you need them most. Tap Titans 2 is incredibly generous with their rewards for participating in tournaments, it doesn’t take a lot of time to save up for the biggest bundles.

What should I buy with my diamonds in Tap Titans 2?

Titan Chests are the best bang for your buck. But you should not just spend your diamonds blindly, it is best to wait for a special offer that is enticing enough for your specific situation. Eggs, crafting shards, etc.

Some people also recommend picking up pets with your diamonds until they are at level 100. This makes their passive bonus as high as it can get, maximizing their potential for your builds. Once all of your pets are at 100, you can start spending your diamonds elsewhere without any FOMO.

Tap Titans 2 - The Ultimate Tournament Guide - Idle Gamer (2024)


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