Springfield Weekly Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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Springfield Weekly Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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LOCAL NEWS THE WEEK Springfield and Vicinity Important administrative and per changes will be made in the Spring field public schools if pro posed recommendations aie ap proved oy tne gcnooi uoaru ai meeting riday it was revealed Tues day They will include eight pro motions in the higher ranks of thesystem including the election of an assistant superintendent of schools Central high a nJ State street junior high school will be united Mr and Mrs George XX' Hillier of 31 Willard avenue will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary by re ceiving their relatives and friends in formally at their home Sunday aft ernoon and evening from I to 10 Mr and Mrs Hillier have lived in Spring field for 22 years They came here from lorence where they were mar ried October 22 1S84 Mrs Hillier before her marriage was Miss Mice Lonsden Mr and Mrs Hillier were were born in England Mr JIilli lias been associated with the lien dee Manufacturing company for 22 years Beforontlw he was with the Corticelli Silk company at lorence tor 20 years He is a charter member of Phoenix lodge of Odd el lows past grand also past master of Miles Morgan Ancient Order Of United Workmen The couple are memlx rs of St ICpiscoiwl church They have one daughter Alias Mabel Hillier at home this morning The child sustained a fracture of the skull and other in juries and her condition at the hos pital today was reported as very poor Slo is under the care of Dr James Bigelow Holyoke Oct 12 An extortion case locally has come to light in which the victim said to be as prominent man of thy cityihas been blackmailed of $35 or more by young man about 21 years of age and a juvenile The lat ter was brought to the police station last night and will be arraigned in court tomorrow charged with delin quency Holyoke Oct 11 The appointment of special museum committee is bringing in gratifying results im portant donations hating been made recently to the Holyoke museum in addition to the magnificent gifts of Atty a Green and rank IL Met calf Holyoke Oct Word tta ic eeived in Holyoke just before 130 this morning of the need of assistance at the big Westfield lire in the Alar coullier lumber yard and the 2 2 2 alarm vias sounded as with part of the apparatus missing new coverage of the city is necessitated Chief Hurley assigned two pieces of Hol yoke apparatus to the fire Pump 4 from Mmmt Toni in charge of Lietit Arthur Walsh and Pump 2A of South Holyoke in charge of Capt Koger Coffey Chief Hurley accompanied the tire lighters The hotels of Springfield have banded together in the interests of the Community Chest campaign for the first time this year according to tut announcement from Chest head quarters Monday Charles Shean president of the Springfield Hotel men's association has appointed James Brown manager of the Worthy hotel chairman of a special committee to organize the hotels for the industrial solicitation for the campaign Local patronage of the air mail service since the new schedule was inaugurated the first of the month has been disappointing to date to postal and air line officials Records o' ail mail shipments from the city during the past week reveal that the amount of mail leaving the city by plane averages only about 10 pounds a day or less than three pounds for each trip The highest price in five years was paid Monday at Hilltop farm Suf field Ct for a Guernsey bull when XX' Sills of Alfalfa farms Tops field purchased Douglaston Piince Koya! owned by Capt Hugh Barclay of ulaski A's with a bid of $650 The auction held at George Hen model taini bn cglit in a total of $26300 for 13 netd of cattle con signed by five farms Negotiations are under it ay by which the city will receive payment of some $75000 in 1031 taxes from Hotel Chai les and it was learned re cently that this payment probably would be forthcoming within a month The Hotel Charles has been operat ing under a receivership for some time past and the receivers are mak ing arrangements for paying up the back taxes Although it had been half seriously suggested recently that the hotel could be operated as a new city home if it weie taken over the city has no desire to take such action HAMPDEN COUNTY HOLYOKE Holyoke Oct 16 The outstanding order at the half hour's session of the board of aidermen tonight was in troduced by Alderman Osgood and called on the city traffic commis sion to investigate and study the traffic conditions on Northampton street between Kenilworth and the Whiting hill "which may well be called murderers' the alderman stated at the conclusion of his speak ing on the order He called attention to three bad accidents including one fatality within the past few days there and said that he did not know that there was a traffic cotnmissiou until he called on City Clerk John Sheehan It was learned that the traffic commission consisted of Mayor Henry Toepfert the chairman of the board of public works city en gineer member of the board of aider men the city marshal Judge John Hildreth of the district court mem ber of the planning board member of the parks and recreation board and city solicitor Holyoke Oct 16 ollowing the news that the Springfield Handbag company proposed to move Its local plant to its new location at Syracuse unless the strike was settled by Thursday' Mayor Henry Toepfert busied himself this atternoon in arranging for a conference in the hopes that removal might be avoided Representatives of the strikers and the company together with one ormore members of the state board of conciliation and arbitration will meet in the mayor's office Thursday morn ing i Holyoke Oct 16 Announcement was made today that J'v Ronald Tainblyn pastor of the irst Congre gational church is to be formally in stalled over that church November 11 There will be a session ot the Hamp den County association in the after noon for examination followed by supper the installation exercises tak ing place at 745 Rev Mr Tam blyn took over the pastorate Septem ber 1 of last year coming here from Chapel Hill Holyoke Oct 15 Important details for aiding the Community Chest drive were made tonight at a meeting of the "Women Crusaders at the home of Mrs William Dwight Mrs Arthur XX'illiston presiding AX'nrd orsraniza tions with a registration of between 3000 and 1000 people are to be one of the bulwarks of the drive Holyoke Oct 15 Superintendent of Schools XX'illiain Deck this morn ing said that there would be no ap pointment ot a physical director for the X'ocational school Recently it de veloped that the students in the trade school manifested a desire for an ath letic program to include basketball and baseball The school department concurred with their desires but Supt Peck says that either the pres ent physical instruction corps will pro vide the instruction or the teachers in the trade school must assume the direction of athletic activities Holyoke Oct 12 Injuries resulted today to two persons after two auto mobile accidents at the corner of Main and Appleton streets about 1220 and the other at 11311 on the North ampton highway near the Colonial illing station where a car out of control went up an embankment and turned over Holyoke Oct Ralph Burnett of the general offices of the American Paper company assigned to the Chicago Office of the companywas feted by his associates tonight at the Nonotuck at a farewell dinner and presented a Gladstone traveling bag He is to assume his new duties Monday Holyoke Oct 12 Jeannette Healy 12 of 12 Hamilton street is at the rovidence rhospital a dangerous con lition as the result of being struck by a machine at the intersection of Biidge and Hamilton streets at 730 Holyoke Oct 1 1 Despite the fact that the valuations in Holyoke have been reduced approximately $20000 000 the past few years the tax rate is the third lowest of the state and about $9 less per thousand than the average throughout the state New ton enjoys the lowiTt tax rate S2660 and Gardner comes next with $2750 The average tax rate has increased $2 a thousand since 1933 while Hol I yoke's tax rate has been reduced $2 Chelsea with a tax rate of $1310 tops tiie list of high tax rates Part of the increase in average rate of taxees is based on the paring down of val uations by cities that did not pare down their expenses to correspond Holyoke Oct 11 Plans for the 13th annual Community' Chest campaign are maturing rapidly according to an announcement by Mrs Margaret A Green general chairman today The dates for the campaign have been set for November 13 to 22 The open ing meeting will be held at the Nono tuck hotel Tuesday evening Novem ber 13 Noonday report meetings will be held Thursday November 15 and Monday and XX'ednesday of the fol lowing wei with the final met tings scheduled for the evening of Thurs day November 22 Holyoke Oct 11 Secretary Conrad Hemond of the Holyoke Chamber of Commerce said today' that he had reason to believe that the Mabson Silk company would continue its pres ent operations in this city Holyoke Oct 11 ounder's today marking the 99th anniversary of the organization and the 111th anniver sary of the birth of the founder Sir George Williams was observed to night by the A with open house an 1 a program for a gathering that filled the large building The ERA band played Holyoke Oct 10 High was the praise of Howard Conant principal of Holyoke high school today on the new traffic control system to permit pupils to cross Sargeant street be tween Beech and Pine streets for ses sions in the high school proper and the high school annex and which was inaugurated today Holyoke Oct 10 The Unitarian church will conduct a public forum consisting of six lectures beginning November 4 The subject to be dis cussed is the new social order The following committee has been named to arrange for the lectures: William Howes Richard Lin sort Miss Jennie Baer Allen England and Bartlett Jr Holyoke Oct 10 Edward ortier Il year old son of Mr and Airs Jos eph ortier of 261 East Dwight street who fell from the roof of a four story building yesterday died shortly before 1 this morning of a compound fracture of the skull and internal injuries The lad who had been playing on the roof of building jumped from one building to another In repeating the jump he missed his distance and fell to the yard He was removed to the Provi dence hospital where he died early this morning WEST IELD Westfield Det 16 This city is Jo have its new highway on Main street although the emergency7 finance board of the state threw the proposition down early this spring An announce ment has been made that the work is included in a federal allotment for highway improvement in this section Thy amount is to be $55000 XVest field oct 15 The loss at the Marcoullier Bros lumber yard lire early Sunday morning was set today nt about $60000 Insurance represent atives and fire officials are checking the loss XXesttield Oct 15 The Girl Scout council opened its drive for funds to day with a quota set at $SOO Mrs Allyn is chairman of the committee in charge and her committee consists of Mrs Richmond Minor Mrs Harrv Maschin Mrs Charles Smith and Mrs Ralph Rogers PALMER Palmer Oct 15 George Hunter of Wales paid a fine of $20 in district court this morning for snunng birds lie was arrested on the 7th at Mon son near the Connecticut state line by Game Warden John XVhyte as sisted by Game XVardens Anthony Zu kowski of Ludlow and Edward XVTaight of Connecticut Palmer Oct 12 Mis Julia Agnes (Sullivan) Landers wife ot Edward Landers of ranklin street South Bel chertown near Bondsville died at her home about midnight last night after a short illness She was born at In dian Orchard the daughter of Patrick and Margaret Sullivan She had been a i etident of Detroit Mich coming with her husband to Bondsville four ears ago XVILBRAI1AM Wilbraham Oct 15 Alls Nellie (Harvey) Brewer ife of Charles a Brewer died tonight at her home on Stony Hill road after an illness of several: weeks A native of Worcester MrsBrewer had been a resident of Wilbraham for 16 years Besides her husband she leaves a sister Mrs Mar garet McCoy of Winona ft Minn The funeral will be held at the home Thursday afternoon at 2 Rev Howard Orr pastor of the United church of hich Mrs Brewer was a member officiating Burial will be in Adams cemetery LUDLOXV Ittdlow Oct 14 Gordon Merkle Son of Mr and Mrs Oswald Merkle of! Hubbard street' will start his duties ns director of the Ludlow Ath letic and Recreation Tiirs Mr Merkle has announced that a tentative plan for the activities of Li? 2 the has been drawn upml in cludes business men's gym classes from 5 to 630 on Tuesday and Thurs day nights 'Die younger boy groups will use the gym on the open nights from 630 to 730 730 to S3o will be the older group's turn Classes will be heMein the American Red Cross life saving methods as well as classes in learn Illg to4vvim CHESTER Chester Oct 14 A group of KKAZ workers is completing the task of cleaning the reservoir this week end It was started last Sunday but when the water was drained the place was found in such condition that it was apparent several days would be needed to do a thorough job NORTH AM North Oct t4 The an nual meeting and election of officers of the American' Legion auxiliary was held recently at the home of Airs Ruth' Ellis Airs Ida AI Hill who for thepast two years hns been the unit treasurer was chosen president for the coming year Airs Hill has been an active member of the unit and has at all times worked untiringly to make any affair which "the organiza tion undertook a succors HAMPSHIRE COUNTY NORTHAMPTON Northampton Oct 16 The North ampton Rotary club has voted to sponsor the ERA project calling for the construction of a Boy Scout log cabin at Look Memorial park Northampton Oct 16 Latest re ports from the Society fur the Preven tion of Cruelty to Children show that $1701 has been collected to date to ward a goal of $1500 which is neces sary to carry on the work for the nextv ear North impton Oct 16 and means of coritroling the Hood vvaters of the Connecticut river will be dis cusser! at a public hearing at 2 Tues day afternoon the 30th at the county courthouse annex Northampton Oct To think as God thinks so far as is possible to man to act toward others as though prompted by such thoughts is the key to solution of problems of personal re lationships and to the difficulties of international relationships said Aliiriel Lester of London founder of Kingsley Hall scti lenient house addressing a Congregational women's state meeting at the Edwards Congregational church today The meeting was held under the au piees of the partment of wom work of the Alassachusetts Con gregational Conference and Alission ary society Northampton (Tuesday) Oct 16 ire of unknown origin early this morning swept thiough the Lincoln sti eet grocery store and meat market doing damage estimated to exceed S15uu Joseph Anusicwicz the owner ami his wife discovered Hames shoot i high in the sky when they re turned home after attending a wed ding celebration at AVhite Eagle home Northampton Oct 15 our in grained hosiery plants Including the Propper McCallum plant in this city have been granted a special conces sion regarding working hours under the NKA code it was learned tonight Northampton Oct 12 The presi dent of tiie Hampshire Business and Professional Women's club ALiss Ella Howard has appointed the follow ing committees: Program Bertha Keye chairman membership Affnes Doherty Alaud a Salomon Ella Elder and Gertruda Ben way finance Alar guerite' Hawks Elizabeth Thompson Ann Dennett Helena Keiber and Lil lian Ruder publicity Alargnret Ryan Clare Cook Alary7 Lamport and Agnes Malley education Elizabeth Genung Mary Brewster Alary Garvey and Hazel Ross Northampton Oct 12 Howard XV Hosford who recently resigned from the chairmanship ot the board of water commissioners and from the board because of the ''interference of would be politicians in the city coun cil" has announced that he will not: reconsider At the last meeting of the city council the financial affairs of the board were adjusted by ap propriations and transfers sufficient to carry on its projects and the hope was expressed that tile chairman of the board would reconsider his resig nation Incidentally many words of praise were spoken for the service of Chairman Hosford who has been a member of the board 21 years and chairman eight years a Northampton Oct 11 The annual meeting of the Northampton Girl Scout council was held last night at the Ala use The follow ing officers were elected: Commissioner Airs Arthur Warner first deputy commissioner Mrs ChiMs second deputy com missioner Airs lirker Dordcn sect tary Mrs XV Gray treasurer Airs James Abbott assistant treasurerMrs Adams who will also act as chairman of the Scout thrift shop Northampton Oct 10 James Kel ley of 61 Cherry street suffered a fractured skull this afternoon when he fell from the rear ot a machine owned and operated by Jeremiah O'Connell of 6 Maple street lorence "At midnight his condition was re ported as being unchanged at Dick inson hospital his name had been placed on the danger list Northampton Oct 10 Police re ceived a call tonight reporting that a man was lying in the road on Smith street a short distance from Alaple street They found a young man bad ly7 bruised and took him to Dickinson hospital Dr George Boucher treated him for bruises about the face and announced that he was not seriously injured The man was sleeping when police took him to vthe hospital and was continuing his slumber late to night It had not been known at mid night whether the man had been struck by an automobile or not He will probably be in court in the morn ing on a charge of drunkenness Northampton Oct 10 Alayor James Boland ERA administrator has received an alotment of $1118 for an ERA project for improvement of Ala ple street It is estimated that work will be provided for 42 men during a of eight weeks The ERA pay roll for the week ending the fourth amounted to $57JS divided among 105 men and wompnl: Tho pay roll of the first week of operation of the mattress "factory amounted to $507 There are now 4 employes at the factory HADLEY i South Hadley Oct 16 Throughout the world there is on foot a vast mass movement of the people to bring about effective disarmament both physical and mental said Miss Muriel Lester speaking at Mount Holyoke college on international affairs yester day afternoon under auspices of the Teace club AMHERST Amherst Oct 16 Stimson trarvey '38 of Io Spooner road Chestnut Hill has been announced the winner the Porter admis sion prize given annually to that member of the freshman class who I receives the highest average mark in special examinations held during the first four weeks of the college year in subjects already studied in high or preparatory schools at tended Deerfield academy and is the fifth Deerfield boy in succession to win this the most coveted scholastic honor of the first year men Amherst Oct 15 Miss Mary Harrington 60 died this afternoon at the Dickinson hospital in Northamp ton following a long illness she was born in North Amherst August 9 1S74 the daughter of Arad and Nancy (Hubbard) Harrington She was edu cated in the local schools and gradu ated from the Amherst high school bhe had lived in Amherst all her life and was employed as a librarian at the North Amherst library before became a branch ot the Jones library She had also been assistant in the North Amherst postotfice under the late NtWvton Crossman Aliss Harring ton was a member of the North Con gregational church and had been very active tn its work She leaves a niece Mrs Dorothy Savage of Vt one nephew "Elliot Tavlor of Shelburne and several cousins in this vicinity The funeral will be held XVcdnesdny afternoon at 2 in the North Congregational church Rev Gustin of North Amherst officiat ing Burial will be the North Ant lierst cemetery Amheist Oct 15 Speaking infor mally to it group of 75 professors and undergraduates at a meeting of the Si nee club of Amhersti ollege I'rof rederick 15 Loomis of the Amherst geology department tonight told of unearthing several hitherto undiscov ered specimens of the dog family fos sils which have lain in the Black Hills tec ion of South Dakota for over 20 million years Prof Ixvnmis and tvvo of the Amherst students spent the past summer searching especially7 for the Hirer carnivores and were well rewarded for their work rnneh of which was done at temperatures at will over 100 degrees ahrenheit EASTHAMPION isthampton Oct It John Doy 56 died this morning followingt brief illness with pneumonia at the li nue of his sister in law Airs John Croake of Payson avenue whor* he made his home for the past 13 years He was born In XX'esthainpton and spent most of his life in lorence He married Anna Keating of lorence ho died 13 years ago He is survived by two sons and a daughter John of this town and Leo and Helen of lor ence He also leaves three brothers' Michael XVilIiam and Thomas Doyle and Helen and Alary Doyle all of loi ence Easthamplon Oct 10 Sumner Warren Cobb 16 of Great Neck I son of Dr and Airs Oliver XX" Cobb ot Al tin street died at a New York hos pital today after a 10 d'iys' illness with pneumonia He was born at New Bedford and was graduated from XVili liston aca lemv in 1'jOl and Amherst college in 1908 BELCHERTOWN Belchertown Oct The Belcher town armers' and Mechanics' club was again favoteJ with sunny7 skies for the opening of 77th annual fair held on the common today7 and although th bite of winter was in the chill wind the crowd came as usual and even by midafternoon had taken on the propoitions ot a mid afternoon throng But gradually the wind won out over t'ie 31111 and some of the throng left for home earlier than usual apparently so that the usual jam of folks had thinned out a bit sooner than otherwise State police directed traffic as usual and there was little congestion appaient at the center BERKSHIRE COUNTY PITTSIELD Pittsfield Oct At the end of their annual October inspection of the Greylock mountain reservation today Commissioners XX'illiam Sperry of North Adams Judge Arthur AI Rob inson of South and and Archibald Sloper of Pittsfield announced that the road to North Adams from the summit is now open for the first time to one way automo bile traffic going down the mountain The road is being widened and im proved by CCC boys fi'om the Grey lock camp and there may be some de lay There are no guard rails where the hazard is greatest and drivers are warned by7 the commissioners that in making the trip they will do so at their own risk The road would be dangerous on a wet day Pittsfield Oct 11 One man has a broken back and another lacerations and tvvo fractures following a two story7 fall when a ladder on which they were working gave way this morning The men employes of Os car Dodge contractor were at work on a chimney on the Ryan block XX est street They fell from the third story to a monitor building roof Pittsfield Oct 12 The Italian popu lation of Pittsfield staged an unusual ly colorful celebration of Columbus day today A mass at 8 at Mount Carmel church celebrated by Rev Charles Zanotti was followed by a parade drum corps competition and football game An explosion of bombs was a signal for the start of the pa rade at 10 XVith Chief ot Police John Sullivan and a corps of officers in the lead the line of march was up North street to Orchard and then down irst street to the common Pittsfield Oct Mayor Allen II Bajg and the assessors Roy A Vin cent Luke Alacken and Harry Jones have discov eted a five acre tract of rocky pasture land in XXest Pittsfield on which no assessment has bemi Kvird lor more than 80 years An abandoned marble quarry which once furnished valuable building stone and a eave of unknown depth are on the unclaimed property There is right of way to the plot and to reach it one has to trespass on the domain of a surrounding landowner Pittsfield Oct 14 XVilIiam A' Must grove of 191 ort Hill avenue an abutter of "no just dis covered east of the avenue said today that he is to make the city an offer to give it a right of way across his farm to the stone quarry if the city will deed to hint the 'fi ve acre tract unencumbered by past taxes He said that Mayor Allen Bagg City So licitor Charles Alberti and the assessors to meet him at the quarry tomorrow Pittsfield Oct 15 George XVilson 62 of 14 Noble avenue a native rind lifelong resident oft Pittsfield died at 430 'this afternoon at the home of Elmer Ellsworth ot 19 Howes street Springfield where he was visiting Mr Ellsworth the son of the late George and Margaret (Carson) XX7 ilson was educated in the local public schools and had worked for the Tillotson Manufacturing company for 40 years He retired four years ago Pittsfield Oct XX7 Appleton of New York and XL Troy of Schenectady formerly of this city to day told a group of transformer spe cialists who are holding a conference here that the outlook for improvement in the electrical industry is the best in several years Ileadquarters of the specialists are at the hotel Yesterday they held a barbecue at Camp XX itawentin Onota lake Pittsfield Oct 15 Miss Anna A Kenney 63 died today at the home of her sister Mrs Alary A Maloney of 62 Seymour street She was born at AVest Stockbridge and had lived here 3(1 years or 12 years she was employed at Hillcrest hospital She leaves her sister Mrs Maloney and two brothers James Kenney of New Britain Ct and rank Kenney of this city 'Pittsfield Oct 16 The budget com mittee of the community fund has KTommended a goal nt $1 KtoiiO These appropriation changes were made: $1400 less to the unemployment com mittee $20V more to the Girls' league $170 more to the A $3000 less for uncollected pledges $1125 less lor administration and tiie omission of $4800 for an emergency fund WILLI A MSI OW XX illiamstown Oct 16 Officers were elected and reports read at a meet ing of the Williamstown XX'eltare as sociation attended tonight by 75 mem bers at the Walter 1 Mitchell school cafeteria This budget calls for $10025 The treasurer's report which showed reoeipts of $933103 for 1934 with a balance ot $17662 from the preceding year indicated that the association us work bad spent $949023 leaving a balance of $1732 LEE Lee Oct 12 Alts John Stallman of Academy street celebrated her 98th birthday today She enjoyed an auto mobile ride and was taken out to din ner She is in good health and thinks that she is capable of taking care of herself even if she is near the cen tury mark she said in remarks to her daughter Miss Alary Stallman "that I dated back to Noah the way they treat me But 1 don't I only go back to Columbus It was in XVIthev ille Vm on Oc tober 12 ls36 that Airs Stallman was born and christened XX ealthy Vir ginia Phelps The XVealthy was her idea: the Virginia her moth While she is no longer able to read and finds it hard to sew her mind has remained thoroughly alert her voice firm and she walks with steady steps a Everything that has happened to her from her 10th year on is still fresh in her ntind She is the oldest member of the irst Con gregational church ADAMS Adams Oct 12 Chief of Police II Cassidy and his men by arresting a 14 year old North Adams boy here yesterday solved several of tiie auto mobile thefts hich have been takini7 place here during the past weeks The boy who is to le arraigned at a ses sion of the juvenile court here to morrow morning is reported to have admitted taking two cars at Adams and two at North Adams Adams Oct 15 Gustave Pilz 59 a native of Germany and 31 years a resident of Adams died almost in stantly about 8 tonight front a self intlicted shotgun wound DrJames XV Bunce of North Adams medical ex aminer ascribed death to suicide Adams Oct Airs Alary II Dud ley 82 widow of Larkin Dudley died this morning at her home 15 Crandall street following a short ill ness A native of New York state Airs Dudley came to this town in 1S78 She was a life long member of Trfctity Aiethodist church She was associated with the Ladies' Aid so ciety an 1 the Afisslonary society of which she was for many years president Adams Oct 16 Membcis of the Zylonite footliall team of Adams are going to Sing Sing prison at Ossin ing A' A little out of the ordin ary they appear anxious to get there but will be unable to it" before next fall XVhat's more Postmaster James Young has arranged with prison officials for a reception within the prison walls with members of the Sing Sing Black Sheep 11 as hosts anil opponents on the gridiorn NORTH ADAMS North Adams Oct 1 Alichael Dougherty one of the oldest residents of the city died nt 10 this morning at his home 9 Bracewell avenue after a long illness He had been ailing for some time but was able to about the house until the pa'st week North Adams oct Clark president of the North Adams hos pital and its chief benefactor will serve as chairman of a campaign or gHtiization to solicit approximately $15000 to balance the budget The canvass wilt begin November 5 and coniine for a week Subscriptions amounting to $14000 were brought In last year North Adams Oct 16 Selectmen in tiie town of Clarksburg feel today that there arc not as many "traders and in their community who object to the antistecl trap law as had been indicated especially since they went to the trouble of arranging a special town meeting incurring an ex pense of approximately $10 and only a single voter appeared when the polls were opened last night They say that the matter is closed as far as the selectment are concerned and that the next opportunity for a repeal will have to come at a regular session North Adams Oct 16 Judge Phelps was reelected president of the North Adams Savings bank at the an nual meeting at which seven new in corporators were chosen George Hadley was elected for a two year term as member of the board of trus tees succeeding A XX'eber ailure to rename Mr XVeber automatically dropped him from the board of invest ment Resignations of Joseph Alalcolm and Theron Perkins ''trustees have been accepted REAT A It Bi GTON Graat Barrington Oct 1 1 The two local state road jobs are practically completed and the contractors are ar ranging to lea ve town within a few days The Three AIile hill project which vvas a federal job of consider able size handled by Louis Longhi Sons of Torrington Ct and they are leaving for Troy where they have a job that will amount to about $15500(1 On the Three AJile bill job they have eliminated four of the most dangerous curves in the Berk shires and have blasted avvav tons of rock and laid new road beds through sections that were complete1 rock ledges The North Plain road to a point near the culvert has been com pleted bv the Lindholm company of Pittsfield and they are now putting up the guard rails and fixing" the shoulders of the road The next step to be undertaken in order to complete this road to the junction of the otjter road leading north will be the elimina tion or rather straightening of the culvert or underpass of the New Ha ven road Great Barrington Oct 14 "As if from the dead' as rank I Billings puts Uncle Sam has brought back to him the son he "lost" 23 years ago Mr Billings stood in the Albany (N YD postofllee a few days ago and opened a letter that reunited him with his long missing son Since that time he has visited this son found him married and happy living in Great Barrington and rank Billings is thankful to the government for his reunion LANESBORO Lanesboro Oct 12 A cottage on the west shore Pontoosuc lake be longing7 to Mrs Arabella Bailee was burned to the ground today The Ore was not discovered until it was well under way and the fire department was not notified until it was too late to save the building The cottage bad been rented yesterday to some people from out of town who were to oc cupy it this month The new occu pants hat! gone out for the day leav ing a fire in the fire place and It is believed that the sparks started the fire in the interior the cottage so that it was not noticed until it was admass of flames All clothing and personal belongings ot the new ten ants were destroyed RANKLIN COUNTY GREENIELD Greenfield Oct Welfare ex penditures for the' year up to the first of tins month were $4991405 less than they were the same period in 1933 Edward Ballou welfare board agent reports The amount by the town for the first nine monthl of this year was $8993558 as com pared with $1 3984963 in 1933 The sum of $58223 is still available for purposes from tills ap pro) riation of $148168 and will prob ably be sufficient for the remaining tlirce months Greenfield Oct 10 All college and university women in the county are invited to attend a joint gathering ot the ranklin County Mount Holyoke and Smith college clubs at St parish hall at 3 the 22d to hear a radio broadcast by Mrs Dwight Mor row over a nation wide hookup in an observance of national "college Mrs Morrow is to speak on "The col lege graduate and the new Greenfield Oct 12 Ray Clough 51 of 33 Linden avenue was seri ously injured in a railroad accident nt Cornville A IL on the Ashuclot branch of the Boston (t Maine late this foienoon He was brought to the ranklin County hospital where he was reported in painful condition tonight Greenfield Oct 14 Aliss Aluriel Lester head resident of the Kingsley hall settlement in London and a so cial and peace worker of international reputation addressed a large audience at the junior high school tonight in the first of series of eight consecu tive Sunday night forums sponsored by the ranklin County League for Peace Action Nearly 250 persons came to hear the noted English wom an several local churches canceling their regular services to permit at tendance Greenfield Oet 15 Mrs Eunice Cantrell Jenkins of West Deerfield ob served her 91st birthday riday She wakes her home with her sister Mrs Alary Dates 89 on the Upper road in that town Both are extremely alert and active and share all household duties Greenfield Oct 15 ranklin coun second oldest person will observe her 101st birthday She is Airs Eliza Adams Morgan ho makes her home with Air and Mrs Homer Poirier of 188 ederal street No special celebration of the event is being planned though Mrs Morgan will no doubt receive the compli ments of her many friends by means of flow ers a post card shower and personal calls She may even le vis ited bj her friend Mrs Emily Morton of 170 Davis street the coun oldest person who is her senior by one year two months and 21 days The two centenarians reminisced for more than half an hour on Airs Mor gan's last birthday WHATELY XVhately Oct 10 Nearly 90 per cent of the XVhately school children are to have the tuberculosis test at the: school clinic on the 25th ac cording to Miss Elsie Smith school nurse These clinics were formerly known as the Chadwick clinics Ar rangements have been made with the school committee and board ot health to have these clinics by Dr XX'alter XV Lee district health offi cer of the state department of pub lic health SHELBURNE ALLS Shelburns alls Oct 14 Guy XX' Hutchins 51 died today at arren hospital in Alontague following a long illness He was born in Laconia IL the sou of Edgar Hutchins He was educated in the schools of that town and for the past Bl years has been associated ith the New Eng land Telephone company and for the last 12 years has been manager ot the XVestern New England Telephone company with headquarters in Shel burne alls He was well known throughout this section of the state in New Hampshire ami southern X'er mont He was a member of the lodge ot Elks tn New Hampshire and of the XVestern Alassachusetts Rod and Gun club of this place He is survived by his widow and a daughter Elizabeth of Boston and his father Edgar Hutchins of CHARLEMONT Charlemont Oct 15 Mrs Lntber Gale 6b died yesterday at her home on the Alohawk trail a mile east of Charlemont village alter a brief ill ness She was born in the village of lorida the daughter of Air and' Mrs XValter XVhipplc and came to this town at tiie age of 10 She married Lutner Gale about 45 years ago and spent her entire married life at the Gale homestead WORCESTER COUNTY Athol Oct 14 Peter Balchunas 5ft who was hit last night on South street ns he stepped into the road from between two parked cars by an automobile operated by Adam Knappe 23 died from liis injuries at the Com munity hospital this morning Bal ebunas received tiact tired skull fracture of the leg and internal In juries and never recovered conscious ness The dead man was a native of Lithuania and bad resided some years in Athol He leaves his widow two sons and a daughter Worcester Oct 12 AP) A tech nical error which remained undis covered for 10 months today threw about 100 ERA laborers on tiie Athol Orange airport out of work This ud That' Ador lover like Alte 1 Payecm Ter hune might find stuff for a story tn the tales ofvpacks of wild dogs which are coining in from various parts of the country In some western states they affiear to: have become a more serious menace than In MassachuSetta I although they are accused of a good deal of damage in Millbury Oxford and Auburn: Worcester county is pay ing a bounty of for each wild dog killed which has led Dr Creadon a Worcester veterinarian to say sotne good words for them to their is perhaps too a headline for his plea for he' believes their destruction necessary under the circ*mstances but he bolds that they are not necessarily vicious and that many of them could be tamed and made into good pets That Is where a novelist might find a theme "Be fore we damn them too severely" says Dr Creedon "let 'us consider how often man the superior creature re verts to savagery and He has a better opinion of canine virtues than Dr Watts who wrote dogs de light to bark and bite for their nature These wild dogs he thinks "are merely doing that which is nat tMs amp ba dogs st this WhDe there tte'tMery 4 largely atNmdcoad ths am dogs ata toMBaM ptfeaad titga ayMwxjniwG people relmtent motoring tM iimmieiilte ban and rural Mfe vorable anivirjffiimaK vogua which aaakm dag aona'apagh ular to naturai lt masteries strayed ttiatto dertake the tag them wJ Ir i ft Europe le agued a''tlievjmieair advent of a silent bomber Ttefr iT comes wju add tn the peril Ot gittoa threatened with attack from the but if a silent bomber is' pttesMat why not a silent paaeeager piaaeY Such aa improvement would! raaseve one of the most annoying features eg hfr travel The roar ot engines Mat pe pellers is sometimes dtoturtiiatfeeMgh to people on the ground whan ptonae are passing close bveriasad to the passengers it seems ilcTrmlsg nasi many who are sensitive to noise de ural to all living ceratures they are hunting for food" Their recent multiplication' might merit study by a or poa sibly by a sociologist since it might plausibly be conjectured that tome dog owners have felt unable to feed a dog because of the hard times and have deserted it perhaps expecting that it would find another master That too is stuff for a story writer The large proportion of police dogs in these Wild packs has been much stressed' but Newfane ebruary II 1854' a son of James Madison and Celina (Sanders) Holland He began his long career in the mercantile business when only 17 years old in Newfane later going to Townshend to work in the Samuel Winslow store He finally bought the store and conducted it for 22 years In 1908 he moved to Brattleboro and was for several years with the De Witt grocery firm At the time of his death he was traveling salesman for Lucy 4 Abercrombie wholesale grocers of Greenfield Mass and had made a business trip the day before his death He married Mary Coombs of Townshend in May 1876 and she survives He also leaves two nephews red and rank Holland of Brattle boro and two nieces Mrs Kenneth Soper and Mrs Edward Simmons Of Dummerston Air Holland was not a member of any organization 1 but was a director of the Windham Coun ty Savings bank at Newfane RHODE ISLAND Providence I Oct The body of Everett Brant 58 no street address a Brooklyn (N Y) bookkeeper who returned to his boy hood home to regain his confidence after losing his position two months ago' was found in a mill pond here today He disappeared from his sis ter's home soon after midnight last riday Relatives here said he had been despondent MAINE Belfast 'Me' Oct Wil liam Moore 17 of Knox was in dicted by the XX'aldo county grand jury tonight for the murder of Jere miah Abbott 51 year old: rural mail carrier The court appointed former state senator Hodgdo Buzzell'as his attorney OREIGN Jerusalem The remarkable pros perity winch Palestine is at present enjoying has enabled the government to remit $650000 out of a total of 81 225000 due in tithes on the winter and summer crops of the current year Halifax Oct 16 Amalga mation of two great rail ways systems would not be in the interest of the country C'P uller ton chairman of the board of trustees of the Canadian National railways told a gathering of Halifax business leadeis here today 7 Budapest Maria Danko 16 ser vant committed suicide bye hanging herself on gallows which she had con structed in a loft On the cover of a crime novel found in her trunk was a hanging scene which Maria had used as a model for her own end Chin Kiang China Hailstones de scribed as rge as which fell in a violent storm over Shaopo a coast town of northern KTangsu caused three heavy schoon ers off the port to capsize cline to travel by air for this ratotsa That sooner or later Um Mto sg ba eliminated or greatly reduced seayat most be taken for grstoC but to la a pity to have to wait for thto toeproca meat on ths mtMtary tBVeBtUMMk to spired by the fteslre to pi odlioB a deadlier aircraft sthat can' un detected past ing city and rain down death ak destruction on toe helpless peopia Incidentally the rilenc plans wol make a good deal asors difficult the detection of smuggler making use iff th air i route The new booriwm are said to be very hard for tts etabo rate1 microphone apparatus dstsst when they fly at a bight sC leeefl feet or mor They are built to fly to 15006 feet and a smuggler if aottoa heavily laden might crocs a frontier at an even greater altitude in fact are not very defensible sow days and it to quite nrnsnibto to make them airtight as in the eM toys when the Russia of the czars was cut off by a fortiffed and policed line that made either escape or ingriee dMI cult One morto to to drawn from be new developments to that it to harfty worth while to impose proMbttlva tariffs on any arttcle'small 'enouyh fbr transportation by air Another 'to that a great force to border gusto anfl patrol for toe prevention to smug glins texhkely to appear to decrsMtoiff value as aviation develops br better or tor worse toe air ag to upon as Soviet Russia may still be chart to food but it din tit Issa ars itoWin strongly jfor vitamin as won a art ones A visitor in Leningrad Mosntty inspected toe sanatoria on islands i the Neva where every tootory tosad in them is allowed every year at least two weeks tor net and enter tainment free to rimy fmai the fare plain but wboteeoass scientifically calculated with the act number to grame to oack 'kinfi to foodstuff stated or bnaUtot toes was coffee with breato batter and cheese Lunch that day attend milk soup with home made noodto And meat pie Saltaat dtehes at Caner were pea soup fried fish and with an apple tart for dessert Supper brought macaroni with scallions fol lowed by desertaadat bedtime the vacationist could have bread and milld To penetrate the Immaculate kitchen the visitor had to putrou a freshly laundered white apron rest house for workers was formerly thevilla of a and thef dined at a long wide table of polished teak where the former owner plight have enter rained or 79 goecta the tare to fered the va' xtionfots was isot up te the standard to an American summer hotel It was at least adequate and more nourishing than most to them had at home HOPEUL AGAIN (Wy) State Tribune Things ar people are taking their bills out of the envelopes STATEMENT THE OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT CIRCULATION ETC RE4I1RED HV TRg ACT COWGRKSS AUG UT Ot The Springfield Weekly Reptotiean pabHshed ence a weak at Springfield Mbsa October 1 U34 s' STATE MASSACHUSETTS COUNTY HAMPDEN Sfl 3 Before me a Notary Public in and for th stat and county aforeiA personally appeared Arthur Tunker who having been duly wor accord ing to law deposes and nyt that he i tha busfoeM tnaaagar ot Ttea Springfield Weekly Republican and that thn following fen tn the hOTfc of his knowledge and belief a true statement of tne ovfmtoM MbBftgMBOn (and if a daily paper the circulation) etc of th af oreteid publteati Pte the date shown in the above caption required by the Act Of AufnOt IMA embodied in section 611 Pottal Law and kegutaUoac mtated to reverqe nf thia frtrm wit 1 That the names and addresses to th publishar editte aSflto editor and business manager NAME POSTOmCI ADDREM Republican Publishing Co T88 Cypr St Springfield MK Waldo Cook 8 Uypr St BprtagfisK Managing Howard Regal88 Cypr St SpriaflMM Mg Business Arthur Yunker S3 Cypr St rtagfisld Mu 2 That the owner is: (If owned by a corporatism it ddr 3 must be stated and also immediately thrundr th mons and add to stockholders owning or holding 1 per cent mor to total suwt to atMIL If not owned by a corporation the name and addre to th tdtvidK owners must be given If owned by a firm company ar ether 8eeP porsted concern its name and adffre aa wall a tibaaa to aaak 8dMdfl member must be given) ment HAMPSHIRE VERMONT eomuMra Note th is the publish by I stan Postmaster General (Division of Classification) and retain the other In the tile of the PostOffle Th Im? the United spring Death was due to a heart attack the Republican town of Hanover He was born at Mill X'illage Etna part of the Hanover township August 21 1845 stockholders and security holder tf aa tai nt ly to Hafiogt stockholders and security holders they appaar upoa th beak to tk a PKtiy out aiso in cases wnere tn tenoior nocumy nwscr the books of th company trust ar ta any athr fiduciary num or rrx nprann nr pnrDnrfirifln rnr wnnni inrn rf*ckm ifl also that the said two paragraph contata statssnsarts ambtadWfl knowledge and belief as te th circumrtann and fltnrkhnMdsrE and Edwiipitv hnldars whA fiat RMflRP Mm tbl I company as trustees and security hoidr ta a capacity ether tha bona fide owner and thia affiant ha a raa bUa thto 1 person ssaocistlon or corporation has any Interest direct tn said stock bonds or other securities than as ao stated by hi 6 That the average number to eopie to each issue sold or distributed through the mail or otherwise te paM th nn vbar thm Aat ffhovn flhftv te' (This information is required from daily publications ealy ARTHUR YUNXBR Yurrairt Ma (Signature' of editor publisher bMiMs anarr Sworn to and subscribed beforb me thia th day to OetobeS lMAr Hanover Oct 16 (AP) Bridgeman 80 believed to oldest town clerk ui the States until his retirement last died at his home here today Brattleboro Oct 14 The funeral of William Holland 80 who died ri day will be held at the home at 93 Green street tomorrow atternoon Rev XV Engel o( the Methodist church officiating The burial will he in Townshend Mr Holland was 'born sa of this statement1 in the' sbeoad Jarirt printed aKt' Republican Publishing Company 81 Cypraduflt Bp I lagfiald Mk Waldo Cook Voting trustees whox 32 Cypraa St firingflld Howard Regal 5 hold the majority ot 32 Cypr St Springfield Ma John Callaghan (the stock he reof i 23 Cypreaa fit Springfield MW That the known bondholder mortgage and atkar aaawtt iMMMG owning or holding i per cent or mor to total amount to band aartaaaSp other securities are (if there are nene so state): Noa XYorcester Oct 16 Talcott Gris wold of 60 Crescent street Greenfield has been elected secretary of the senior class at Worcester academy He was treasurer last year An honorstudent he was awarded the Achieverscholarship last June at commence tbte MOXLEY Notary MxpM Nvin a A MMt" cat and both dMnlH nd one eopy to the Thilri 'g WMklaytM Wsswf" roktianTte ItegflSS.

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.