What Does Financial Success Look Like? (2024)

What does financial success look like? Financial wellness month: how financial stress is changing the way Americans define success.

A big salary used to be the primary indicator of financial success for Americans, but that’s not the case anymore.

When Northwestern Mutual asked Americans to define success in a recent survey, having a big salary didn’t even break the top five answers. Instead, nearly half of the respondents agreed that being financially prepared for the future is the best sign of success.

What Does Financial Success Look Like in 2020

Financial success looks a lot like financial wellness in 2020. Not being stressed about finances, having enough money set aside for unexpected expenses and being able to retire when you want to are key indicators of financial wellness, financial preparedness and now, financial success.

Many Americans have a long road ahead of them to achieve their definition of financial success. A new survey by KeyBank identified some of the common money missteps they’re making. Twenty-five percent of Americans confessed to impulse buying. Over 30 percent admitted they don’t have any savings set aside for emergencies. More than 20 percent copped to not contributing to retirement savings.

The good news is 60 percent of Americans are ready to take steps to prevent future money mistakes in 2020.

3 Steps Towards Financial Wellness for 2020

These are the three steps Americans plan to take to get their finances in order and avoid further money mishaps:

  1. Identify and prioritize “needs” vs. “wants”
  2. Determine a monthly budget and revisit on a weekly basis
  3. Educate themselves through financial literacy courses

Financial wellness programs that allow for self-assessment, provide access to budgeting tools and a library of resources employees can use to educate themselves on various financial matters, like Best Money Moves, can help employees take steps towards financial wellness in 2020.

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What Does Financial Success Look Like? (2024)


What Does Financial Success Look Like? ›

Not being stressed about finances, having enough money set aside for unexpected expenses and being able to retire when you want to are key indicators of financial wellness, financial preparedness and now, financial success.

What does financial success look like to you? ›

Financial success, on a holistic level, is about more than just accumulating money and being financially stable. Success, for most of us, fosters a sense of well-being and peace-of-mind. Setting goals on the foundation of what is important to you and your family will help to accomplish this.

What does financial well-being look like? ›

It's not just about being stress-free, but also feeling in control of your financial future and meeting your needs. Achieving financial well-being means having the confidence to handle unexpected expenses without stress, and it's more than just having money.

How do you determine financial success? ›

Remember, financial success is not determined by the amount of money you make, rather how comfortable and in control of your financial situation you are.
  1. Establish goals. ...
  2. Evaluate your current financial situation. ...
  3. Create a spending and savings plan. ...
  4. Establish an emergency savings fund. ...
  5. Seek advice and do research.

What is the key to financial success? ›

Managing debt is crucial for financial success. Avoid consumer debt, pay off education before making large purchases like a home, and recognize the difference between productive and wasteful consumer debt. A shared financial outlook and planning in marriage can contribute to financial stability.

What are the three keys to financial success? ›

Three keys to financial success are: Always spend less than you earn. Avoid splurging. Invest the rest.

What are 3 steps to financial success? ›

Get started on path to financial success with these three steps: determining budgets, tracking spending, and creating realistic savings goals.

What is financial well-being summary? ›

Being financially well means you can meet your current and ongoing financial obligations, feel secure in your financial future, and are able to make choices that allow you to enjoy life – in other words, financial freedom.

What are the traits of a financially healthy person? ›

Those who are financially healthy are successfully managing all aspects of their financial life. They have good to excellent credit, a handle on debt, an emergency savings fund and are on the right track for retirement.

What are the 5 steps to financial wellbeing? ›

Five Steps to Improving Your Financial Situation
  1. Know your numbers. Before you can determine which areas of your financial life are going well and which may need a tune-up, it's critical to have a solid idea of where you are today. ...
  2. Reduce spending. ...
  3. Start an emergency fund. ...
  4. Pay down debt. ...
  5. Save for your best future.

What does success look like? ›

It means setting a clear direction for myself and working hard to reach that destination. It is about the finish line and enjoying the journey. Success is about progress, learning from mistakes, and ultimately feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment in what I have achieved.

What are the first 4 steps to financial success? ›

4 Steps to Financial Success
  1. Step 1: Know Your Numbers. Comparing your income to monthly payments will help you budget for savings. ...
  2. Step 2: Protect What's Yours. Insurance is the best defense against the unexpected. ...
  3. Step 3: Fund Your Future. How do you see your retirement? ...
  4. Step 4: Build Your Wealth.

How would you describe your financial personality? ›

Personality traits

Savers are debt averse; they pay off their mortgage early. Spenders: People who want to enjoy their money now and worry about the future later. They don't save much and tend to borrow. Sharers: Those who want to share their money with family, friends, charities or their community.

What does it look like for you to feel financially secure? ›

The most common signs of a financially stable person include having little to no debt, being able to make and stick to a budget, having a healthy amount of money in savings, and having a good credit score. Financially stable people tend to see their net worth increase year over year.

What are the five steps to financial success? ›

Five Steps to Improving Your Financial Situation
  • Know your numbers. Before you can determine which areas of your financial life are going well and which may need a tune-up, it's critical to have a solid idea of where you are today. ...
  • Reduce spending. ...
  • Start an emergency fund. ...
  • Pay down debt. ...
  • Save for your best future.


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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.