The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 8 1922 YE RD STATE DETAILED RESULTS THE ELECTION IN THIS CITY VOTE ON REERENDA Attorney Governor Lieut Gov Secretary Treasurer Auditor Senator Congress Senator Censorship a 6 CO 3 sS a 3 3 a 3 a 'B 3 5 a 5 5 SB I 3 WARD 1 369 366 326 102 IS 399 4 ISO 34 9 260 205 326 143 32S 20S 510 110 108 451 84 119 129 ISO ISO 293 3 WARD 183 210 632 183 516 16 26S 131 284 187 185 374 15 6 456 31 565 435 160 209 161 6 452 566 259 417 I 241 179 10 181 1 10 145 176 147 519 195 300 291 17 901 39 86 286 889 139 WARD 19 191 12 181 218 23' 114 4 98 131 diise i Total 7 of Wil Nan Kep went OU 562 the 11 (Continued front irst Page) 130 35 45 1: Mr COUNCILORS 14 STATE SENATE church REERENDA VOTE ft Anthracite and Bituminous re I COAL of Mans of Taun MS Converse Co Taunton (Continued from irst Page) Warren of 254 221 6 10 13 16 Constitution Amendment River 4001 River 172 88 119 'Prohibition Enforcement 186 560 60 201 174 400 617 572 9 9 8 0 18 10 7 6 410 636 181 204 318 4 88 11 9 Coun cilor 708 511 the polls did the final re known until 20S 192 200 181 17 Harrison Ave 14 Main Street: 167' 173 133 i 1 I I 474 406 583 903 16 8 8 10 10 0 6 IS 8 140 111 and ing man igan 4 10 6 11 8 441 489 390 398 283 280 206 245 Clerk of Courts 176 206 ff I 162 219 124 14 7 141 113 141 7 6 5 9 I) 307 491 Republican Stronghold Turns Down Senator Lodge 1758 to 1 7 Lead 2S 40 County Com 114 3 87 129 169 553 562 396 458 643 346 Associate County Com 61 101 123 11L 119 163 262 223 276 457 363 393 Voluntary Associations 140 208 164 214 54 30 i 187 367 4 42 616 281 154 196 236 139 P5 320 294 fc85 339 126 181 292 198 336 322 100 149 494 330 120 90 236 313 296 296 491 419 200 293 307 298 288 529 502 183 350 183 180 264 340 3 780 Worthington St I'hone Wnlnut 280 S' 218 186 213 209 146 124 3 129 403 '262 109 232 333 413 157 76 THE DISTRICT fe ATTORNEY VOTE 55 54 53 9 Wright 1127 3 I 285 372 290 300 147 193 100 so 231 201 20J 412 90 309 141 514 678 618 612 States 401 320 257 319 a 3 04 66 110 166 1 Ward 7 WARD 2 547 521 6 40 68 88 31 536 355 318 495 145 120 234 298 250 195 156 197 636 442 393 No 906 District attorney 205 256 155 170 3 107 139 211 284 473 564 789 402 Reg of Deeds 62 50 44 65 490 415 594 10 12 11 16 3 536 313 302 482 618 929 49 165 45 465 26t 103 103 341 320 328 511 496 443 Si 745 531 15 451 398 352 133 182 case nd to ho has will be several 11 ijl ULtU WESTIELD GIVES GASTON MAJORITY 241 341 District Attorney S' a 421 308 308 308 138 182 104 114 368 318 315 776 598 235 194 231 265 203 197 202 200 I 6 50 2404 256 345 279 286 43 102 76 91 10 14 9 473 673 288 148 382 626 564 549 3 0 333 192 256 297 184 374 445 638 268 230 474 4S9 358 607 564 398 434 358 95 67 74 108 100 305 106 119 9 56 302 412 824 644 A Plan Charter 405 628 583 fcGS 740 532 437 385 543 863 296 397 806 626 364 209 181 31p 17 14 12 10 280 259 230 Boise nine of give for Republran crat 0J7 GOla votes in two Shipstead 253 and Mrs 183 155 194 239 239 211 229 236 249 328 300 233 376 345 198 399 490 688 303 151 438 463 HOUSE REPRESENTATIVES i 333 310' 273 MINE EXPLOSION DEAD TOTALS 80 294 99 SMITH GOVERNOR IN NEW YORK ELEVATOR KILLS BOY IN STORE 208 313 733 555 182 147 102 Smith hf Lincoln Rep White of North Brookfield liop Aldrich of Springfield Rep Elect cd Tvithnut opposition WARDS AND PRECINCTS 3 KLAN MEETING ENDS IN UPROAR 166 240 Xmejshnry Arlington Athol Barre Barnstable Billerica okfiehl Clinton 7ari 'Brookfield wtnn airhaven all River ramingham Card nor Hardwick ITrdson jkfarblehead Maynard i Nantucket New Braintree No Brookfield petersham Salem thbril're Sturbridge Wk Walpole Wellecy Wehthoro Brookfield 289 105 117 211 195 381 471 649 309 241 100 146 195 1949 237 13 3 10 8 156 279 308 267 337 631 563 530 159 174 193 170 665 262 130 269 328 283 477 421 269 270 269 161 153 166 268 10 17 6 11 165 64 117 191 171 8 10 10 iso 233 164 4900 5 6 190 388 471 067 290 141 8 475 356 336 343 OS 63 366 411 12 188 162 19 4 238 234 204 With one the vote for 2d district congress stands: Gillett (R) 13046 Ker (D) 10552 In Colorado Nov Official returns cost of passenger travel £kpk to Damascus 104 287 381 181' 318 309 265 Minnesota Returns St Paul Minn Nov 7 irst re turns from election to day came from Polla county where in the United States senatorial contest Kellogg received 16i precincts Oleson GO The vote Springfield out gives a lead of Wiight 21204 VOTE IN TWO WARDS PITTSIELD Westfield Nov 7 This Republican stronghold gave Gaston 1758 votes against 171 1 This was the first time since Senator Walsh ran for governor that a candidate running on the state Democratic ticket had turned the city against his Republi can opponents majority is 41 votes Other outstanding features of to Election were the cut of Tread majority over Cassidy which I was cnly 344 votes Daniel cut the Republican lead down to ln3 vote? for Brainerd He was run a close sec ond in total number of votes polled by a Democrat 'in this citjj by Mrs Alice Cram whose total vote was 1553 The motion picture referendum was defeated by more than a four to one vote The entire line of referenda fell before the onslaught of the peo ple with the exception of the refer endum to establish a board ef lay fire commissioners as an amendment to the city charter A last hour rush to reach the poll? before closing time brought the total vote of this city nearly ta normal At 1 there was hardly 50 per cent of th0 vote cast with ward 2 leading in the number cast The outstanding feature of contest was the perfect working Dem ocratic orgariizhtion The city fell short of normal vote when 3S61 votes totaled The Republican workers seemed unable to get working until late in the day ana then party ma chines that were supposed to carry voters to the polls were inactive 4 85 163 207 270 825 H10 126 130 209 307 275 211 The motor has cut In recent Beirut The surface of the sun rotate faster at its equator thano ti regions further north or south fA grain of musk will scent a roan for several years yet not lose rone millionth of its mass in year 163 468 351 54 15 8 107 2341 G7 18 Senator Gerry Re elected in Rhode Island Providence I Nov 7 With a lead of 4544 in 105 districts out of 194 Senator Peter Gerry of Rhode Island is deemed practically a winner over Livingston Eeeckman his Re publican opponent The remaining districts to be heard from are for the part Democrat strongholds and for this reason Gerry is neld to ba the favorite In the gubernatorial rpce lynn Democrat is making a strong race and holds the lead with returns in from 105 districts out of 1111 The count is: lynn Democrat 3S4G2 II Gross Republican 3 C53 Northwestern District Thomas Hammond of Northampton Rep te elected unopposed I 228 299 420 353 Hull Back from The first turnover gressional electionsnAscra when Cordell of the Democratic national commit tee was elected to the xlouse from the 4th district over Representative Clouse Republican incumbent Hull represented the same district when defeated two years ago 259 93 102 183 236 174 190 245 232 314 391 402 Denver from 73 precincts out of 14S5 in Colo rado give publican G403 Elections in Worcester and Eastern Districts Successful candidates yesterday for the state Senate in Worcester county and eastern Massachusetts districts included the following: 218 232 312 298 81 140 97 137 5 15 3 23 6 54 116 96 144 given the 181 261 744 546 427 311 32R 310 170 133 310 249 296 313 301 297 303 413 683 36 Healy of Natick Carey of ram Glazier of 157 280 307 264 United Gaston S96: Lodue Cox 539 itzgerald SS6 association referendum: no 752 Movinsr nicture referendum Yes 2G4 no 92u hibition law refeerndum: Yes no 89G dum: Yes 393 no G12 109 176 489 349 291 392 491 691 306 158 299 302 259 Senator: Governor: Voluntary Yes 2S9 censorship Pro 354 District attorney referen Drive It Yourself 1 Do you really know the Stuts i its mastery of the road its striking dependability and unprecedented freedom from attention and do you simply think you do?" £If you have not ridden in onebf if you have not taken the wheel yourself and seen hqjy quickly surely and easily the Statzi responds to your every need atd desire you cannot begin to appre ciate the remarkable advancement which it represents sorship found disapproval an immense vote in opposition being rolled up against it while the en forcement amendment also found op position that left little hope for it to suceed on the basis of later returns Stronger support was given the so called amendment ana there was an excellent chance that the final count would show the amendment to have been passed In local contests William Grady running on stickers was overwhelm ingly defeated by his opponents in ward 2 for representative Patrick Mitchell and John Granfield Julius Carman and Merle Graves fol lowed the political forecast in win ning from George Reed in the 4th Hampden district while Harold Redden lost after a good contest in the 5th to Arthur Littlefield Al though two precincts of his ward were still missing from the returns at a late hour rank Miffert was certain of election in the 7th Hamp den although Chester A Pike his opponent made an expectedly good run James Mulcare received strong hopes of victory as early returns piled up a large lead for him over the present District Attorney Charles AVright but later returns saw the lead cut into nothing and Wright seemed well on his way to victory at the last report 372 550 71 196 193 162 9789 10286 1196 316 17G 12561 9340 338 147 snoesenng 1 They defeated Thomas of Wrest Springfield and Sullivan of Agawam 113 41 76 85 93 319 208 228 Yes 297 No 995 I Prohibition' law referendum Yes rvr Yes Johns'on In California San rancisco Nov 7 Partial turns from 158 precincts scattered throughout California give for gov ernor: Richardson Republican G9SI Voolwine Democrat 4165 Ilorr So cialist 1 or United State senator 23 pre cincts 1095 Pearson Democrat 5G4 Need ham Prohibitionist 4 5 8 3 14 give: Johnson Republican Idaho Returns Idaho Nov 7 Returns from the 913 precincts in Idaho governor: Charles Moore i ii! A MHindM iipmn II Samuels 280 363 287 300 207 292 636 133 259 288 215 575 499 G89 1UL5 HARDWARE Co Carlifdr Bnildlnr 326 Main 81 19 1d2 700 83 26 854 9 4 program which Special 515 300 291 481 156 20' Cape and Plymouth fWilllam Look of Tis btiry Rpp 3d Suffolk fJohiT McCormack of Boston Dem 2d Essex Walter Creese of DanversrP 3d fJohn A Stoddart of Gloucers Hop 4th Middlesex Bliss of Malden Rep Re elected Elected without opposition A hand of about 200 Catholics Jews and Negroes broke up a' Ku Klux Klan meeting being held in the Arca num hall at Bayshore last night at which Rev Dr William Mahoney of Atlanta Ga imperial klokard of the Klan and another or ganizer were the chief speakers Tbs original audience of 50 were complete ly broken up by the disturbers Dr Mahoney attended a meeting at Turn hall in this city on the night rf October but that meeting yvas quite orderly notwithstanding the radical statements made According to Dr the crowd at Bayshore en tered as soon as he began speaking and he' denounced by an ex service 'man who condemned the Klan and characterized it as otic and un Members of the original audience hissed the cx servlce man and the trouble at xmee began Corporal Hackett and ITivate Joy of the' state police then entered and tried to make peace but the Invaders demanded the Klan be run out of town Hackett gave the opinion that the meeting should be allowed to proceed provid ed it progressed legitimately At that the disturbers left the hall but a few minutes later stones were hurled through the windows and the meet ing "was forced to adjourn Ohio Results Very Close Winning By the Associated Press Columbus Nov 7 Early unof ficial returns from election in Ohio indicated that the results may be close and probably undetermined until practically the entire vote of the state is counted These early returns from about one ninth of the voting districts showed Congressman Simeon ess Repub lican leading Senator Atlee Pomerene for United States senator by more than 5500 votes About an equal num ber ef voting districts showed A Lonahey Democrat leading Carjni A Thompsan Republican and President personal choice in the gu bernatorial race by almost 501HI votes The vote in 906 of the S1G7 precincts for United States senator was: ess 79730 Pomerene 7G033 Mrs Virginia Greene Independent 96! The vote on governor In 9S4 dis tricts was Thomrson '8O4J0 Donahey 8513G Tl ese tabulations included only 30 precincts from Cupahoga county (Cleveland) The vote favorable to adoption of the beer and wine constitutional amendment took a jump when 100 precincts in Hamilton county (Cincin nati) were heard from making the vote for the amendment 6444 and against 63445 on returns fromjG76 precincts New Jersey Close Democrats in Lead Newark Nov 7 With re turns from all parts of the state dragging slowly in indications at 11 tonight were that the results in New Jersey's senatorial and gubernatorial contests would be extremely close At that hour representatives of none of tho candidates would hazard a confi dent estimate of the final result Only 223 of the 2464 elec tion districts had tabulated their votes by that time These gave Sen ator relinghuysen Republican 915 and Gov Edwards Democrat 31 263 in the fight for the senatorial toga or governor the same districts( gave Runyon Republican 27515 and Silzer Democrat 30 442 Contest in Western District Between Charles Wright I Republican and James I Mulcare Democrat The detailed vote for district attor ney in the western district made up of Hampden and Berkshire counties between Charles IL Wright of Pitts field Republican the present holder of the office and Attorney James II Mul care of Springfield Democrat is given Jielow: BERKSHIRE CO Mulcare 1193 Alford Becket Cheshire Clarksburg Dalton Kgrrmont lorida Gt Barrington Hanco*ck Hinadale Lanesboro Lee Jjenox Monterey Mt Washington New Ashford New Marlboro No Adorns Qtfg Tern Pittsfield Richmond JSandisfield through on the complete returns Senator George Chamberlain fell far behind Joseph King in the state senatorial race on the early reports but came in strong toward the finish with every expectation that he would be again returned but with a discon certingly small lead As expected the general public took unkindly to the proposed Plan of local government every precinct witt the exception of ward 5 pre cijict A swamping the proposed ojlnnge under a vote of TAke referendum on movie cen 1 Snow of Tyngs of cf Springfield Motors Codih' nt New Hampshire Results in Doubt at Midnight Manchester Nov 7 With returns tabulated from half tfig state not including Concord which Democratic by about 1000 and Man chester where a Democratic major ity of from 7000 to S000 was esti mated the result for governor was believed at midnight to be in doubt "the vote was 26442 for Goodnow Republican and 24539 for Brown Democrat in 150 out of 291 pre cincts These towns gave Gov A Brown Republican a majority of 11500 two years ago Congressman Edward Waion Republican was re elected in the 2d district but in the 1st district the result was believed to be in doubt Republicans retain control of Legislature James Meaney Bundle Boy 1 at ound atally Crushed After Closing Time Last Night James Meaney 17 son ofr Meaney of 1141 North street wajj crushed to death by an elevator be tween the ceiling of the basem*nt and the first floor of the store last night Medical Examiner I rederick Jones said his pelvis was badly fractured and that here were other internal injuries Just what act the boy or cir c*mstaTnces did to place him in the position he was found legs protrud ing from the elevator floor near the basem*nt ceiling is not known since no one actually witnessed the acci dent Walter Labery of S88 State street the shipping clerk and John Murray the store buyer first heard agonizing groan? looked and were horrified at what they saw they said Clarke Poole treasurer and man ager of the store expressed consider able sorrow that the youth should have been the victim of so terrible an accident He recalled that in 12 operation of the Poole stores there had not been an accident' Because ot losses in stock in the shipping room die said he had given strict orders yesterday afternoon to Labery the shipping clerk that no work was to be done in the shipping room' in the basem*nt last night Labery how ever "had urged that certain pressing work be done and he had consented that he only should work overtime According to the account secured by Mr Poole the yoting Meaney boy had dropped into the store last night and had offered to help tie bundles Murray likewise had dropped In be fore going home to see Labery for a few minutes he said Mr Murray went upstairs for a time Labery back was said to turned when the accident occurred Just whyithe boy decided to board the elevator was not known to either La bery or Murray It is presumed he hoarded the car a new Bay state electric model and in some wfliy got too near its door Police detectives and Store Detec tive Walter Eastman will continue an investigation today Young Meaney leaves besides his parents three sisters and other rela tives His body is at HITCHco*ck CONCEDES DEEAT IN NEBRASKA Omaha Nev Nov 7 Senator Gil bert Hitchco*ck tonight conceded the election of his Republican oppon ent Howell Republican na tional committee man In congratu lating his successor the senator said that he estimated Mr major ity would be 22000 or more 436 497 568 Last Bodies Removed rom Reilly Tunnels 32 Mihers Were Rescued By the Associated Press Spangler Ta Nov 7 The Reilly Coal mine swept by a gas explosion yesterday morning was cleared of its dead today Rescue crews late this afternoon brought out five todies believed to be the last in the workings This Drought the total of known dead to 80 Thirty two miners were rescued 112 In Mine at Time of Explosion Officials of the company declared that a re check of their records made it practically certain that 112 men were in the mine when the explosion place The total of listed sur vivors includes six miners who were in the cage when the flood of gas and smqkQ issued from the mouth of the shaft The total dead includes the three miners rescued alive who fialed to regain consciousness urther search of the headings was made tonight Mine officials and rescue men realized the possibility ihat one or two men might have en tered the mine yesterday without reporting to their boss All miners listed as missing have been accounted for however Arranging unerals Preparations for the funerals were being made tonight Identified bodies were removed from the morgue as quickly as they were claimed Com pany officials notified widows and relatives tliat they will take charge of funeral arrangements if desired" A number of bodies will be burled tomorrow Most of the victims CMlwxikis and their pastors Successful candidates yesterday for tho House of Representatives in Worcester county and Ristern Massa chusetts districts included the follow ing: DEMOCRATS MAY ELECT TICKET rdVl lr1 fl i ITO16I I Gillett Leads By About 2d00 Votes Chicopee and Northampton precinct of Springfield miss Western Massachusetts Contests or Legislature The Republicans carried all but a few of the legislative districts tjiey held last year in Western Massachu setts Ref Elisha Hooper ot Buckland Republican was the victor over Charles Dole of Shelburne Inde pendent in an interesting contest in the 1st ranklin representative It was minister against business man and tlie minister won by a majority of 782 Representative Pond of (Sreenfield Republican was easily re elected In the 2d ranklinrtistrict his only op ponent being John liegeman Socialist The contest for representative in the 3d ranklin district between Charles II Ashley cf Deerfield Re publican and Selectman Jerome Shea of Montague Democrat was won by the fortner by a majority of C18 Mr Shea's home town did well by him but the district is too strongly Republican to give even a popular Democrat much of a chance The1 victory of Representative Charles II Shaylor of Lee Repub lican over George Goussett of Lenox Democrat was sufficiently emphatic He had a lead of 610 That loyal Republican district the 2d Hampshire which includes the hill towns "of the western part of the county did not change its political affiliation yesterday but elected Judd of Southampton Republican by the big lead of 1273 over Edmond Gareau of Huntington Democrat The lively contest in the 1st Hamp den representative district between 5r O'Connor of Palmer Democrat former repersentative and Representative Bradway of Monson Republican tyas won by the former by a majority of 330 Willaim DuBois of West Stock oriage uepuDiican deieated veteran Great Barrington attorney Joyner Democrat in the 6th BerKsnire district stood by their candidate and Great Barrington Mr Joyner Mr 545 Representative Wilbraham and former Selectman Scptt of West Springfield Repub licans won easily in the 2d Hamj Two Democrats Break Into Iowa Des Moines la Nov 7 red Hageman Democratic congressional candidate from the 3d district on a light wine and beer platform was leading his Republican opponent Robinson nearly two to cna on early reports In the 2d district early Returns gave Coqk Democrat 4069 and Harry Hull Republican Elsewhere in the state Republican candidates for Congress had com fortable leads in fragmentary returns Republicans Win in Old Vermont Montpelier? Vt Nov 7 Returns from 209 cities and towns out of 247 in the give: or governor: Proctor Republican 41456 Jackson Democrat 13532 or senator: Greene Republican 38309 Mayo Democrat 10615 Returns from 82 cities and towns out of 114 in the 1st congressional district give: leetwood Republican 13275 Kennedy Democrat 10SS0 Returns from 110 cities and towns out of 133 in the 2d congressional 31 1 20 Wi EASTERN MASSACHUSETTS AND WORCESTER COUNTY ilm PLANS COMPLETE IN MURDER CASE for governor: Griffith lle 6824 Sweet Democrat Evidence Will Be Given to Grand Jury Tomorrow or riday in New Brunswick Double Slaying New Brunswick Nov 7 A definito Deputy Attorney General Mott has evolved fob the presentation before the grand jMry of the evidence con cerning the murder of Rev Edward Hail and Mrs Eleanor Rein hardt Mills was made known through An authoritative source today The lease vill be either Thursday or riday if was said More than two dozen witnesses will be called Indictments will be asked1 for next Wednesday Three indictments will be asked for it is now declared One will be sought against a woman the ethers against two men according to In formation believed highly authentic and all will be New Brunswick resi dents The authorities were inclinei today to place little creaenca in the story ot lorence North counsel for Charlotte Mills daughter of the slin woman who advances the theory that hired assassins committed the murders They believe that some of the wit nesses recalcitrant so far will con tribute greater light upon th wncn oetore tne grand jury this end nearly everyonew beeh mentioned in the case called to appear in addition to new witnesses The vestrymen of Dr will be called before the jury it is known and the servants of the Hal! home Janies Mills husband ct the choir singer and Mrs Jane Gibscn self styled also will be called 4 Pau Coupe $3490 factory 'i Wright Leads cr District Attorney for district attorney with Chicopee and Pittsfield District Attorney Wright 2378 The vote stands: Mulcare 1S826 iltli fl'red Loro Rfn 12th fRobert IL Holden Sblrle Rep 13th Loring Young AVestoit Rep 16th Middlesex Corbett ioweu ucui 17th Middlesex fEdward Eames of nilngton Rep 1st Arthur Jones of tucket Rep 9th Norfolk George Peirce of Medfield Ren 6th Plymouth Barrows Carver Rep 4th Suffolk fJohn McCarthy of Boston Dem: fTames Mellen of Boston Dein Gth SuffolK tAndrew Boston DemfJames Hayes of Boston Hem fJohnH Loonie of Boston Deni 9th Hickey of Boston Dem tJoseph Toomey of Boston Deni 11th Suffolk tliugtj Garrity of Boston Dem fWalter It Grant of Boston Dem 2Gth Heffernan of Boston Rep Dem 2d Herman Pehrsson of Gardner Rep Elwin Thompson uf Templeton Rep 5th Worcester Valmore Tetreault of Sonthbridge Dem Gth Worcester rancis Cassidy of Web ster Dem 14th Worcester fEdward Moor of Worces ter Rep 16th Worcester fCharles Kelley of Worcester Dem 17th Worcester George oley of Worces ter Dem 21st Worcester Brooks of Wor cester Rep 22d Worcester fSIater Washburn of Worces? tcr Rep Re elected Elected without opposition LODGE WINS CITY IN CLOSE IGHT The following were eiecied members of the council five dates having no opposition: Pist 3 tGeorse Curran of Boston Dem 4 ICIiarles Burrill of Boston Bep ft 4tI'I1 I 4 0 7 tlohn A 8 francis Re elected Basjarlitle for Good Cookingnr i I SEE i THE WAGNER Steam Pressure tf 1 Make the toughest meats tender and tasty in less than' half the time needed for usual cooking DEMONSTRATION On the Long Hard Pull PISTONS and BEARING'S CONNECTING RODS appreciate OILZUMa Lubricates Best by Every Test THE TARBELL i i WATTERS CO Inc GoAn nl SnoerlorltT I 15S 160 162 Chesjnul St4N STUTZ MOTOR tAR COMPANY of AMERICA Inc Indianapolis Indiana 1st Edwnrd Hincklet of Barnstable Rep 2d tThomas Nldkerson of Har wich Rep 3d Smith of Provincc 2d Bristol fEdward Robinson fieldRep 36 A Higgins ton Rep 5th Bristol frank Guillo of Rpo Gtli Douglas of Acush net Rep 10th lam Conroy of nll River Dem: fEdward Harrington of all River Dem 11th Bristol Thomas Crowther of aH River Rep Ernest A Lnrocqueof all Rep William ThomasJ Jr of all Rlyer Rep I 1st Dnkos tJrnest Dean of Chillmark Rep 2d fRichard McCormick of Haver bin Rep Essex Abbott of Andover Rep 15th Janies TL Bentley of Swarpp srott Rep IGth Essex Cflbkscy of Marblehead Rep Essex Pepin of Salem Repu 18th Essex Bates of Salem Rep 221 Essex fJohn A Hawson of Gloucester Rep 23l Essex fjolm LHch of Newbury Rep 21th Essex fTimothy Donahue of New bifryport Ik 1st Kelleher of Cam DrKlgfr rClIl Gth Middlesex lein 7th Middlesex Ingham 10th Middlesex Hudson llep 12881 8617 Majority for HAMPDEN CO Agawam 233 den or district Sheehan RlnrAnrA uuiutaii vi CXII1 Democrats by substantial pluralities The vote was Warren 3362 Scott 4031 Sheehan ISOS Sullivan 1387 Representative McCullogh of Adams Republican succeeded in win ning re election in the 3d Berkshire district defeating James Kernalian Democrat by 173 Lawyer Howard Republican was too much for Lawyer McMahon Dem ocrat in the representative contest in the 12th Hampden or Westfield dis trict His election was won by a na jority of 454 Theri will be no senatorial toga for DeWitt DeWolf of Chester hill Democrat but he made a good fight in the Berkshire ijampsh*tip Hampden district Representative Dexter 'A Snow of Westfield wins promotion to the Senate by a large majority 334 179 8576 12813 294 313 13131 7478 13099 7365 11104 8259 12470 7480 district give: Dale Republican 20232 Wilson Democrat 5349 representative figured conspicuously in relief ac tiviues arranged to conduct the las: rites of the church in two smail cemeteries where a number of volilii teers are digging graves tonight Preliminary to an investigation determine if possible the caute o' the explosion mine experts spen considerable time in the working today They confirmed declaration previously made by company official that the men who escaped fronvlli headings owe their lives to the faO that the force of the explosion fbiiii a double outlet Sheffield Stockbridge Tyringhani Washington Worthington Stockbridea Williamstown 200 Windsor 8 Attorney A (Continued from irst Page) for governor itzgerald cov ered the state in his usual hurricane manner make charges right and left seemingly never tired and made his well known eloquence as a campaign count for' the most wherever he appeared Campaign Well Managed Gaston's surprisingly good showing is largely credited to able work and a well financed campaign Never has Massachusetts seen a Democratic campaign better handled Because of the large vote close contest anl tho fact that in a number of the cities and towns not close until tonight suit is not likely to be the last vote is counted Unstinted praise is women on all sides for their display of real campaign ability They had regular attendants about the polling booths to afford all necessary inform ation to women who were puzzled by the ballots and had automobiles fly ing between homes shops factories and the voting places (Continued from irst Page) ceed the late Senator Thomas Wat son She was the first woman sena tor but never took her seat Tennessee in the con came in Ten Hull chairman the lev Gth The small towns even did not stand by lead was I I OlS STun A 8 i 563 443 8 357 319 2 14 5 286 317 6 7 4 2996 316 5 10 6 168 293 3 12 1 130 318 4 10 3 159 266 4 13 0 134 548 9 17 107 542 1 2 1 147 07 1 3 1 6 284 166 3 6 5 304 116 2 10 6 270 162 0 4 2 551 10 4 1 5 1 315 309 10 10 7 291 283 5 14 4 487 210 4 16 6 406 293 3 11 4 635 1 3 15 573 117 3 13 10 571 211 1 8 13 185 168 6 9 2 259 224 5 6 4 773 117 1 3 2 556 132 0 5 1 477 253 6 11 5 411 233 4 10 6 581 245 3 17 1 896 231 6 17 17 203 209 4 11 2 391 189 6 15 4 482 209 0 5 17 671 280 13 15 10 289 266 4 6 6 143 243 10 2 1 24S 313 '261 '378 'll 347 285 353 280 5 267 291 271 286 258 303 270 i 287 11 143 256 131 266 8 104 258 J06 256 3 128 219 124 237 3 120 483 125 480 5 07 47R 95 483 2 140 08 145 09 0 235 186 266 160 3 258 133 280 114 2 225 185 243 153 7 453' 258 506 203 1 6 285 283 298 6 277 260 277 6 435 231 450 200 7 315 318 381 279 3 543 180 616 llf 4 497 173 543 118 9 480 254 537 179 9 156 170 170 155 5 216 240 243 210 5 646 206 721 135 4 482 178 530 134 7 441 265 454 245 fl 376 275 403 109 9 531 259 542 241 11 802 311 876 219 11 343 443 239 f74 535 113 413 373 328 337 580 560 156 429 287 353 250 513 499 129 394 294 337 264 507 481 143 373 200 339 353 337 98 284 155 320 108 316 298 107 168 288 126 310 286 03 253 219 535 105 490 461 03 462 196 523 99 450 436 100 408 154 126 124 218 218 64 170 276 193 255 401 303 130 270 272 153 261 386 367 176 209 249 177 216 383 343 148 231 418 251 468 664 653 266 413 283 320 299 511 496 156 369 287 303 278 490 474 145 371 433 253 433 633 614 200 435 378 338 361 605 591 308 408 475 144 4 590 696 682 560 76 434 145 540 661 655 284 355 445 228 527 704 674 310 391 109 6 13 4 146 314 258 129 333 93 8 13 12 317 213 81 349 125 6 14 4 153 263 217 100 313 114 9 16 1 137 531 284 05 567 97 5 4 0 109 539 263 78 544 129 4 5 1 138 113 108 134 123 231 24 10 3 273 182 335 260 185 235 34 8 2 286 1 4 235 270 154 220 9 5 2 295 182 330 216 20Q 411 66 3 9 499 211 595 488 258 31 15 2 308 331 406 361 239 19 15 8 283 310 400 257 334 214 140 846 344 338 501 272 157 376 197 356 260 270 143 365 195 317 266 240 145 485 317 333 421 278 143 501 277 376 408 ll 46 117 237 44 1 461 182 237 417 429 236 514 211 253 473 429 316 520 186 51 277 81 246 150 208 70 380 157 297 255 201 204 625 434 389 647 182 174 469 330 314 480 274 156 51 I 293 390 415 223 139 473 262 332 385 265 175 611 341 429 538 319 '290 766 570 501 783'' 194 68 292 129 212 194 200 159 380 273 268 342 195 217 430 347 306 450 313 224 686 456 457 608 315 89 440 176 241 211 40 11 59 294 112 469 289 438 64 1 633 458 298 39 278 368 572 550 211 359 275 534 331 497 755 736 257 485 813 318 803 1073 1057 424 607 584 193 220 180 35 314 98 267 125 339 214 372 516 506 201 331 265 395 237 448 616 607 268 369 361 576 323 620 881 854 303 568 415 276 264 276 470 411 131 359 190 162 251 121 301 292 63 268 79 Blandford 13 Brimfield 26 Chester 78 Chicopee oncmeadow IO'! Granville 22 Hampden 41 Holland 2 llolyoke 7301 Jxmgmeadow lit "Ludlow 330 Monson 333 Montgomery 9 Palmer 949 Bussell 49 Southwick 27 Springfield Tolland 4 Wales 12 West Springfield 1064 1516 Vilbraliam 74 Totals Malority for I Totals for the district 1 Majority for Association Censorship 1'es No Yes No C99 560 485 1436 1308 1600 708 436 r53 1223 122 205 324 559 274 317 772 352 382 259 715 ICn 61 142 144 993 1564 692 2617 48 55 40 93 59 52 128 4S1 824 307 739 655 3IS 279 IOOS 3526 10979 4C18 15878 1754 1360 1003 2936 1 0S 897 829 2112 160 180 108 234 710 47 595 1217 366 390 190 711 SS5 531 610 1426 31 1 455 310 831 224 81 190 233 38 9 18 39 335 186 239 477 94 31 93 56 3001 3878 2290 6490 88S 1511 558 2448 104 77 2 163 1481 1020 89'4 2388 555 417 397 785 071 1207 420 1802 1067 394 534 1336 Cl'S 280 367 8C 122 66 73 173.

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Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.