The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

THE CO hi rt. LOUISV1LLK, i.jtMi -iSii, 25, 1939. Florists. lipncral. 1 1 Hambonc Says Rollin Stone Says- 240 Added State Upheld Charter Granted Frankfort.

Oct. 24 (API The Paducah Junior College Corporation, a nonstock concern of Paducah, was chartered by the Secretary of State today. The incorporators were Govriel L. Rosenthal. B.

G. Krueger. John Russell, Brady M. Stewart and Schultz Rigg. Farm Bureau To Observe 20th Birthday 33 Chapter Members Will I.e.

Honored SORRY 'BOUT PAT WAH I HAHS DEY'S HAVlNlBUT DEM folks awuz would GT UP 'fO' PASTT' STAHT A FKSHT BOOT SOMP'N Casscll Sues For Damages Inflicted By Bottle A suit for $5,061 damages was filed Tuesday in Circuit Court by County Police Chief Frank Casscll, against Robert Kipping, 30, of Carrollton, alleged wielder of a bottle which inflicted a wound in the Chief's head-Saturday at Manual Stadium. Kipping is facing in Quarterly Court charges of malicious assault, breach of the peace, obstructing public justice and resisting 'an officer. The petition says he caused an inch and a half wound in Cassell's forehead, cut his nose and broke his glasses. Cassell said he was scuffling with three "drunks" who were holding a fourth "drunk" aloft over the top of the stadium's south side as the stands emptied after the Kentucky-Georgia game when Kipping, a passerby, struck him with a bottle. The drunks fled.

The suit was prepared by James T. Robertson, attorney. The Jefferson County Farm Bu rrau will observe its twentieth anniversary at a dinner at 7 p.m. Friday at the Immanuel Evangelical Church, just off the Taylors ville near Doup's Point. Approximately thirty-five members will be awarded special buttons emblematic of twenty years membership in the organization, one of few of its kind which has been maintained uninterrupted for that length of time and the only farm bureau in the State banqueting twenty-year members.

Speakers will include Dean Thomas P. Cooper of the College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky, and Ben Kilgore, executive secretary of the bureau. The committee in charge of ar rangements includes R. O. Sims, Fred Stutzenberger and Henry Huflage.

Jobs Found for 662; Old Showing; Doubled More than twice as many per Hons were placed in jobs last month by the Kentucky State Employment Service as during the tame month last year, Harry S. Severson, manager cf the service, disclosed Tuesday. He cave the fiyres as 662 against 300. "One of the most encouraging phases of our work to us is that we have placed persons in 467 diversified lines of industry," he said. MONEY POIND STEELING GAINS New York, Oct 24 APi The local "ire" market price for the British pound overlapped the official range es-tablisned by the Bank England when the currency rose Tc today to (The Bank of England has offered to buy sterling $4 02 and sell at $4.06.) The Trench franc also Improved and the guilder was marked up notch in re lation to the dollar.

The belga cracked a bit further with loss of after several attempts at rallying from a price close to the year's low in recent foreign exchange dealings. Closing prices follow: (Great Britain In dollars, others in cents.) Great Britain, demand 4.013.: Great Britain, cables. 4.02' sixty-day bills, 4 nine-tv-day bills. 3.99'2; Canada, Montreal in New York. 89.56'4; Canada.

New York In Montreal. lll.bS: Belgium. 16.74: Den-nark, 19.33: Finland, 2.00: France. 2 2S. Germany.

40.20'; benevolent, 17.73; travel unquoted: Greece. 74''; Hungary, 17.60; Italy. 505: Netherlands, 63.11: Norway, 22.73; Poland unquoted; Portugal. 3.71: Rumania, .72: Sweden. 23.83: Switzerland, 22.44; Argentina fof-ficiall 29.77: Argentina (free! 23.51; Brazil (official) 6.05: Brazil (free) 5.10; Mexico.

20.75; Japan, 23.65: Hongkong, 2520: Shanghai, 8.75; Yugoslavia. 2.33. Bates in spot cables unless otherwise Indicated. 'Nominal. BANK PF.BITS SWELL.

Louisville bank clearing" Tuesday were reported by the Federal Reserve Bank as follows: 1938 1939 Day's clearing $5,428,615 Debits to individual accounts 5,093,355 6,414,190 Clearings year to date 1.293.821.020 1.418.282,630 DIVIDENDS Record Payable Date. Date. Statistics Tell Story Of Life In the City To Kentucky National Guard Increase Is Result Of National Emergency Frankfort, Oct. 24 W) The Kentucky National Guard, faced in the past with such emergencies as strikes, floods and election dis orders, has increased approxi mately 240 men in the last month as a result of a new one the limited National emergency proclaimed by President Roosevelt Allotted 415 recruits by the War Department after the President's proclamation, the guard's present strength is approximately 3,014, and its full quota under the allot ment is 3,233 enlisted men and 233 officers. Distributed Over State.

The recruiting started about Oc tober 1. Major Frank S. Lebknecher said the increase was "well dis tributed" over the State. The recruits, rather than form ing new units, are being abscrbed rapidly into existing ones which include three regiments of com batant forces and parts of medical and quartermaster's regiments The combatant forces are com posed of infantry, artillery and cavalry Report Not Complete. Kentucky's allotment of 415 was a pari or me in crease apportioned to the States September 22 by Secretary of War Woodring.

During the first week of recruiting, October 7, the net gain was ninety-nine. The follow ing week's figure was fifty-nine. Last week the net gain was eighty six. A few unit reports on recruiting for last week had not been filed. 1 Sentenced, 1 Probatec In Counterfeiting Pleading guilty in Federal Court to counterfeiting charges, Richard P.

Collins, 24, Asheville, N. a former convict, was sentenced to serve a year in prison and fined $100, and Wheeler C. Allen, 30, Atlanta, was given a year probated. Hearing the case a week ago, the jury was dismissed when it was unable to reach a verdict. When told the case would have to be continued to the Paducah term of Federal Court, the defendants changed their original not guilty pleas.

Both men contended they uiougnt tne coins were good. Derby Jockey Is Speaker. Roscoe Goose, who rode Done- rail to victory in the 1913 Ken tucky Derby, was guest speaker luesaay at an Optimist Club luncheon at the Kentucky Hotel. THE WEATHER a'-c "IS 11 JiNj CO .5" CO at -a- Stations. Abilene.

Texas 84 K9 Amarillo. Texas 82 57 .00 Atlanta. Ga. 88 .00 Boise. Idaho 58 4 .00 Buffalo.

N. Y. 45 29 .00 Cairo. III. 79 57 .00 Charleston.

S. C. 88 48 .00 Chattanooga. Tenn. 88 51 .00 Chicago.

111. 57 45 .00 Cincinnati. Ohio 72 42 .00 Davenport. Iowa 5" 42 .00 Denver. Col.

72 48 .00 Detroit. Mich. 51 38 .00 Dodce. Kan. 86 57 .00 El Paso.

Texas 78 57 .00 Galveston. Texas 84 73 .00 Helena. Mont. 21 21 Huron. S.

D. 80 .13 .00 Jacksonville. Fla. 85 57 .00 Kansas mtY. Mo.

87 71 .00 Kev West. Fla. 84 79 .00 Knoxville. Tenn. 85 57 .00 Little Rock.

Ark. 81. 59 .00 Los Aneeles. Calif. 88 63 .00 Louisville.

Ky. 81 5fl .00 Macon. Ga. 87 54 .00 Memphis. Tenn.

82 65 .00 Miami. Fla. 84 .00 Minneapoiis-St. P. 55 38 .00 Modena.

Utah 89 41 .00 Montgomery, Ala. 88 50 .00 Nashville. Tenn. 85 .00 New Orleans. I.a.

Rfl 7 ,00 New York. N. Y. 53 37 .00 Oklahoma Citv. Okla.

87 70 Omaha. Neb. 80 47 .00 Plkeville. Kv. 1 85 41 .00 Pittsburgh.

Penn. 54 39 .00 Portland. Ore. 48 42 .00 Kosehurg. Ore.

52 42 .00 St. Louis. Mo. 75 62 .00 Salt Lake Citv. Utah 73 53 San Antonio.

Texas B6 72 San Francisco. Calif. 81 55 .00 Santa Fe. N. M.

83 41 .00 Seattle. Wash. 48 38 .00 Sheridan. Wvo. 49 38 .00 Shreveoort.

La. 88 60 .00 Stearns. Kv. 85 .00 S. Ste.

Marie. Mich. 38 21 .00 Spokane. Wash. 44 43 Springfield.

111. 74 .00 Springfield. Mo. 85 61 .00 Vjcksburg. Miss.

88 62 .00 Washington. D. C. 58 49 .00 Williston. N.

D. 39 35 .00 Winchester. Kv. 83 .00 Winnemucca. Nev.

63 .00 METEOROLOGICAL DATA. (Official.) Louisville. Oct. 24. 7 a.m.

Noon 7 Barometer Temperature (dry bulbi Temperature (wet bulbi Dew point Relative humidity Wind velocity 29.98 29.96 50 71 .6 45 59 82 40 51 52 68 48 44 6 6 I GUe IT '9 JE9T MUMAM GIT9 PEADV TO COMPARE. OURSEt-VE9 WOW OTUeRi, WG ALWAYS CAkTq, AROUND FOR "TUAT A LOT TMAM VJG ARfJ IlearinaContinucd For Burglar Routed By Gas A hearing for a Negro docketed as Abram C. White, 23, of 641 S. 19th, who resisted police bullets and tear gas two and a half hours alter he had broken into the Unique Cafe, 1140 Dixie Highway, was continued to November 23 Tuesday in Police Court. The Negro went to jail in default of bond.

Although police fired at least twelve shots, it took the tear gas to break down White's resistance. Tossing his pistol out of a washroom in which ho had taken refuge, White, who suffered a superficial bullet wound in the scalp, surrendered at 5:15 a.m. Tuesday. He was slated on charges of shoot ing at without wounding, storehouse breaking and grand lar ceny. The gas routed a family of five from quarters above the cafe.

In an effort to get air, the Negro threw a beer mug through a front plate glass window and a mustard jar through a window at the rear. Ex-News Man Here 3Iaclc City Manager Ail Elgin E. Crull, 31, former Louis ville newspaper man. has been appointed assistant to City Manager James W. Aston at Dallas, Texas.

He is the sen of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Crull, 508 Whitney.

Mr. Crull resigned as City Hall reporter for the Dallas Dispatch-Journal to take the new job. He was a reporter here for the old Herald-Post following his graduation from Purdue University and the University of Missouri's School of Journalism. Deaths and Funerals Mrs. Delia.

E. Pitts. Funeral services for Mrs. Delia E. Pitts, 67, who died at 1:54 a.m.

Tuesday at her home on Blankenbaker Lane, will be held at 8:30 a.m. Thursday at the Barrett Chapel, 1230 Bardstown and 9 a.m. at Holy Trinity Catholic Church. Burial will be in St. Louis Cemetery.

She is survived by a daughter. Mrs. J. S. Waters, two sisters, Mrs.

T. J. Fincgan and Mrs. P. N.

Riney. Knox-ville, Tenn, and five grandchildren. Gabriel G. Farris. Gabriel G.

Parris, 28, of 602 Eastern died at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Jewish Hospital. Survivors are his wife. Mrs. Sylvia Parris; his parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parris; two brothers, David Parris and Arnold Parris, and a sister. Miss Dena Parris. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m.

Wednesday at his parents' home, 1380 S. Brook. Burial will be In Anshei Sfard Cemetery. George J. Littmath.

Funeral services for George J. Littmath. 49, of 804 Packard, who died at 4:50 p.m. Monday at City Hospital, will he held at 8:30 a m. Thursday at the H.

Bosse Son Funeral Home. BOO E. Rroadway. and 9 a.m. at Our Mother of Sorrows Catholic Church.

Burial will be in St. Michael Cemetery. Mrs. Sallie XV. Romer.

Mrs. Sallie W. Romer died at 5:10 p.m. Tuesday at the Christian Church Widows and Orphans' Home, 225 E. College, where she lived.

Survivors are a son, Edward a brother, John Wood-small, and a grandchild. Funeral services will be held at 10 a m. Thurday at the home. Burial will be In Ever, green Cemetery. Court of Appeals The Courier-Journal Frankfort Bureau.

Frankfort, Oct. 24. Court of Appeals of Kentucky, Western Division sitting: 78 Barr vs. Searcy et Trimble; affirmed. Judge Hee.

77 Black Mt. Corp. vs. Vaughn et Harlan; affirmed. Judge Rees.

78 Commonwealth on rel. vs. Tom Moore Distillery Company, Franklin; reversed. Chief Justice Ratliff. 79 Warren vs.

Blatt, Campbell; reversed. Judge Cammack. 80 Kramer et al. vs. Kramer et Kenton: opinion delivered dismissing appeal.

Commissioner Stanley. 81 City rjf Corbin vs. Weaver, Whitley; opinion delivered dismissing appeal. Judge Cammack. 82 Knight vs.

Pennsylvania Railroad, Jefferson; reversed. Commissioner Stanley. 83 Trescott's Administrator vs. Morrill. Jefferson; affirmed.

Commissioner Creal. 84 Pierce vs. Bringardner Lumerb Company, Bell; affirmed. Commissioner Creal. 85 Eastrldg vs.

Southeastern Greyhound Lines et Franklin; affirmed. Judge Perry. City of Corbin. vs. Weaver (January.

1937. judgment). Whitley; appeal denied; judgment affirmed. Llehowltz, vs. Alfred Brewing Distilling Company, Franklin: appellee filed notice, affidavit, and motion to docket, advance and submit.

Report of Board of Bar Examiners admitting Garrett M. Castle, of Gatliff. I Whitley County. Kentucky, to practice law in Kentucky without examination, approved and license ordered to issue. Ordered that court adjourn until 11 a.m.

Friday. May Come In? Pearce AND HIS GANG IN A 1RANO-NIW SHOW fA5T FASCINATING TONIGHT AMD lW 10S0 7am.WHAS AMO eOCU WtTWOWK TO TOU DOLE Pineapple Juice FUNERAL FLOWERS Reasonably priced: Darwin tulip bulbs, all colors: 60c dozen. W. L. PALMER.

FLORIST. Broadway At 25th. SH 0796. Cemetery Lots, Monuments. 6 Panke Monument Co.

Out of the High Rent District, 817 E. Jefferson, near Shelby. 186X CREMATION Free pamphlet. JA 7566. America Cremates 1.000 Every Week.

LOUISVILLE CREMATORY. 641 Baxter Funeral Directors. Albert Neurath Son Funeral Home. 725 E. Market St.

JAckson 1191. John H. Miller Funeral Home. Jefferson. JAckson 583Z 1617 W.

ST. MATTHEWS FUNERAL HOME John B. Ratterman. Jr. Carl B.

Ratterman. 3711 Lexington Road. BARRETT FUNERAL HOME 1230 Bardstown Road. HI 1758. BLANFORD.

T. A. 2815 S. 4lh. MAgnolia 0141-0142.

D. J. DOUGHERTY Sc SON MAgnolia 1130. 1230 S. 3d St.

H. BOSSE SON Broadway At Hanco*ck. JOHN B. RATTERMAN 2114 W. Market.

SHawnee 1243. LEE E. CRALLE INC 1330 S. Third St. McDANIEL BROS.

MAgnolia 1011-1012. 4339 Park Blvd. SMITH, GRAN SONS 1029 S. 6th. JAckson 4264.

THE SCHOPPENHORST BROS. Funeral Home. 19th and Market Lodge Notices. 8 Kilwinning LodRe. Numbet 506, F.

and A. will meet in stated communication in Shawnee Temple. 677 S. 401 this (Wednesdav evening. October 25th.

1939, at 7:45 o'clock, for regular business and examl nation of candidates for advancement Members are urged to attend. Visitors always welcome. G. G. UNDERWOOD.

Master, J. WELLER CHECK, Secretary. Mt. Zion Lodge, Number 147, F. and A.

will meet in stated communication in its hall, 1343 S. 4th. this Wednesday evening, October 25, at 8 p.m., for regular business and examination of candidates for advancement. Members are urged to auenn. visitors welcome.


George Lodge, Number 239. F. and A. will meet in their hall. Scottish Rite Tern pie, this I Wed dnesdayl evening.

at p.m.. in October 25 STATED COMMUNICATION Business meeting. Members of sister lodges and sojourning Masons fraternally invited. PERCIVAL H. COHEN, Master.

SAM MARCUS, Secretary. Travel Opportunities. DALLAS. TEXAS After November 1st. man driving car.

can take 2 or 3: help drive, share expenses: references exchanged. Highland 2285. WHERE TO GO Ditiitiej Dancing Recreation r7 nmltmentt COLONEL At the sign of the dancing lady on Shelbyville Road. Choice food, liquors. Orchestra week-ends.

Couvert Saturday 25c. DERBY INN Popular spot on Poplar Level Road. Good food, choice liquors at reasonable prices. Happy Merry Makerjs Orchestra Saturdays; EGYPTIAN TEA ROOM (617 S. 4th I Excellent food; luncheon, afternoon tea: spscial attention to private parties.

Halloween dance Saturday night, 9 till. WAbash 9905. EILER'S POPLAR INN Mixed drinks ouniry nam dinners ana sanawicnes-Come out and see me some time Poplar Level Road. KENTUCKY TAVERN Quaint atmosphere of Early American. Incomparable service.

Where famous foods share honors with finest liquors. 8th and Walnut NEON NITE CLUB 118th andMapie Now air-conditioned. Waltz Contest Sundav afternoon from 2-6. Bob McCarthy's swing band: 2 floor shows nightly. No cover charge.

REDMAN'S CAFE AND GARDENS iPreston and Lynn) Delicious chicken, fish, frog, country ham sandwiches. Whisky bythe drink. Mixed drinks. RIVERVIEW BAR 14th. Between Main and Riveri Genuine Italian spaghetti, ravioli, chicken, steak dinners; brer, sandwiches of all kinds.

We never close. Lost. 11 BULOVA WATCH Gold band; 19-stone cluster ring; Saturday night on Shelby near Eastern Parkway. Reward. Nancy Cam co.

2226 Shelby. JAckson6846. ELECTRIC GROOVER Carter, vicinity of 1344 S. 28th; means my job; reward. Call SHawnee 4963-M.

GOLF CLUBS in bag; reward. Call JAckson KEY CASE-Ormshy. North 1st tfTwent End; reward. MAgnolia 6MI3-R. SCOTTIE- Black, male: 'onJefferson7 twern Second and Brook.

Finder return to 115 E. Jefferron or call WA 2661. Reward. SCOTTIEBlack. male: vicinity22dand Jefferson.

Reward. SHawnee 3013. WATCH Gentleman's Elgin. 12 size, open face, plain gold case. Monday, October 23.

Reward. JAckson 4913. WRIST WATCH Lady 'sT fcloise on back; reward. JAckson 5429. after 5:30.

Information Tersonais. 13 We Buy All Metals GET HIGHEST POUND PRICES Spot cash: old. radiators, piping, fire escapes, fences, machinery, auto bodies, fenders, chassis, wire. rlnc. brass, alumlnus, etc.

Don't throw it away, cash II in. AMERICAN COMPRESSED STEEL. 30th and Slevln. Louisville. SH 7001.

NEWSPAPER MATS $1 for 100 i300 square feet: suitable for Insulating garages, attics, summer cottapes. chicken coops, etc. See or ohone Mr. W. Zoeller.

Mailing-Room. The Courier-Journal Times. NU-ENAMEL 1c SALE. With pint or more, get 35c can for lc. Sale limited.

Also see our toy display of NU-ENAMEL STORE. 655 S. 4th. BUSCHEMEYERS Prescription Twenty-Five, winning National fame. Pain due to rheumatism, lumbago relieved.

Your druiRist or vrite Heywood Laboratories. Lo'iisville. PRECIOUS old pictures copied: even if fad-d or otherwise marred; snapshots included: original pictures returned tust es we received them. Walton Jones Studio. Francis BldcJ DU RELLE-BRIDGE CLUB Kcnti'fiv Hotel.

Bridge tournaments. Ladie Mondav, 1 p.m. Open pair Fridav, 8 p.m Rubber bridge daily. JA 4957. BOARDING HOME wanted, within city limits: adequate space for 3 older girls Children's Agency, 554 S.

3d. Mattress. made from your old mattress. 1 day service. Riney MAenolia 4566.

CLOGGED SEWERS OPENED No diggine. Service guaranteed. Fleetric Roto Rooter 6677 PAINTERS SERVICFS wanted: must be good, in exchange for furniture. Write 107. care Sc Times.

U. FLGIN CHANDLER will repair your radio "while you wait." Brims in see it done. Open nights. 1390 lardstown Rd. TABLE CLOTH Crochet, hand made, laree sue: ecru.

MAenolia 4527-W. 1 24TH. 610 Hall suitable meetings. churches. Furnace.

SHawn1- with oil for lowest nrices. Merit Oil Service. 9117. Business Personals Services Offered General. 14 ALT ERATIO NSt othhom eTf oorsma new: 3c per foot.

SHawnee 40O(v NEED an automobile In your work? Look over the good used rsrs described in Classification 27 of The Courier-Journal or Times today. A to CONCRl.i'i- -walks, steps, drives basem*nts, porches; reasonable: estimates free. Abel Dew. HI 6773-W. ENGINEERING Make your ideas reali ties.

Design of special machines. i. vamp old machines, layout of production lines and conveyor systems: all types of engineering and drafting. BEImont 2447. Write Engineering, 39 James Rd.

TRNACES Cleaned, repaired; also parts for any make: work guaranteed. Cail W. Brown. SHawnee 4631. FURNACES cleaned $1.

Repairs: tnf make. T. J. Cook. Abash 7M.

FURNACE repairing, cleaning: parts for any make. r.rlckson.sHawnee isns-R. HARDWOOD FLOORS laid and refin- thed; 27 vears' experience. Summer-field, lflghland 0974. HAIIDWOOO FLOCKS laid new.

old floors refinlshed. Robert Carr. HI 3913. MATTRESSES REBUILT. $2.75.

new covers. Special on innerspring box mattresses. Duofold cushions. SH 3005-J. OLD DRIVEWAYS resurfaced with PRF- COTE; made better than new.

Cail Highland JA 8134 ALL MAKES radios and washers serv iced. Free estimates. Terms. MF.GLEMRY PAULEY CO HI --T7 Building Service. Repair.

IS CARPENTRY work, repairine and ad ditions our specialty. A. A. Thompson. SHawnee 6853-W.

GFNFRAL REPAIRING Special price on stuccos; free estimates; guaranteed terms. MAxnolia 0715 Furniture Repairing. 13 REPAIRING Refinishing, cabinets built in: wtisfaction guaranteed. Richard-wn. MAgnolia 3470.

REX Repairing, refinishing. upholster ing: chairs recaned; antiques rebuilt; work guaranteed. 1234 W. Market. A hash 5641.

UPHOLSTERING and furniture repair-free. Suite. custom Spencer, 2623 Cedar. ing: estimates made. E.

P. SHtwnee 1072. Laundering. 20 DAMP WASH Evervtning washed sweet and clean, rcadv to tron; 4o per pound. JAckson 5141.

Community Family Laundry Moving. Tacking. Storage. 21 PARTICULAR people call Fansdell Movers; special prices for next 30 davs: responsible white help. SHaw- CALL LARRY and have NO REGRETS: large vans, reliable help: same lour prices: sa 1 1 sf act ion gua ran teed.

MA 6683. RESPONSIBLE white movers. Pairied vans; prompt service. Dennison. SHiw- nee 6472; MOVING; DUVALL MOVERS Lowest possible prices: careful, experienced, men: large padded vans.

SHawnee 2932. MOVING Call Smith BrosT-forlowest prices that can be given: guaranteed i hel la ge va ns. SH 8T98-R. MOVING Reliable hilp. padded vans.

Sadler Williams. SHawnee 0697. Tainting, Tapering. 23 CLEANING, papering, painting, steaming; experts: reduced prices. SH 308.

DECORATING." papering, painting calk ing; best work, lowest prices ir town. See Hundleyfirst. MAgnolia li23 DECORATING $4 room. matenal. labor rurnished; 85-pattern selection.

SHawnee 5943. HOUSE PAINTING Paper hanging; 15a roll Mr. Dale SHawnee 4235-R. PAPER FURNISHED, hung, any siz room $4: painting: guaranteed; estimates. Graham.

SHawnee 5781. MAgnolia 6712-M. PAPER furnished, hung; 80 patterns: room; guaranteed: tarpaulins furnisned. Finn. JAckson 6987.

for samples PAPER FURNISHED, hung. $4. any room; guaranteed. Hafling. MA 5468-M.

PAPER furnished, hung, $3.85. Or hang your paper. SHawnee 1696-W. PAPER HANGING 12 "ac roll; worit guaranteed. Phone JAckson 8391.

PAPERING S4 room, complete; plaster-ing. painting, general repairing. JA 6902 Roofing. Siding. NATIONAL ROOFING Sc SUPPLY CO.

306 E. Main. WAbasn 1841. Genuine Ru-Ber-Old Asphalt Shingles, Aristo Brick. Eternjt Asbestor Siding.

OLD Leaky Roofs waterproofed Guar anteed buperlastie Roof Coating. JAck- son 0427. NEW ROOFS. SIDING REPAIRING Free estimates; guaranteed; terms. Moore Roofing.

Construction. MA 551L v. Automotive Automobiles for Sale. 27 AUBURN 1936 Sport Convertible Coupe-Radio, heator; swell: S50 down. KING AUTO SALES.

94 4 S3d: JAckson 192L CHEVROLET 1936 De Luxe Town Sedan; radio, new tires: $297; $47 down. KING AUTO SALES 944 S. 3d. JAckson 1921. CHEVROLET 1938 Master De Luxe Sport Sedan: $545.

STANDARD AUTO CO. 4lh and York. JAckson 2329 CHEVROLET 1932 Sedan; $97. KING AUTO SALES. 944 S.

3d. JAckson 1921. CHEVROLET 1938 Town Sedan. COOKE CHEVROLET CO. 3d and Kentucky.

$435, CHEVROLET 1931 De Luxe 4-Door Sedan- $39 down. We carry our own notes. Abbott Motor 943 S. 3d. CHEVROLET1939 Black be Luxe Snort Sedan Looks like new; bareain: $665.

Montgomery Aulo 2d Sc Liberty CHEVROLET 1934 Coach: $1277117 down. KING AUTO SALES. 944 S.JJd. JAckson 1921. CHEVROLET 1937 4-Door touring Leh-mann Auto Service.

Chrysler-Plvmoutrt Dealer. 3410 W. Market. SHawnee 4646. CHEVROLET 1938 Coach Trunk.

A-l: 30-day guarantee; $495: terms. Third, Jtreet Garaee. 623 S. 3d.JA 6147. CHEVROLET 1931 Cabriolet: $49.

KING AUTO SALES. 944 S. 3d. JAckson1921 CHEVROLET 1933 cmipe; special .15 Studebaker 1937 Sedan; radio 4: Hausman Motors. St.

Helens. SH 0696. CHEVROLET Touring tires. Looks good: runs better. Better hurry.

WAbash6526. CHEVROLET 1936 Coupe Only $295. Montgomery Auto 2d Sc Liberty, CHRYSLER 1938 Royal Sedan; overdrive; 15.001) miles; excellent condition; must sell by November owner. Highland 228j. 1 533 Rose wood CHRYSLER 1937 Royal Sedan: heater, overdrive transmission: excellent condition and only $565.

B. B. Motors, 749 S. 3d at York. JA 4431.

DODGE 1936 Coupe One owner; 25.654 miles: save on this. See Srhoo Motor Downtown Hudson Dealer, 634 S. 3d. Kno Schoo. DODGE 1936 2-door, trunk, new paint; $395.

F. SMITH MOTOR CO. 2filh and lliile. SHawnee 2244. FORD Tudor Sviellf $237; $37 down.

KING AUTO SALES. 914 S. 3d; JAckson 1921. FORD 1936 Touring Sedan Runs swell; $219; $29 down. KING AUTO SALES.

944 S. 3d. JAckson 1921. FORD 1937 "60" Tudor, hae good tire and runs good: see it where you can save. Schoo Motor Downtown Hudson Dealer.

634 S. 3d. Know Schoo. FORD 1935 D-- Lux Tudor; $40 down. KING AUTO SALS.

914 S. 3d JAckj-n 121. FORD 1932 $'' down. KING AUTO SLE3. 9(1 S.

3d. 191. FO RD 1 930 Tud or 1 59 down." weekly. Weiker's Lot, 335 E. Broadway, at Preston.

Coach Priced to s-ll. a-t ouick. V'HIPPI VOTOI CO 'nn FOHO 1927 "60" Tudor; Lvet terms. BURNS. 931 LA SALLE 1937 Club Coune New tires: excellent mechanical condition.

Call WAhssh 1563 or Highland "734 NASHT936Toiiring Sedan; trunk: Monitor sealed motor; new finish; good tires; a real buv: $365. Nash Iri'ns-ville 423 E. Broadway. JA 73TT 5T7bSMOBTLE 1935 Touring Sedan-Swell; $29: $39 down. KING AUTO SALES.

(44 s. JA-v-son PACKARD 1937 "120" Sedan: "radio, heater, trunk, new tires; looks like a new car and onlv $95. B. Sc Motors, Inc 749 S. 3d at York.

JA 4431. PLYMOUTH 1937 De Luxe 2-Door Tour, ing Sedan Radio, heater, white side-wall tires; low mileage; $445. PREMIER MOTORS, INC. 307 E. Broadway 1617 V.

Broadway PLYMOUTH. 1939 Road King Coach-Trunk, plain upholstery, good paint, knee action. Practically a new carj $535. Eline Chevrolet Co. BE12M: PLYMOUTH1937 De Luxe" Touring Sedan Swell: $75 down.

KING AUTO SALES. 944 S. 3d. JAckson 1921. In Penalties On Late Taxes Court Says Levies Applicable to Liquor Frankfort.

Oct. 24 (D The Court cf Appeals today upheld the State Revenue Department's con tention that penalties for delayed payment apply to the liquor production tax as well as to license taxes. In a suit to collect $11,810.63, representing a 20 per cent penalty and 6 per cent interest on it since January 12, 1937, from the Tom Moore Distillery Company of Bardstown, Chief Justice Alex Ratliff declared the General As sembly had provided penalties to insure prompt payment of taxes. He added it had used the plural, "taxes," in the penalty section ot the law, and also that that court saw no "reason why the Legislature would have thought it more important to pay one tax more promptly than another. The distillery had paid the 5c-a-gallon production tax on 915 gallons of liquor later than the legal fifteen-day limit.

2 Fined, 5 Released In Street Solicitation Taken in custody in a police drive against street solicitation, seven women were heard Tuesday in Police Court. Two, docketed as Edna Burch, 38, and Clara Whitman, 35, were fined. The others were released on their own bonds. They were docketed as Tula Sat-terfield, 25; Margaret Wilson, 36; Margaret Hack, 25; Pearl Watson, 54, and Juanita Scott, 23. A man docketed as Lemuel Roberts, 59, and charged with keeping a disorderly house at 626 S.

1st, was fined $10 on an amended charge. Three women police said were arrested at that address were freed on their own bonds. They were docketed as Pat Moore, 27; Rose Weatherholt, 34, and Helen Searce, 47. Jacob H. Walker, 91, 724 Camp, October 21.

nephritis. Pauline A. Witty. 83, 1039 Lynhurst, October 22, carcinoma. Ella B.

Yaeger, 664. 1629 S. 4th. Octo ber 22, coronary thrombosis. Etta Browning, 68, 1417 Catalpa, October 21, cerebral hemorrhage.

Criminal Court Grand Larceny Arthur Sullivan and Carrel N. Frazier, a year each, pro-bated. County Court Wills of Emma Schaffner. Jessie M. Wright and Herman A.

Hillenbrand probated. Lincoln Bank Trust Company appointed administrator of estate of Cora Whittier and John Dewberry. Alene Payne appointed administrator of estate of John L. Payne. Verda Weiser appointed administrator of estate of A.

G. Weiser. Suits Filed 262622 Citizens Union National Bank vs. Harry W. Goodman et on will.

Bruce Sc 'Bullitt, attorneys. 262632Flnra M. Kallaher vs. James P. Kallaher; divorce.

M. K. Yonts, attorney. 262624 Harry Christman vs. Belknap Hardware Ar Manufacturing Company; damages.

W. K. Beatty, J. B. Flaherty, attorneys.

262625 Helen L. Pluckebaum vs. Edward J. Pluckebaum; divorce. G.

J. Mayer, attorney. 262626 Laverna Jackson vs. Charles Jackson; divorce. W.

C. Brown, attorney. 262627 Helen Davis vs. Herman Davis; divorc-. J.

R. Wright, attorney. 262628 Liberty National Bank Sc Trust Company vs. William Briner et on petition. W.

S. Kammerer, attorney. 262629 Irene Weiler et al. vs. Erwin Weiler et on petition.

Al Marrett. attorney. 262630 Oliver J. Coleman vs. Louise B.

Coleman; divorce. W. C. Brown, attorney, 262631 Flnnette Zimmerman vs. City of 1-oulsville; damages.

Milliken Sc Handmaker. attorneys. 262632 Elbert Mark vs. Bruce Mack; divorce. Milliken Sc Handmaker, attorneys.

262633 Llllle Parfilt Kost vs. Earl D. Kost; divorce. Rush Nicholson, attorney. 262634 Frank Cassell.

vs. Robert Kipping; damages. J. T. Robertsonl attorney.

262635 Louis D. Treece vs. Louisville Railway Company et damages. R. C.

Stephenson, attorney. 262636 Liberty National Bank Trust Company: petition for advice. Edward Bloomfield, attorney. 262637 Abe Drake vs. Henrietta Drake; divorce.

F. A. Ropke. attorney. 262638 Paul Thompson vs.

Sallie M. Thompson; divorce. W. C. Brown, attorney.

26.839-Pelttlon for adoption. Anna Settle, attorney. 262640 Minnie Belle Maloney vs. City of Louisville: damages. Beckham Over-street, attorney.

262641 Transcript. 262642 Alene Payne vs. Evelyn T. Ferg; damages. Brent C.

Overstreet, attorney. 262643 A. W. Klusmeier vs. Louisville Neuropathic Sanatorium; damages.

T. W. Beale and Hubert Sirles, attorneys. 262644 Homer Rogers vs. Gladis Rogers; divorce.

Hume Evans, attorneys. Marriage Licenses George G. Griffin, 30, truck driver. Three Rivers. and Elizabeth A LaPorte.

27. Constantine, Mich. Clarence Lee Hess. 23. clerk.

3429 Rtratton, and Louise Rauechle, 25, 3613 Young. John Clifford Nash. 41. clerk, 213 Glendora, and Thelma Daugherty, 40, 1803 Bank. Horace K.

Killian. 67, and Jean G. Brash. 52. both of Barberton, Ohio.

N. Wyckoff. 39. salesman. Cincinnati, and Helen Burke, 34, Ludlow.

John A. Herron, 28, designer, 316 Cres cent and Sara E. Sprau, 21, 1329 Hepburn. Martin W. Bauer, 44.

manufacturer, and Leota V. Penrod, 40, both of Piqua. Ohio. Bruce 3. Campbell.

24, salesman, 122 N. Clifton, and Dorothy A. Bader, 22. 2546 Seneca Dr. T.V.A.

Engineer Studies Wharves Fred Foster, consulting engineer of the T.V.A., visited the City Hall Tussday to investigate the city's wharves and to collect data on their operation and income. He obtained the information from A. A. Beville, engineer. Department of Works.

Mr. Foster also visited the yacht harbor. He told Mr. Beville he is collecting the data throughout the Mississippi basin. On and after this date.

October 25. 1939. I will not he responsible for any debls contracted by my wife, Mrs. Lena Viola Uoode. (Signed) ROBERT L.

GOODE. 2502 S. Preston St. Pursuant to resolution of the Board of l)ii ec tors of United States llnnii Ac MorlKMiie Company of Kentucky, meeting of slocKholders of the company will be held on November 8. 1939.

al 1614 Kentucky Home Life Building at 2 p.m. to consider dissolution of the company. i HANK BUERCK. Secretary. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.

Sealed bids will be received by the Department of Highways at its office, Frankfort, until 10 a.m. Central Standard Time on the 17th day of November. 19J9, which time oids will be publicly opened and read lor the improvement of: JEFFERSON COUNTY WPGS 512 A(1B, the Louisville-TaylorsviUe Road. Underpass and approaches, Southern Railway at Jeffersontown. 1 he provisions of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935 apply on this proirc.

MINIMUM WAGE RATES APPLYING ON THIS PROJECT: Skilled labor, per hour. Intermediate grade labor, 80 cents per hour. Unskilled labor. 50 cents per hour, The attention of prospective bidders Is called to the pre-qualif ication re quiremonts and necessity for securing certificate of eligibility. The attention of bidders Is directed to the special provisions covering sub letting or assigning the contract.

The attention of prospective bidders is also called to the department's regu lation which prohibits the issuance of proposals after 4 p.m. of the day pre ceding the opening of bids. Further information, bidding pro posals, will he furnished upon application to the Frankfort office. The right is reserved to reject any and all hid. DEPARTMENT Or HIGHWAYS.

Tinted at Frankfort, Ky, October 23. 1939. 3J)c onricr2onnial Entered at the Louisville Postofftre as Mail Matter of the Second Class. flBSCRIPHON RATES BY MAIL. DAILY COURIER-JOURNAL.

1 Yr. 6 Mos. 3 Mos. 1 Mo All of Kentucky. Indiana and Tennessee $8.00 $3 00 $1.50 $0.50 AU other States 7.20 3.60 1.80 .60 DAILY AND SUNDAY COURIER-JOURNAL.

I Yi. 6 Mot. 3 Mos. 1 MO All of Kentucky. Indiana and Tennessee $9.00 $4.50 $2.25 $0.75 All other States 10 20 5.10 2.6S .83 Sunday courier -Journal.

1 Yr. 6 Mos. 3 MOS. I MO. All of Kentucky.

Indiana and Tennessee $3.00 $1.60 $0 85 $0.40 All other States 3 40 1.50 .95 .40 A single copy of any week-dav Issue mailed for 5 cents; Sunday mailed for 10 cents. Mail orders not accepted from localitie. served by delivery agents. RATES FOR CARRIER BFLIVFRY. In Louisville.

New Albany and Jeffersonvllle: Daily and Sunday Courier-Journal. 20c week: Sunday only. 10c. Daily Courier-Journal Sunday Courier-Journal, Louisville Times for 36c a week. All to the same address.

Outside of Louisville, New Albany and jeffersonville: Daily and Sunday Courier-Journal. 25c week. Daily Courier-Journal. Sundav Courier-Journal. Louisville Times, all to same address, 40c week.

CLASSIFIED ADS The Courier-Journal The Louisville Times Indexed for Quick Service Ads ordered by telephone are accepted from patrons listed in the telephone or city directory on memorandum charge only. Ads orderjd for eeven Insertions, but canceled before expiration date, are charsed at the rate earned for the actual number of days thev appeared The Courier-Journal and Times will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an advertisem*nt. Notice errors must be given in time for correction before next insertion. CLOSINC TIME. Classified Ads accepted until 9:30 m.

for The Courier-Journal: 11 a m. for The Lou iv tile Times; 9 p.m. Saturday for The Sunday Courier-Journal. Ads to appear in Sunday mail editions should be received by 9 p.m. Friday.

Announcements Deaths. BUM Monday, October 23. 1939, at Scoltsburg. Henry M. Blume, beloved husband of Ida Blume and brother of Clarence B.

Rout, of Louisville. Ky. Funeral October 25. at 2:30 p.m. from the home.

Interment in Scottsburg, Ind. CHAPPELL Passed from this life Mon day, October 23. 1939, at 6:45 p.m.. at her residence. Shepherdsville.

Mrs. Ella Chappell inee Shiveley). in hrr 53d year, beloved wife of Joe Chappell: mother of J. E. Chappell: survived also by one sister.

Mrs. Stranev of Cleveland, Ohio, Funeral Wednesday, October 25, at 2 m. from Shepherdsville Baptist Church, liurial la Hebron Cemetery. C'l'RRY J. Hugh Curry, aee 69 vears.

Mondav, October 23. 10:10. al 5 p.m. suddenly, at his residence. 2-7 S.

3d beloved brother of H. B. Curry. Funeral from T. A.

Blandford's Funeral Home. 2815 S. 4th Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment Eastern Cemetery. HARRINGTON Monday.

October 23, 19.19. at 3 p.m.. Julian S. Harrineton. a.e 64 years, beloved husband of Alice Wagner Harrington and brother of Louis K.

Harrington. East St. Louis. Illinois, and Mrs. Daisy M.

Richardson: uncle of Milton K. Harrineton of Fast St. Louis. III. Funeral Wednesdav.

October 25. at 2 p.m.. from the Chapel of L. D. Bax Sc Son.

717 E. Chestnut St. Interment in Cave Hill Cemetery. LITTMATH Monday. October 23.

1939. at 4:50 p.m.. Gedrge J. Littmath In his 49th year, 804 Packard beloved son of Matilda Hendricks Littmath. and the lale John Littmath: brother of Henry A.

Littmath, and Mrs. Stephen Reynolds. Funeral Thursday morning at 8:30 from the Bosse Funeral Home. 600 E. Broadway and from Our Mother of Sorrows Church at 9 o'clock.

Interment in St. Michael's Cemetery. MYERS Monday. October 23. 1939, at 3 a.m., at the Norton Memorial Infirmary.

Mrs. Mamie Myers (nee Hegii. age 42 years, beloved wife Russell W. Myers: devoted mother of Russell Jr. Survived also by her parents, Albert and Bertha Hofer H-gi.

and five sifters. Funeral from the residence. 107 W. Garrett Wednesday. October 2.

at 10:30 a.m. Interment in Myers Familv Cem.trry near Lebanon JuncM n. Ky. PARRIS At the Jewish Hospital. Tuesday.

October 24, 1939. at 4:30 p.m.. Gabriel G. Parris. aae 28 years, beloved husband of Sylvia Parris.

residence, 62 Eastern Parkway. Funeral from the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parris. S.

Brook. Funerel this (Wednesday) afternoon, October 25. at 3 o'clock. Interment in Anshei S'fard Cemetery. PITTS Tuesday.

October 24. 1939. at 1:54 a.m.. Delia Elizabeth Pitts Inee Malial. beloved mother of Mrs.

J. S. Waters. sister of Mrs. T.

J. Finegan, Louisville, Mrs. P. M. Riney.

Knoxville. also survived by five grandchildren. Funeral Thursday. October 26 at 8 :30 a.m.. from the Barrett Funeral Home, 1230 Bardstown and at Holy Trinity Church.

St. Matthews at 9 o'clock. Interment in St. Louis Cemetery. ROMER Tuesday.

October 24. 1939. at the Christian Church Widows' Home. 225 E. College at 5:10 p.m..

Mrs. Sallie E. Romer inee Woodsmall'. widow of the late George Romer. mother of Edward Collis.

sister of John Woodsmall, 1 grandchild. Funeral Thursday. Octi er 26. from the Home at 10 a.m. 1 iterment in Ever re-n Cmetery.

Funeral director, John W. Manning and Sons. In Memoriam. 2 BROYLEsCin remembrance of Leroy A. Broyles.

who fell asleep October 24, 1935. A lonely grave, where my darling lies. With the, shadow of death on brow and eves. What's wonder that anguish fills my breast. And saddens my days and breaks my rest.

Then heart be still and patient, wait. For soon will open the Golden Gate. SADLY MISSED BY MOTHER. rxiRA. Molvbdenum 1.00 11-3 11-10 Chain Belt .25 11-3 11-15 FESIMFD.

Crown Drug .05 12-5 12-15 Life Saver .60 11-3 12-1 ivrnrAstn. lAk Joint Pipe 150 fm) 10-31 Amenran Invest 111 .60 lq 11-15 12-1 t'nain Belt .25 11-3 11-13 Tl Wilson Jones .25 11-3 11-8 Piorh Bros. Tob 11-15 Byron Jackson .25 (q 11-15 Holophane Co. .25 11-15 12-1 Lake Oil 12'. 10-31 11-13 Lock Joint Pipe 150 "ml 11-20 11-30 Lock Joint Pipe 1.50 (m) 12-30 Lynch Corp .50 iqt 11-4 H-15 Nineteen Hun B' .12, (q 11-1 11-13 Patterson-Sargent .25 10-2S 10-28 Phillips Pete .50 (q 11-3 12-1 A.

Stein .25 I 11-1 11-15 Westinghouse Air Br 12-13 Electric Boat .30 11-23 12-8 Kresge .30 12-1 12-12 Life Savers .40 iqi 11-3 12-1 Norfolk Sc Western 2.50 (q) 12-4 12-22 Scrifl .25 11-14 12-1 Vnited Eng Sc Fdv Co .50 11-14 Building Permits John M. Hammon. frame addition to dwelling, 1916 W. Chestnut. $1,000.

Joe Hellmueller, brick veneer dwelling. 867 Minoma, $4,000. John C. Meyer, brick veneer dwelling, 939 Clark's Lane, $4,000. Real Estate Transfers (Fifty cents in stamps indicates IMM1 transaction or fraction thereof.) J.

J. Murphy to Theresa Murphy, wife of E. D. Murphy. 300 feet east side Keiser Court, south ol Greenwood, stamp 50 cents.

J. E. Mueller to F. L. Sullivan.

40 feet on west side of 36th. stamps $4. G. S. Cook to D.

D. Stewart, 51 feet northwest corner of 6th and Ormsby, stamps $10. R. A. Berndsen to C.

W. Morrison and M. W. Kelley, 135 feet, beginning 421.05 feet east of Evergreen Ave. stamp 50 cents.

Kentucky Title Trust Company, trustee to P. Taustine. 19 7-12 feet north side of Market, west of 2d. $1: stamps $3.50. J.

R. Graham et al. to Casper Von- Almen. lot in Shadowlawn Farms Subdivision, stamps $2.50. J.

L. Breitenstein to R. D. Samlers, lot in Audubon Park, stamps $2. J.

W. Bowen to H. K. Walker. 41 feet north line of Lee west of Peach-tree stamps $4.50.

J. S. Campbell et al. to G. H.

Zott-mann. 28 feet west side of Preston, south of Ormsby, $1: stamps $1.50. H. H. Millott to Herman Waldman.

45 feet west side 3d, south of Gaul-bert. stamps $2.50. Maude Dickerson to F. P. Carter, tract on Gilliland Lane, stamp 50 rents: Eva L.

Hartman to Irene C. Cahill. 24' i feet west side of 26th, north of Walnut, $1: stamps $1.50. G. H.

Zottmann et al. to J. S. Campbell. 30 feet southeast line of Midland, northeast of Bardstown stamps $2.50.

E. J. Calvert to E. T. Scott, 25 feet north side of Bank, west of 18th.

stamps $1.50. Henry Bickel Company to H. M. Walker, lot in ThornberTy Addition, stamp 50 cents. G.

W. Tucker to Avery Building Association, 23 9-12 feet on south side St. Louis, east of Dixie Highway, stamps $3.50. E. C.

McAnly to S. B. Beeslev. 40 feef center of Sherman Ave. in Camp Taylor, fl; stamp 0 cents.

H. A. Goodin to Lenora Tatum. east 45 feet of lot 31. Bell Court Subdivision.

stamp 50 rents. Elmer Whalen to G. Philpott. tract northeast Hunters Trace stamp: $1.50. G.

Philnott to Elmer Whalen, tract northeast Hufiters Trace stamps .1.50. Rirtl is Freddie and Anna W. Roberts. 2121 Lyons, boy. October 16.

Jim and Myrtle T. Hill. 253 E. Market, girl, October 18. Thomas T.

and Irene J. Carter, 834 East Main. boy. October 16. Lewis and Minnie B.

Lay, 726 S. 6th, boy, October 17. George W. and Lillian Knoop, 3417 Bank, boy. October 2.

John C. Oo-othy B. Pearl. 629 S. 2d.

boy, October 10. Pete and Mary Rose Thomas, 510 East Chestnut, October 10, boy. Charles A. and Marie H. Stoess, 1936 Portland, girl, October 20.

Earl J. and Agnes N. Flynn, 647 S. 41st, boy. October 9.

Thomas V. and Minnie H. Troxell. 2027 West Jefferson, boy. October 13.

Joseph William and Marv Meagher. 1815 Allston, girl. October 9. Herman and Rose K. Hulsman, 813 Mulberry, boy.

October 10. Willard and Anna Lee P. Snyder. 563 Kuste, boy, October 13. John F.

and Mary S. Louenberger, 339 East College, boy, October 14. Charles E. and Delia T. Phillips.

2703 W. Mrket, girl. October 13. Walter S. and Ethel M.

Manford. 715 Barret, boy, October 10. David and Mildred B. Perkins, 1010 Dumesnil, boy, October 14. Robert J.

and Aleen M. Lee, 320 W. Avery, girl. October 15. James J.

and Theresa S. Downs, Brownsboro girl. October 15. Deaths Michael J. Mundy, 35, Indianapolis, October 21.

Wilhelmina Balmann. 90. 1915 S. Preston, rear, October 20, arterio sclerosis. Samuel R.

Rogers, 53. 127 E. Amhurst, October 22. cancer. Roy D.

Potts. 57. Crestwood, October 18, carcinoma. George P. Motsch, 81, 3414 Bank, October 21, myocarditis.

Anna C. Baumhach, 75, October 22. 1001 Charles, carcinoma. Morris Hann. 56.

1433 Dixie Highway, October 20, coronary occlusion. Esther L. Benas. 73, 2007 S. 2d.

October 22. carcinoma. Theresa M. Smith. 54.

224 E. Magnolia. October 21, peritonitis. Thomas D. Dunlop, 70, 251 Dunlop Lane, Ortober 20, coronary occlusion.

Tilli- Carre. 69. 1623 W. Jefferston October 22, pneumonia. COTTON ti rnr.E i twaro.

New York. Oct. 24 (API Cotton future were steady on trade and local mpport today. Futures closed 1 to 5 points higher; Open. High.

Low. Close Pee. 9 01 9 n8 9 01 9 08 January 8 94 8 99 8 94 8 99 March 8 82 8 R8 8.B2 8,86 May 8 70 8.75 8 69 8 72 July 8.53 8 57 8 53 8.55 October (new) 8.31 8.34 8,30 8.31 Middling spot 9.35c. up 5 points. All Makes BOLD RENTED REPAIRED Louisville Typewriter Co.

Phons HA SOU 10 S. 4th St, Mon. thru KATE SMITH SPEAKS I Kate Smith knows what interests women 11 A.M. A NEW DRAMATIC SERIAL "MY SON AND A rnother. struggle to keep her child against unseen force, STeed and jealousy.

1:45 P.M. YOUR OLD FAVORITE JOYCE JORDAN GIRL INTERNE Love and ambition contend in this great romance of hospital life. NEW TIME 2 P.M. 3 State of weather Pt.Cldy.Cldy.Pt.Cldy Temperatures and Precipitation Maximum temperature. 81: minimum temperature.

50; mean temperature. 65: normal temperature. 56: departure for day. departure for month. 68: departure since March 1.

188: prevailing winds, southwest: mean barometer. 29.97: mean relative humiditv. 53: character of dav. Dart cloudy; total precipitation. 0: normal orerlpitation.

.07: departure for dav. .07: departure for month. 2.08; departure since March 1. 3.35. River News Louisville.

Oct. 24. 1939 (6 a Precip- Flood Pres't 24-hr. ita- STATIONS. Stage Stage Ch'ge tion I ft 1 Ift I ft irk.

r-nisourgn a Parkersburg 36 Pt. Pleasant 40 Dam No. 29 51 Portsmouth 40 16.7 10.8 24 0 99 12 9 9.0 13.2 10.1 89 17.0 9.8 10.0 9 6 9 3 6 9 5 9 1 10.0 9.3 9.9 9.3 9.1 5.2 4 8 02 0.7 Dam No. 33 50 1.0 0.2 0 1 0.1 Cincinnati 52 Dam No. 37 50 Dam No.

39 43 LOUISVILLE Upper gauge 28 Lower gauge 55 Dam No. 43 57 Dam No. 44 53 Dam No. 45 47 Dam No. 4S 41 Dam No.

47 38 37 Dam No. 48 T8 lam No. 49 37 Dam No. 50 34 Dam No. 51 40 Oam No.

52 37 Dam No. 53 40 Cairo 40 KANAWHA RIVER Charleston 34 KENTUCKY RIVER 0.1 0.3 0.4 o.i 0 1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 7 2 0.1 Frankfort 31 59 St. Louis 30 37 Memnhis .14 OS "icksburg 43 1 New Orleans 17 1.8 Decrease. Increase. River forecast: Madison.

0.2 0 1 2 1 0.1 Louisville Cloverport. Dam 45. not much change next twenty-four hours..

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.