The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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4T Houses for Rent (West) (Coniinued Page) ilTr 3746: 5 ROOM suite large kitchen garbage disposal large living room 2 bedrooms utility room garage: 100 1 093 2 1 1 7 3826: 4 large airy rooms 2 bedrooms: washer dryer disposal: ga rage ajlldrenWSWI 1 1416 123 3323 nr Lorain: 4 clean rooms bath: porch gas furnace up 130' Lower 5 rooms ga rage $90 adults no pets WI 1 4944! 132 3709 4 with' bath down AdUlW! 1053: AC 1 0145 1 3S off Lorain: 5 rooms up gas furnace garage near shopping cen ter CL 1 5923 AT 1 4391 19273 'A ROOMS DOWN STS ED 1 WOODWARD 1660: 3 ROOMS BATH UP' $65 AC 1 6737 Denison: 5 lower $80 130 Madbon: 3 rooms $75 70 Lorafn: 6 lower $85 Schertleld: 6 single $110 Brook Park Village 6V2 victory Blvd area: 6 single $140 130: 5 lower $90 Broadview: 5 lower $100 Lakewond: 3 Vi rooms $50 RENTAL AGENCY 3278 117th CL 2 0355 cr 3433 Memphis at SUBURBAN SINGLES Clark 6 single children $85 St Iznatlfls' 5 love kids $60 6': appliances kids $85 terrace children $75 West Prk 5 lower garage $85 MORE TO CHOOSE ROM OICE OPEN SUNDAY 12 6 Wolanjky Real Estate Inc 2003 Broadview (at Tate) SH 9 5600 OICE OPEN 12 6 Almira area 5 down children $80 Lorain 2 duplexes children $75 Lincoln High 5 down child $70 Lorain 2 pedrooms children rooms children $65 OHIOLAND REALTY 8615 Denkon INC pLl 2900 ROLLIIG Rnchlanos 2 year oid' 3 hedroort TVirbath ranch wood burn ing fltepface: 2 car attached garage: large led lease with option to buy Call TU 5 4300 A Gall Realty fo 5010 fridge Read MOVING 'ee' urniture Moving Storage In Repairs and Service Directory TENTER Qf Lakewood rooms up modem kitchen new gas furnace and tank OnlySOAduks ED 1 5544 5 ROOMS and bath: newly decorated Young cobble fl 1 7900 Bi DONTmodern kitchen Yatit adults After 6 AC 6 1560 48 Wanted to Rent Housss Moving to Cleveland Requires unfurnished home with 3 to 4 prefer West Suburbs Roekv River airview Park Berea area Please call Mr Long at PR 1 5121 xtenson 27 TO $250 Couple neds 3 bedrooms 2 bath 2 car miigef near new unfurnished ex ecutive home Possible option to buy when Denver home is sold Desired in Gates Mills Pepper Pike Hunting Val ley Chagrin area IMPERIAL 7 5661 Rental Property Wanted Tenants with 2 and 3 children desire rentals on West Side and suburban from $85 to S25O rail JOHN AVz RAMSEY Inc 15709 Uetroit Realtor LA 1 0210 MOVING to Cleveland by Sept 1 or sooner Desire 3 bedroom or duplex: Unfurnished 3 Mrls age 11 12 16 City or suburban town All 'day Sun and after 7 pm weekdays ED 1 4513 Weekdays 9 5 CH1 4521 MANAGrt steel plantTtransfcrred to wishes to lease desirable 3 4 bedroom single heme good East Side location: tn $200: 1 high school age danehtr Call Mrs Beach DI 1 9494 WANTED TO RENT NEED WESTHI LAUX REALTY CO TU 4 6400 Need Rentals desirable tenants walling Wolansky Realty Sil 9 5600 RESPONJIBLE adults 2 small children desire 3 bedroom ranch: garage area to $115 Im mediat6 Call LU 1 0854 7'OUPij Zchtldren 13 6 need 3 bed room single duplex or lower in East Cleveland by Sept 1st to $90 References A 1 3039 RENTALS NEEDED CameHRealty LA 1 6261 BRUSH Schooarea Lease with opilon to buy: 3 bedroom single: about Aug 15 occupancy SK 2 2677 HE 2 2855 QUIET middle age couple desire 4 6 tra single home West: no pets or children to $60 UT 1 7596 4 9 DEPARTMENT buyer needs 3 bedroom single or duplex to $135 Will lease Vann CL 2 0355 rentals' west Call now Ohio Land Realty OL 1 2900 COUPLE jTchlldren need 6' room sin ge or halt Mt Pleasant area WYJ COUPLE 3 children wants 2 'or 3 b'd single: urltas or Rocky River area tip io S10O CL1 886S after 7 AMILY of 6: single or duplex rea sonable for of home East Cleve 1 andjs est EX 1 7973 AMILY man with 4 children wants home with 3 bedrooms tn nice neigh borhood Colored WY 1 8979 St sales representative 2 children baby wants 3 bedroom home sub urban Southwest AD 5 4226 COUPLE desires duplex or 2 bed room lower northeast section cnt to 1 00 IV 6 0045 3 BEDROOM single or duplex East Cleveland Euclid or Willowick adults UL 1 8464 3 CHILDREN 2 responsible adults 3 4 bedroom single Brunswick Strongsville ON 1 4094 COUPLE 7 children desire large single Westlake Avon or Bay TR 1 6857 COUPLE with 7 kids desire single house win go $80 BR 1 4683 URGENTLY need single or duplex or SEt 1 ehlIdIVl 6710 NEED RENTALS: Tenants waiting Marlfoft Broker OR 1 6703 WANTM BEDROOM HOME NEAR WE STG A TE ED 056 46 TEACHER wife 3 children: single house east suburbs RE 2 7583 AMHYiwants 4 bedroom house east suburbs: colored UT 1 7335 (WPLE and 1 child: 5 6 room single $75 SW 1 8839 3 ADULTS 3 children desire 7 rooms Ea st WH ITE IV 1 24 3 dh executives etc need Louses GLANZ BROKER SW 1 4430 49 Rent urn Houses (E) 125: 5 comfortable rooms large porch: $95 white UL 1 8119 days: GL 1 2791 eves CHAGRIN alls! urnished 3 bedroom house 1 rlease CH 7 6139 CLEVELAND Heicnts Meadowbrook 4 bedroqm single Large yard washer drier dishwasher Available Sept 1 $225 mo Box 17692 Plain Dealer CLEVELAND Heights: 3 bedroom single all electrical appliances $200 mo EV 2 7127 36 5 rooms bath White adults (HB 1 9107 86 Chester 3 nice rooms colored SIT YB GLENMbNf Rd: 6 rm lower: ga rage bus dnd rapid ER 1 9870 eve HARVARD 131 area: 12822 Cren hell Ave 5 bedrootn single gas fur nace atfiilts while S110 LQ 1 8161 HILLVIEiv o't Euclid Clean attrac tlve: 5 up Adults KE 1 3513 KIMME3J: 4 nice clean roemsi white DI 1 after 6 tn MT tEASANT: 5 ROOMS COL pED SK 2 52 56 SOUTH Euclid: 3 rooms bath: fur ntshed EV 1 7913 SUPERIOR 8919 6 room house SW 1 4725 CLANZ OLDEST LARGEST RENTALS MOST TAKE CHILDREN Mentor 7 rOoms single S15U Chester single 6 S200 Beechwood single 9 $350 GLANZ BROKER 10072 EUCLID SW 1 4 730 SUN 11 3 DAILY 10 7 xtroreway 2 bWroom home 2 or 3 Tno: 1 or 2 children: nea stores playground: vegetable and flower garden picnic area: piano TV Alust seertq appreciate PO 1 745'9 SUBURBAN home: near golf course nicely furnished 5 rooms woodburning large screened rear porch wooded lot $130 mo IV 1 1012 50 Rent urn 'Houses (W) ARDMORE 4202 Brooklyn: 5 rooms njALPPGood location 25 5 rooms eiTpct: nfiUUcs furnished 1 child TU 6r2762 LAKEWOOD near bus rapid: 3 room tingle clean working couple AC 1 7314 LA KEWOSd: 7 room baths recreation room: $175 mo Referents required AC 67222 BE 4 5367 LAKEWOOD 3 rooms bath 34 flcxn garage? bus $75 adults AC 15961 Lakewood: 5 Up garage 1 child ACt1T062 after 6 i LAKEWOODAV 117 Detroit: Nice '5 qv upper AC 6 1395 LAKEWOOD 5 rboms beautifully fur rlshed garagp $125 AC 6 6553 LITERARY Rd? 4 tooma Up to i 6S9n LORYin Rd: 4 large clean roomsth up utilities Sp 7 0902 MARVIN Ave 3836: 5 rooms 1 98'65 pOCKY River: 5 rooms and bath aun recreation room 1 double ga $175 mo ED 1 2490 (CenUnned in Next Coieme) 50 Rent urn Houses (W) (Con tinned mm Precrdhig Column) 17: 4 rooms bath private entrance 2 adults only $70 mo Including utilities ON 1 6176 44 1931: I ROOMS: 87 1362 3 rooms beautiful modern all new furniture AC 6 0 185 54 3179: 6 bath down nar everythnlg LA 1 55 0 0 94: 4 rooms down gas heat A I tank: large yard: child accepted AT 1 9844 before 2:30 51 Wanted urnished Houses 3 TO 4 bedroom single required Aug 1 Ileights area EV 2 8520 Reliable tenants waiting CALL GLANZ BROKER SW 1 4430 52 Share Apartments Houses SHARE 2 bath' "house' 1ft 14959 Lakewood Heights Blvd with man and wife 2 businessmen or 2 teacn ers Near rapid transit PLEASANT mature working lady will share 2 bedroom homr with same transportation Parma reasonable SH 9 2569 YOUNG man to share lurnishedapl with same TV own bedroom East Side VU 3 9658 222: business girl will share ncr apartment with same own room RE 2 8432 eve LAKE SHORE East Business man share apartment his with same qwn room KE 1 4053 after 7:30 pm SHAKER Square area: Respectable business pirl 25 to share apt with same $50 EN 1 3612 WY 1 2533 LAKE Ave yotins woman will share her 2 bedroom apt with same $50 Clifton Express OL 1 0497? 2 MALE college graduates desire same to share furnished house references exchanged WI 1 1223 YOUNG man wisnes to sliare his arL with same east SW 1 8022 YOUNG man will share his east apt with same White SW 1 8204' REINED lady will share her home with employed ladyLA 1 3391 53 Children Boarded State Department of rublie Welfare Adverthere must be licensed by Ohio CARE for pre school age 2 5 near Hospital LU 1 4722 54 Homes for Aged Convalescent Nursing llomts awpiint over tsro periods mini be turned by the Ltpaiimeni nt Public 1' el tine ol Ulni DCRA ANN NUESTnG HCME ONE O' INEST NEWLY REDECORATED PROES SIONAL CARE OR BEDAST AND AMBULATORY MEN WOMEN 24 HR NURSING CARE STA PHYSICIAN CR 4 2213 MANTUA IVY HOUSERESfHOME' Offers the finest for elderly men and women Moderate rates Painesville 0 ELmwood 2 4761 THE BERN RESTHOME In Lakewood We can help vou solve your problem Call AC 1 4920 for aged ambulatory bedfast care NURSE will care for elderly lady in home OL 1 7238 except afternoons NICE home for retired lady er gen tieman: good food LA 1 4478 PARMA: Pleasant home for elderly lady VI 3 9205 GOOD care practical nurse's home permanenMf desired EN 1 3767 55 Ren? Summer Cottages ROUNDUP" LAKE" PARK'" ur summer vacation there Is noth ing like ROUNDUP Close to home on Rt 82 3 miles east of Aurora Mod ern cottars with all facilities Beauti ful surroundings Including swimming fishing boating playgrounds etc Re duced rates Call now for reservations ER 1 4805 wSK 2 0866 LQ 2 521 REINED COUPLE seekinc QUIET re treat on Lake Erie amid beautiful surroundings Be IRST to occupy NEW cottage nicely furnished situa ated on 1 acre estate 3 miles west of Vermillion across from Country Club golf course Drive out: VV Price stop 13514 Lake Road west VERMILL ION OHIO COMPLETELY furnished Grand River home including boat July and August $50 per week WHITMAN REALTY COAUSTINBURG ED ASHTABULA Geneva CR 5 574 Ashtabula WY 2 47 18 MENTORHEDLANDS urnished cottages: 2 3 bedrms: living room kitchen with electric range refrigerator Hot showers In door lavatory fireplaces screened glassed in sun porches Private sandy beach BL 7 6 590 CHIPPEWA Lake: very modern 10 all conveniences Sun porch out side grill dancing swimming fishing $60 week Reservations now available July 30 to Aug 13 ME 1 7790 Eves TU 5 2636 RESERVATIONS available at Sandy Beach new cottages and apts on Lake Erie Private beach sleeps 5: all con veniences $65 and up Stop 132 Westlake Rd Vermillcn Phone WO 7 5895T or Lorain CEdftr 3 6748 MODERN cottages ot beautiful Lake Margrethe Good boating and fishing Writ' Mrs Charles Moshter Grayling Mich COLONIAL VILLA Huron 2 betL room cottages: private beach boat ramp Mrs Bryant on the pem8es Stop 155 Lake Rd BROAD Arrow Camp on Georgian Biy August quiet rest good fishing $50 week Box 1015 Parry Sound DntarloCnada NEWLY remodeled cottaee on lake front property Sleeps 8 West of Ver milion Call Vermilion WO 7 3668 cr WO 7 5278 SUMMER cottage: modem sleeps 6 Private beach Weeks of Julv 23 Aug 6 and Aug 29 $55 wk WO 7 3593 Vermilion 0 BLACK LAKE: Modern 2and3 bedroom lake front cottages safe sandy beach Knost's Onaway Mich Phone 2147 GENEVA ON THE LAKE Clean modem cottages and motels Private sandy beach Write Schenley Cot tages HUxlcy 7 4126 WILLOUGHBY ON LAKE Beautiful modern apt right on lake July 16 to Aug 27 WH 2 6220 GENEVA ON THE MKE: 5 furnished rooms electric stove Philco refrigera tor hat and col water KE 1 7780 ARROWHEAD Beach: 5 rooms con veniences club privileges $70 wk EVJJ 3670 INDIAN LAKE: Beach View cottages 1 10 beds 1 2 baths Har bor Russels Point 0 TH 3 3333 VERMIUON on the Lake Modem with 2 bedrooms outdoor fireplace CL 1 0842 BLUEBIRD Beach Vermilion Ohio sleeps 9 Call Dr Undermin A 2 8521 Elyria Ohio PYMATUNING: MODERN COTTAGES Conveniences clean WA 1 8671 MADISON ON THE LAKE Sleeps 8 shower porch $60 TU 4 1131 VERMILION On the Lake: 3 near beach furnished TU 5 0096 CHIPPEWA LAKE LA 4 7167 PUT IN BAY: Modern conveniences accommodate 7 beach A 1 4 677 CHIPPEWA Lake Gloria lod ern clean cottage BE 4 0CQ9 INDIAN Lake: S40 S60 week Lookout Patio Lakeview phone TH 2 284 57 Rant Suburban Property A large 3 bedroom apt plus extra bedroom ail in excellent condition af fording country living with apartment conveniences Ostendorf Moms Co TOl 720O GLANZ OLDEST LARGEST REN1ALS MOST TAKE CHILDREN NORTH OLMSTED BUNGALOW $125 SOLON 6 ROOM SINGLE $125 EUCLID 0 6 up and WILLOUGHBY single 7 $175 MAYIELD HEIGHTS Single 6 $200 GLANZ BROKER 10032 EUCLID SW 1 4430 SUN 11 3 DAILY 10 7 MENTOR AREA: Rent with option to buy 2 ycar old 3 bedroom home with attached carport near lake with beach privileges and all city utilities also sell for low down payment in rash or anything of equal cash value 3L 5 8301 TWINSBURG: I and 2 bedroom apts $90 and $100 Heat and hot water furnished to Chrysler and ord plants 451 Northfield Walton Hllh WILLOUGHBY fltlls: Estate including executive home tenant house stable greenhouse other bides pond on 20 fenerd acres WH 2 9 22 3 MADISON on thc Lake: Nearly new 4 room bath 1 floor home: 4 acre automatic heat gool school: $75 mo yr around KE 1 0034 or KE 1 3681 SOLON OHIO 1 and 2 brdrrtn apt newly dcc orated: 32850 Aurora Rd CH 8 1750 GATES MILLS: We have several houses for rent $100 to $250 HA 3 4411 6 dale's SQUARE HOTEL Large clean rooms iron roof elevator special weekly rates parking tot 6516 Detroit JME 1 9843 S5 Business Places far Rant CORNER store 18x35 busy dntersec tton SE SH 9 3776 STORE 1412 105 $100 Excel lent location PR 1 7050 25 2814: full base ment modem front PR 1 8135 CTDR TAYLOR 1458 yf bld bldg Aug 1 YE 2 0592 tRQADWAY 5828 Ideal totton busy block atore 20x71 M0 2 34 76 8401 DX70TT: Lerg ent good fvr ay burnes A 8557 (Centinaed la Next Column) from TO or A 1 6180 of well lighted so space Plain Dealer 66 Want Rent Business Places WANT ADS 67 flent Office Desk Room Call MAin 1 4500 67 Rent Office Disk Roem (Continued rom Preceding Oolamn) 65 Business Places for Rent (Continued rom Preceding Column) BUCKEYE BLDG 2082 4 th ST GREATEST VALUE1 25000 140000 SQ GREATEST BUILDING! GREATEST SHIPPING! GREATEST PARKING! GREATEST LOCATION! KOBUTZ INC CH 1 3788 Richmond Miles Area New bulletins 12000 xq ft on icro of lnd Truck docks railroad aldlnr paved parkins area fully landscaped Ample room for expan sion Available about Oct 15 AX 2 7210 I05TH EUCLID AREA 2509 SQ AIR CONDITIONED OICES WILL DIVIDE GOOD NATURAL LIGHT VERY REASON ABLE BROKERS PROTECTED GOLDMAN 4 ASSOC CH 1 5550 loca OC etc call 2 aitM available on Mlles Ave Near the new Rt 17 will build 5000 sq ft to 40000 sq ft or leue or sale SAN ILIPO REALTY CO 3592 Lee Rd WY 1 1200 OICE SPACE Newly Decorated KINSMAN LEE AREA In One of the Newer Bldga CH 1 8570 450 Attractive rental rate Newly decorated Wurstner Co CH 1 0147 OR LEASE Rivergate Shopping Center 19319 Detroit Ave 15x60 19340 Detroit Ave 20x100 or Information call Bates Springer Inc UT 1 3377 MAYLAND Shopping Center Stores for rent at 5840 Mayfield Rd 50x35 and 25x35 three door library Open evening 3 0t 9 Sun 2 4 Store tor Approx 1000 Sq 13322 Mcdiaon Ave New bulldlnx Ideal location Parking Convenient to rapid and bus Available for sales office retail trade etc CALL AC 1 7731 or EX 1 1460 4500 EUCLID AVE Quality offices fine service air con ditioning optional: ideal location: drive past Innerbelt access at Chester Ave INE PARKING PHONE ANSWER ING THE AVENUE CO EN 1 4500 ATTENTION PROESSIONALS Shaker and Lee Modem bldg air conditioned: ample parking: have 3000 sq ft of office space plus 1500 sq ft of basem*nt aiso garage i ii i 15006 ST CLAIR 1000 SQ AIR CONDITIONED OICE COULD ALSO BE USED OR SALES DISPLAY WILL DIVIDE ALL SERVICES PROVIDED REASONABLE BROKERS PRO TECTED GOLDMAN ASSOC CH1 5550 NEW PRIVATE AIR CONDITIONED OICES 1 prlvite office has outside ground floor entrance Telephone answering secretarial services and docks at your disposal Ideal for small business or mfrs representative Centrally lo cated plenty of free parking SU 1 6040 LOW RENT In East Cleveland DOUBLE STORE Excellent Location 13921 23 EUCLID AVE CH 1 6570 SHOPPING CENTER LOCATIONS Openings In shopping centers In all lines of business: built or under con truction: also office space HAUSMAN REALTORS MA 1 4410 SEE TOP QUALITY OICES IN A MODERN ULLY SERVICED BLDG LARGE OR SMALL UNITS MODEST RENTAL RATES PRIVATE PARKING AT THE DOOR UNITED BLDG CORNER 25 LORAIN CH 1 6969 Wurstner Co Mr lood EUCLID 30th ST Ideal for sales headquarters New air conditioned buildings near new ree Interbelt reeway Exceptional space of 400 tq It and 1600 sq ft Buildings are open 34 hours ree parking Will decorate Bates Springer Inc UT 1 3377 NEW AIR CONDITIONED OICES rairview Nortn enmsteo: a i tion attractive leases immediate cupancy perfect for mfr agent torneys accountants insurance Call RE 4 3434 (eves TR 1 0515) WANT STORAGE SPACE ABOUT 30 WITH GARAGE LN HEIGHTS AREA SK 1 SfiOO 12 Rent Garages Sferra GARAGE vicinity Lrnnfleld Oigrln Blvd WA 1 1760 WY 1 5223 Prospect 4th Bldg INEST DOWNTOWN LOCATION DESIRABLE SPACE AVAILABLE Reasonable Rent Good Parking 401 PROSPECT AVE MA 1 4352 3500 Sq Ground loor Mode rn Air Conditioned PROSPECT 3OTH ST REE PARKING UT 1 8710 MODERN OICES AT LESS THAN MODERN PRICESPLENTY PARKING Bradley Realty MA 1 0272 9 TH and EUCLID Small medium and large offices See Mr Schofield Room 1400 7909 EUCLID OICE SPACE ON 2D LOOR Suitable for Any Profession MA 1 1600 Ext 480 9 5 Mon COOK BUILDING 4614 PROSPECT AVE Office space with PL'nng Osborne Estates Co EX 1 4425 CEDAR WARRENSVILLE Small office available in busy Cedar Warrensville Shopping Center All servieosJ75 mo EV 2 5150 EXCELLENT LOCATION Modem bldg: Lorain Trlskctt: ample parking very reasonable YE 2 J385 WI 1 8421 MODERN AIR CONDITIONED Offices 700 or 1400 sq ft: ample parking services 19220 Mlles New commercial area MO 3 6575 12202 SUPER lOfCA VE corner Lakeview Rd Attractive office Integrated MA 1 1600 ext 480 3436 LORAIN Office space In modern bldg Steam heat ELEVATOR parking MA 1 1600 Ext 480 9 5 61 Want Officii Detk Roam ESTABLISHED artist will rent space with agency printer or manufacturer Have own accounts PR 1 5447 Best Buy in Clevelands NEW REMODELED OICES 1 left consisting of 2 adjoining rooms tile floors acoustic ceiling Venetian blinds fiuorescnct lighting black top parking j75 for suites in cludes hat Comer 92 Buckeye EV 1 2818 Eve WY 1 3323 IDELITY BLDG 194 0 6TH ST BETWEEN EUCLID AND SUPERIOR Several small offices 100 600 sq ft Telephone answering and stenographic service available MAIN 1 8930 Wurstner Co Mr Brown 130 GOOD Sales Headquarters 30x40 Brick Veneer Bldg Air Condi tioned Plenty Parking Large Vault Bathroom and Lavatory Also Suit able for Residence and Office Com bined Seml Industrlal or Retail Zone Lot 150x130 WI 1 3171 After 7 pm or Any Time Sunday UNION BLDG 1836 EUCLID AVE DESIRABLE OICE SPACE CONVENIENT PARKING telephone answering service WURSTNER 4 CO CALL LOOD CH 1 0830 'EUCLID AVE 100 ST NEW MODERN OICES AIR CONDITIONED IDEAL LOCA TION RONT PARKING EXCELLENT OR BUSINESS OR PROESSIONAL OICES JANITOR AND ALL UTIL ITIES URNISHED CALL GA 1 5566 1500 BLDG 1511 Warrensville Center Rd 500 It south of Mayfield: Have 1 room 11x15 and 1 33x15: 3 offices new mahogany paneled nicely decorated summer air condlUonlng reasonable YE 2 2817 EV 1 3258 DOWNTOWN LAKEWOOD 900 sq ft modem air conditioned offlro avail able new LA 1 5 638 PARMA: Modem new offices? tor medical or professional use reason able rent parking 4805 Pleasant Valley Rd at State TU 4 1463 SACRIICE sub leas very desirable comer 12th floor Keith Bldg 723 sq fu superb view natural light Verityftfon SU 1 0456 MODERN office 1000 sq ft air conditioned main front parking 2857 Noble Rd near Warrensville Center Rd Mr Jay TB 3 8100 185 Lake Shoro Blvd: Optometrist or chiropodist in building with busy physician and dentist Parking space IV 1 5440 NATIONAL CITY BANK BLDG Air conditioned private office: secre tarial and answering service available MA 1 3538 LAND OR LEASE Comer of Ivanhoe and Euclid city of Cleveland 61x155' Good for used cars or other businesses or will build to suit Ostendorf Morris Co 33 PublicSquare TO 1 7200 CEDAR LEE STORE" 34'x70' beautiful store excellent condition air conditioned parking Owner can divide Ostendorf Morris Co 33 PublicSquare TO 1 7200 Cedar Center Area Near May Co Air conditioned park ing Excellent condition Ostendorf Morris Co 33 Public Sq ua re TO 1 7200 STORE Double Display Window LOW RENT Excellent Brooklyn Area CH 1 6570 STORE AND OICE SPACE LOW RENT 11415 UNION AVE 11419 UNION AVE EXCELLENT LOCATION CII 1 6570 102 PROSPECT OPPOSITE the MAY CO at Prospect and Ontario 13x82 with full base ment or information phone Mr Martin at SW ooi 15107 ST CLAIR AT IVE POINTS Store room about 600 sq ft plus basem*nt good retail outlet National City Bank Real Estate Dept PR 1 3140 79 flint actory Warehouse Site 10 OR 20000 SQ7T ON 1 LOOR Heavy loor Load Very ine Light EXCELLENT OR MACHINE SHOP OR LIGHT MANUACTURING Broker Cooperation Invited CRAGIN LANG REE ExclusiveAgents PR 1 1900 SHOP YARD ORCE" Distributor Nation on well traveled street on near West Side: 2000 rq ft office 6000 sq fl In new shrp bldpr 1 acre for yard storage Take all or part Priced right on lease Call Brown A SMYTHE CO Est 1903 Realtors CHI 8283 RENT OR 4000 to 50000 feet units Below market rental per foot No 1 Industrial toning: Ample parking and yard space 24 hour watchman service Railroad siding Sprinkler system: clear span East 90th St south of Buckeye Phone SW 5 4850 Leonard Abrams or Superior 1 8208 Al Gatt 1 2000 SQT NEAR SOUTHWEST 1 floor building ZONED GENERAL INDUSTRIAL On prominent thoroughfare opposite CTS Rapid stop Ample parking MEAD JACOBS CO SU 1 8311 45000 SQ ft East Side Close In Covered recessed loading docks Three floor and basem*nt ireproof build ing Large freight elevator Heavy floor load Gas furnace Excellent space In first class condition 35c ES km Call Loran Ine I Grogan Company HANNA BLDG CH I 5080 PRIME LOCATION Stnro MA 1 1600 ext 480 1634 Walnut Corner 17 Store full basem*nt: good for any business reasonable MA 1 5238 LAKEWOOD 11804 Detroit ideal lo cation: 16x60: full basem*nt 125 WY1 8215 PRIMROSE at Parkwood: Large store with tailor and press equipment or for other use $80 SU 1 5230 1500 SQ GROUND LOOR 9 ST DISPLAY OICES COHEN Broker CII 1 27 8 8 NE AREA 22x50 suhed for Insur ance real estate or small office In quire HE1 1 126 DENISON atAv 03: Attractive stores excellent location for retail wholesale off Ices TO 1 2270 ROUTE 14 900 sq ft warehousing or business parking HA 5 7141 EV 1 2 550 SOM Center at 'Wilson Mill: New store building 2 units still available HI2 6 0 2 OdaysTE 1 937 8 eves STORE nr Meat Market With base ment 16320 Detroit Lakewood 14x 60 LA1 8189 or CH 1 4293 WILLOUGHBY: Store new front low rent good for any business SW 5 3632 OICE space and parking facilities for 4 tractors and trailer Immediate occupancy 1 3447 STORE: Nice corner 13514 Harvard See butcher next donr STORE: Highland Heights shopping center for drugstore HI 2 4479 KINSMAN 9320: Store full basem*nt Offlre or business Ye 2 8531 LAKEWOOD tore 20x50: was trauty shop DI 1 7820 131 store or office 16x50 baseT mint parking A 1 3435 AIRVIEW: Comer store 222 St 30 ft front: $300 month ED 1 2510 1195 store with apt good for any business HE 2 1563 STORZ: Corner St Clair Vahilheat $85 MH 1 0510 HO 9 1713 139 Purita: Comer store 25x30 WI 1 5050 DANCE STUDIO Clubroom etc Newly decorated EXl Jo22 EV 2300 PAYNE BLDG 800 10000 iq ftl completely re decorated low rent SU 3 5230 DENTAL SUITE: also suitable fop oth er uses good parking busy shopping center 4486 Mayfield EV 1 6562 EV 2 6079 LORAL'i Ave 17407 Kamrra Cor ners: room in new bulldlnc: pienty nt puking suitable for any profession $110 a month EN 1 4067 SOUNDPROO STUDIO 1100 SQ Ideal for recordrig Very re asonabl al 1 523 0 SHAKER Square area: 2 room suite plu snail lab 'and storage areas goodor dentist lab photo studio etc 1 9732 BUSINESS office for lease 600 sT ft 12434 Cedar Rd Cleveland Height YE 2 5334 Mr Sam Russo SHAKER new bldg lower 1500 tq ft S3 per sq ft parking SHAKER LEE REALTY SK 1 9616 DOCTOR agent offices lst 2d floor new afr condltloned 5725 State Parma $75 mo up TU 4 3000 2000 WARRENSVILLE CENTER Small office complete with utllltlre $75 EV 1 28 1 8 LAKEWOOD office space: also paneled executive offlc Immediate occupancy Reeionable rent LA 1 3043 SHAKR Square area: paneled 2 room suite: fireplace moderate rent CR 1 9732 2250 LAKE Shorr Blvd: Profesriorsl or Buslnew: 2 end 3 room low rent YE 2 0123 EV 1 6074 NEW office 2403 Brookpark Rd Ullll t'e Included phis air eondltlonlng ino 7 until 5 CEDAR Rd near Taylor: 1 story pro tesslonal building: physician: business ordesk reace: parking YE 2 9486 CORNER Cedr Le Trary Bldg Servl ice parkin MA 1 6896 ER 1 1106 (Ceotlnurd la Next Cofqguil 4 ROOMS to airport: air con dltloned $125 ED 1 2510 PROESSIONAL office In Medical Bldg Wlllow'ck PO 0464 OICES reasonable doctors real csia'e: lent on Detroit ED 1 3860 3 ROOMS or I room 2U30 Lake Shore Blvd RB 1 4961 41 cifk: large room: ttdlo er Off erv ce OL 1 0580 ICenlinaed In 5ei CHamn) 1 SHEIELD LAKE 500 1100 ft good for office or beauty shop air conditioned $75 $135 per mo Phone Lorain AT 8 5192 1978 55 Sfl 2nd floor private entrance 2 separate washrooms large open space will par tition and decorate to suit Excellent for office or any type of business SU 1 5R20 MAYIELD GREEN Store 60x90 full basem*nt parking Will divide for party wanting smaller area Available for Immediate occu pancy SK 2 2099 LORAIN OHIO 375 Broadway: store 16x73 Basem*nt 2800 sq ft Apply Bank Mgr next door call MA 1 1600 Ext 480 9 5 ALL OR PART WILL REMODEL SUIT YOUR NEEDS COMMERCIAL BLDG nRR 4th fit BETWEEN EUCLID AND PROSPECT CH 1 01 47 Wurstner Co 3D Brown OICES OR LEASE Recently completed office building located at 11955 SHAKER BLVD Several varied size suites yet avail able Partitioning to suit All utilities air conditioning off street parking and custodian service included Occu pancy within 2 week KENNETH YOUNG SW 5 1111 EUCLID 57 30x100: excellent corner location for furniture store fluorescent lights full basem*nt: will remodel to suit Call GA 1 5566 Stores Crosstown Parking 93 3211 near Kinsman: 4 units 18x60: black topped lot: by month or lease Mr Hakal MA 1 3745 NORTHIELD RD AT RAYMOND ST near Southgate: New bldg 27x59 It with full basem*nt air conditioned Iron! parking Owner GR 5 2636 EV 1 6706 130 Lot 151x130 40x30 Air Conditioned: Brick Veneer Bldg: Can Enlarge Semi ludustrlal Or Retail Plenty Parking WI 1 3171 after 7 pm or anytime Sunday CHESTER'ATElOth OICE WAREHOUSE Ail 3 in one unit of 2350 sq It with free private parking UT 1 8710 CEDAR GREEN Store room air conditioned In busy Cedar Green Shopping Center Reason able EV 2 5150 PARMA ON RIDGE Just south of Snow Rd Large store with amnle parking lease only $200 a m3 Inquire TU 4 9440 STORE 22 SQ loor space office or suitable any busi ness To 1 5800 Mr Meyer ST CLAIR 13701 near Hayden: En tire 2d floor about 8000 sq ft ele vator steam heat inside loading dock Cheap MA I 0478 PROSPECT 3407: 22 room old stone mansion: good for school lodge club clinic labor union light mfg etc Kaye HE 1 9600 ATTENTION TRUCKERS Truck pai Mng and office space 3518 BROADWAY PR1 7050 HEIGHTS area: Paneled 2 room office moderate rent Also 3 room suite suitable for doctor professional tales ER 1 9732 25x80 NEW store west side suburb next to front and rear park ing suitable for drug store restaurant beauty shop etc EV 1 8413 PARMA 3 STORES SEPARATELY OR TOGETHER MODERN: PARKING TOP LOCATION MINIMUM RENT $150 TU 5 0831 TU 4 9020 WICKLIE 29802 4 Euclid: 2 stores 20x80 each completely re modeled 1 or both $175 each 3 year lease Owner WH 3 3082 EUCLID 101 15x70: basem*nt parking ST Rent Offley Dttk Runs (Conllimd rom Precerflnf Oolttmn) Excellent Office Space OR RENT IN EUCLID SUITABLE OR PROESSIONAL BUSINESS CALL RE 1 7111 OUTSIDE ANSWERING SERVICE AVAILABLE AS WELL AS A RENTAL UNIT AGENTS BUILDING 14812 Detroit Ave Lakewood AC 1 2560 3535 Lee Rd Shaker Heights LO 1 0220 600 2 IMIOOO SQ TT Prime Euclid Ave location Turnkey offices air conditioned carpeted at tractive draperies Excellent for In surance or advertising agency Reason ally priced Call A SMYTHE CO EST 1903 REALTORS CH 1 6263 130: ALL or Part Over 2 Acres Heavy Zone Rent Lease Or Will Build: Railroad Siding: Bldg Specs Avail able 20x50 plus 2400 Sq 2d loor Power Wiring WI 1 3171 After 7 or anytime Sunday 1200 TO 15000 ANT SIZE ANT PLACE Bradley Realty MA 1 022 Ask lor red Knovies MG STORAtE 5000 10000 SQ RR SPUR TRUCK DOCK CLOSE IN EAST SIDE KOBUTZ INC CH 1 2788 GROUND LOOR 53000 SQ PRIME SPACE INDUSTRIAL OR COMMERCIAL CORNER EHCrIDTAKKVtm KOBUTZ INC CH 1 2 788 $75 RENT 1200 sq ft near Pub lic Square: 2000 aq ft for $125 Includes heat elevator loading area: tor light mfg printer garment trade storage etc MA 1 7762 1 INDUSTRIAL 7000 ft high celling truck dock and railroad Immediate occupancy offices and parking CII 1 3781 3000 SQ Reasonable ON NORTHIELD RD: Ample park ing: offices: laboratory facilities Im medlate occupancy BE 2 8 455 EUCLID CARNEGIE AREA 6000 sq ft drlve ln door steam: high celling: 2 offices: lease It desired SMALLER UNITS AS LOW AS $50 EX 1 3822 EV 1 6920 BEST SPACE IN TOWN 400 to 5000 sq ft Individual rooms steam heat for light manu tacturtng Showrooms or office ORKAPA PR 1 0888 4000 Sq 1223 6 2d floor Park 2 cars elevators sprinkler heat MA 1 5218 1900 Train Ave 20000 sq ft: Truck loading parking garage siding MA OR Lease: Warehouse or light Indus try: approx 4100 sq ft railroad s'ding: excellent West Side location ME 1 2242 16450 one story high celling sprinklers Heavy zone Load docks Downtown Drlve ln door Low Rent CHAS PEARSON PR D3060 2650 25: Light Industrial park ing In rear Large truck door Heavy wiring air conditioned office 1300 rq ft AT 1 4334 I 500 SQ industrial space: mod em building: ground level drive in door location ample parking BE 2 3086 MADISON: 2000 fl or more loading dock parking: I'ght mfg dlstrlbu tor WO 1 181 YE 2 4203 1480 LAKESIDE 2 STORY IRE PROO 4500 MA 1 4181 3400 SQ ft for storage or light mfr: elevator heat parking reasonable: near Superior EV 2 8787 411 St Clair 6300 Sq ft: passenger snd freight elevator: sprinklered MA 1 5238 BRICK bide: sale lease 2500 sq ft basem*nt warehouse storage overhead door 10531 CedarGAl 301 ABOUT 31500 sq ft clean 1 story multi purpose brick: engineering and office space parking EV 2 1626 PROSPCT 9th area: sq ft of fice $100 2500 sq ft office or light mfg: dock CH 1 6442 2400 SQ IT: Manufacturing: East 4Me clore in tA 1 394 6 CL IRK off 32 4000 sq ft ndurtrlal mfg area OL 1 3030 0x145: AMPLE parking 300 Lakeland Blvd WH 3 2111 GROUND fl or 8 900 25000 sq ft Reasonable 1971 W51MEl 2400 sq narking Detrolt U7 AC 6 4359 SQ III Auetlini 120 Auctions LIQUIDATION SALE (Due to Loss of Lease) by PUBLIC AUCTION By Ordkr of the Owner we will on RIDAY JULY 22nd I960 at 10:30 AM offer or jal by PUBLIC AUCTION THK MACHINERY EQUTPMENT AND PERISHABLE TOOL INVENTORY of SUMMIT EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES INC located 21 EAST ALOR STREET AKRON OHIO SALE WILL INCLUDE: Plumbing ittings and Valves Hot and Cold Rolled Mild Steel Milling Machine Arbors Tool Steels (Ketos Stentor etc) Drills J4" to Z'j" (Taper Shank US) Core Drills Jobber Drills HS (in Original Packages) Pipe and Acme Cap Machine Screws Reamers Chuck ing Slitting Saws Woodruff Cutters iles Countersink and Counter Bores Broaches Electric and Plumbing Sup plies Elec Screw Drivers Hyd Cylinders Chain Hoists Vises Die Springs Belting ire Extinguishers New Office Desks Multigraph Machine Typewriter! Kardex iling System luo Lights Electric Motors (4 to 50 HP) and undreda of other items pertaining to ma chine shops Electric Water Cooler Drill Presses Shap ers Planers etc PUBUC WE LIQUIDATE YOUR ROZEN ASSETS EXCEPTIONALLY MODERN TOOL ROOM MINERf MO EQUIPMENT Of PRIME MOLD MO DIE COMPANY 25890 Lakeland Boulevard Euclid (Suburb of Cleveland) Oiiio Tuesday July 26th at 11 AM (001) PANTOGRAPH: 3L Gorton Pantograph' Engraving Ma chine MILLING MACHINES: (9) Mode! BRJ end BHJ Bridgeport Dovetail Ram and Turret Type Vertica'i (8 New I953 I9S9) With True Trace Torchan ollower Shaping and Cherrying Attachments 80 Gorton end 5C Beeler Verticals2CH Kearney i Trecler Plain (New 1953) 12 Van Nor man Ram Type (New 1952) and Model MD Hardings Precision Horizontals LATHES: (New 1953) and South Bend 16'7 UCIMU 'Geared Head New 1952) Engines: 2G Morsy Geared Head Turret GRINDERS: 1 Vi Abrasive (New 1955) Hammond (2) Model 612 Boyar Schultz New 1 956) Surface 375 4 Gorton Tool (New 1959): (5) Hammond Etc Carbide Tobi and Ddubl End Grinders OTHER Model ML DoALL Contour Model Wells Band and Racme Hack Saws: American Racial and (3) 44" Edlund Etc Drills Model PC 14 Optical Comparator 2l" Averbeck Back Geared Shaper Die iler Big Jo Electric Die Lift Truck Precision and Inspection actory and Office Equipment Perishable 'Tooling TREE ILLUSTRATED AUCTION' INSPECTION JULY Jlst CIRCULAR ON REQUEST TO DATE SALE WIRE WRITE OR PHONE hr lof Miff halization INDUSTRIAL PLANTS CORPORATION 1 Amifc' oremost AUcriOHeens 316 LaSalle St Chicago III Tel WAbash 2 7315 1 NEW YORK TOLEDO DETROIT 9 AUCTION aid II The above win be offered in unite and piecemeal lots Terms of Sale: Certified eheck or 259 deposit required NO CONIRMATION ROSEN COMPANY AUCTIONEIRS APPRAISERS 1608 The Superior Bldg MA 1 1880 Cleveland 14 Ohio PUBLIC AUCTION By Order of the Owners we will on WEDNESDAY JULY 27 1960 at 10:30 AM (EDST) offer for salt by PUBLIC AUCTION THE CERAMIC MANUACTURING EQUIPMENT GENERAL INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT AND OICE URNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (ormerly Owned By THE STEUBENVILLE POTTERY CO (Whoae Complete Line la Now Manufactured by the Canonsburg Pottery Co Canonsburg penna 1 ion the premises) STEUBENVILLE OHIO (3 Mile North Steubenville on Route 7) The ueetc win be offered In unlti end pleme loti Terms of Sale: Certified check or 25ft deposit required No Confirmation Inspection July 26 from 10:00 a to 4:00 m' Steubenville is 38 MHei Want of Plttaburrh and IIS Mile from Cleveland or further information pltue call or write ROSEN COMPANY appraisers 1808 Ths Superior Bldg Ma 1 1860 Cleveland Ohio 8 Detailed List tn Next Sunday'! Plain Dealer (7 24 60) PUBLIC AUCTION By Order Of Tho Owner We Will Sell DISCOUNT MART Located at 12619 ST CLAIR AVE Tueaday July 19 1960 at 1 I A SALE CONSISTS Luggage seta elect rid percolators electric ean openers trampoline electric drills and tools radio electric mixers Sheffield carving arts whisky decanter sets Ice buckets bottle sterilizers barbecue sets train sets assorted novelties musical powder boxes alarm clocks musical sewing kits magic ballroom dancers Boolon dinner ware stuffed toys greeting cards powered dump trucks guns flash lights shears cigarette lighters serving trays assorted costume jewelry Ladles blouses skirts stacks suits slips shorty coats full length eoats purses hosiery lts bras maternity clothing gloves dresses enow suits underwear socks suits shirts underwear socks sport coats gloves belts shirts IXTURES CONSISTS National cash register typewriter adding machine 2 metal greeting card cases Tlie above win offered In unit and piecemeal lots Terms of Sale: Certified Check or Cash 25 Deposit Required he 1 8925 TONY ILMORE sk 20139 LIQUIDATOR AUCTIONEER APPRAISER PUBLIC AUCTION BY ORDER THE OWNER WE WILL SELL HUDAK DRIVE IN Located at 6572 Pearl Rd Parma Heights MONDAY JULY 18 1960 AT 1 1 30 A All Equipment and Building Are 3 Tears Old Modernistic Corrugated Steel Bldg to Be Removed 3 Cherry Burrell Dua Custsrd reezars Coat 13300 Punxsutawney Dry ountain rigid Igloo Display reezer Cabinet Uniflow 0x10x9 Combination 1alk V01? r'Mer Blch Malt Mlr Hamilton Beach Malt Dlspenrer 3523 372 National Cash Register 1 Helmeo udge WuTiwrs glslnless Steel Thermobank Self Contained Dellrateasen Caae Stainless Steel De Luxe Refrigerator Sundae Bar with Built In Storage Refrigerator Electric Con rrisp rs: Electric Automatic Dio HM Tn: Wor Table Syrup Removed rom Premises Con firmation of Building Only 120 Auctions CLIVIIAND PLAIN DSALEK ern 1 MUbiivno SUNDAY JULY 17 1960 XU By Order Of The Owner We Will On THURSDAY JULY 21 1960 AT 1 1:00 AM tor bv PUBLIC AUCTION The Entire Inventory and ixture of MEMPHIS TOY HOBBY SHOP 4822 Memplue Avenue Cleveland Ohio SALE WILL INCLUDE: Urze Quxntlflei nf Toys Game Etc Includ Inr Cap Guns and Rifles Number Sets Toy Kitchen urni ture and Aophances Ceramic Novelties Plastic and Wood Model AsMtn bly Kits Toy Musical Instruments Educational Games Ccristructten Kits Card Games Block Sets Doctor and Nurse Kits 5iatiOBerv Car ton Dolls TV igures Electrical Seis Battery Operated Toys and Games Packaged Game Novelties Crib Accessories World Globes Domi noes Tai get Sets Dolls Pull Toys Plush Animals Ed Cards Puzz'es Large Quantity of Assorted Greeting Cards Banks Noveltv Baseball and ootball Games Stilts Talephones Ribbon Xwju Novel ties and Decorations Toy Cash Registers Koo Tovs Spin Tops riction and Wind Up Toys Trucks Cars Planes Cookware and Tea Sets Dsh Sots Doll Dress Seta Missile Games Animated Toys Tool Chests Clovn IXHls Paint Brushes Inflatable Tov DMI Craft Kits Jewelry Sets Slinky Toys Lotto Train Sets Designer rfrtor Travel Bags lying Models Puppets Sets Baske balls Soidierj Toy Mink Stoles and Slipoers Kits Tinkertoys Racers Toy GOf Sets eeding Chick Sets Ice CreamShops Stretch Plastic Magic Sets Senior Combination Sets Raek space sets Diaper Bag seta Tackle and Box Sets Bead Sets Moon Rocket Uunchers Bingo Toys and Products scrabble Pishing i Hv DUlls ishing Kits Sevin? Cards Chutes and Udders Urge QuantUy of jnc to $100 Packaged Impulse Toy Items 2 and 4 Blond Greeting Card Cabinets 2 6' Blond 4 Tler i Toy Display Racks and' Many other Items au Purchases Jn Cash or Certified Check Highest Blds Made at the Auction Are No Approval Required Doors Open 9:30 A oi Dav of Sa PBBUC Moved To Larger Quarters 3400 Vega Ave Cleveland Ohio (Lehy Brewing Co Bldg) Wednesday July 20th at I PM AND EyERY WEDNESDAY We Have Moved To Our Auction Room a Large Stock of Now and Used urniture and Appliances to be Sold at Public Auction Sale Conducted by AUCII8H CO WO 1 1218 Read and Use the Want Ads CALL MALN 1 4500 KINSEY KOPLY CO AUCTIONEER Industrial Conimerelat CLEVELAND DETROIT3 National city Bank Bide 129 Pianos Musical Instruments GUARANTEED NEW INSTRUMENTS DIRECT ACTORY TO YOU SISTEK (Naw Wonder! TRUMPETS ONLY $60 $4S Electric Guitar $22 Others $11 $0 VIOUN outfit $29 Oth $9 $100 Clarinet Outfit $50: lute $55 $275 Altn Sax De Luxe xtot S135 $310 Tenor Sax De Luxe Model $155 $270 Professional Drum Outfit $135 $60 Pearl Bongo $29 Portable organ close out from $75 Most Complete Mu Me Siore SISTEK 4628 Broadway MI 1 0257 Electronic Organ Bargains Al! like nrw 1 75 up Big selection of famous well known makes in 1 and 2 manuals with foot pedals Latest models and all finishes at tremendous reductions See these great values and save a lot of money TERMS 36 MONTHS NOTHING DOWN Mattlin 2027 Euclid Established 51 Year Open Evenings ITS TIME TO TRADE $129 summer pecial guaran teed trade in allowance on your tiny chord organ for a full size Wurlitzer or Thomas chord organ No Down Payment 5800 Broadway MI 1 2525 SALE BALDWIN ORGANS I Trade in Demonstrators loor Samples! No down payment 3 years to pay! THE HIGBEE CO Music Center BIG ACTION SALE ON PIANOS AND ORGANS Grand and ronsnle pianos fine lion from $295 New and used Spinet organs big selection from $225 ALL ULLY GUARANTEED NO DOWN PAYMNT NEEDED KEHRER CO Wurlitzer Pianos Organs Since p5h 13523 DETROIT OPEN EVES Bargains in Console Spinets inest makfi flnlsies and styles Select from Baldwin Acrnsonlc Krakauer Jansren Kimball etc perfect condition and guar anteed fam as pew See these wonder ful buys Terms 36 months No money down Mattlin 2027 Euclid Established 51 years Opn eves Pianos and Organs PRE ULL GUARANTEE inest select Inn at lowest price SAVE TIME AVE SEE US Music Center 47 Years of Dependability Home of Wurlitzer Pianos and Own 5800 Broadway MA 1 2525 Open eves Sat till 6 GOING OUT BUSINESS MAKE US AN OER 25 new pianos and organs Many styles and finishes amous brands Time payments Piano Organ Warehouse Locaied at Rt 21 and 303 West Richfield Open every day I to 9 Including Sunday CLEARANCE SALE Entire stock of floor model spinet consoles and uaeq grands Reduced rock bottom prices All finishes and styles Buy now and save Terms MUELHAUSER 11312 Euclid ree parking SUMMER clearance new used spinets consoles grands studio practice pianos These bargains cannot be duplicated DRAGIN PIANO CO 8220 Carnegie Mon Thum rl till 9 Electric grand player piano A condition 1 erma Smerda a 5800 Broadway MIL2525 USED mahogany STORY 4 CLARK console with Qrjano Excellent condi tion 2ij year old MARESH SON PIANO CO 3303 at Broadway VU 3 1500 Open riday till 9 NEW USED SPINETS Upright Baby Grand Players PRICES ROM $225 CURRIER MUSIC CENTER Mayfield at Lee YE2 9800 SPINET will loan to reaponaibla party desiring to tako lessons VU 3 2623 SPOT cash for mdsical Instruments Top Price rea Appraisals ACK Epstein Proapect Musical 738 1 54 09 THOMAS transistor 2 manual organ: 6 mos old: A condition: sells fer $1425 with bench and earphones Asking $035 HI 2 0908 GUITAR ELECTRIC Town made by Gretch with Ampeg amplifier cases tor both: alt A I tcndlton WY 1 3300 USPD PIANO BARGAINS SPINETS: Consoles studio Nothing Doan LEWIS 14881 EUCLID at Lee Lt 1 4072 eves ER 1 2232 P1ANORGAN CONSOLE $149 ELECTRONIC ORGAN 15 Tubes SPINET PIANO USED $349 GRABOWSKI MUSIC CO TU 6 2000 TRAINER PIANOS Dally 9 9 Sunday 5 14147 Euclid LI 078 Pianos for Beginners 550 Sme B80Q road wayMl 1 2525 MAGNUS cord organ blonde with stand and chair A condition $95 IV 1 4036 WANTED Highest prices Spot cash RA 1 9818 PIANO Knabe 5 grand line liutru 4'1: $525 IV 6 3913 GRAND piano eondltloa moving must sell BE 4 1057 PIPE organ Classic design tor home church: new $1 975 JA 6 8109 SPiNET piano Hallett Davis A con dition $350 ER 1 0880 ORGAN eleririe cord UM new ON 1 3054 ACCORDlbN NEW' 12O BASS S85: tuaranteed DI 33t0 OR ALL MUSICAL INSTRUMEXTSt CATALANUS SAVE on Demonstrator cirtans'" 5207 leet BR 1 3808 PIANO beautiful blond Anderson splu Ilze tie $400 SH 1 3198 HAYNES wooden plceolo excellent enn elltlon $150 SK 1 0234 STEINWAY grand atyla like new MATTLIN 2027 Euclid 3 YR OLD HAMJIONIPINET GOOD CONDITION AC 1 2757 129 Pianos Musical Instruments Pre Owned SPINET PIANOS Baldwin Acrosonle Henry Millet Gulbransen Wurlitzer and othrrt Priced rom $279 The Hyde Piano Co 2064 Euclid MAI 1488 Open Eves Till 9 PARTY PTANC PAY CASH MOVE IMMEDIATELY Thunderbird Tavern 6298 Pearl Rd A SPORT SHASTA AND GLIDER New end Used Trailer trailer mart inc 7100 Columbia lilt 252 1 AD 5 2733 Open 9 9 Closed Sunday MOBILE CITY INEST COLD STAR PARK SAIE3 NEW CHAMPION SCHULT a used eelecUon 25021 Auio a Rd Rt 43 BE 2 1429 Open 9 to 9 forYour Convenience NEW MOON AMERICAN Pr 300 Third Elyria A 2 0300 Also New Port Richey lorida MILLER MOBILE HOMES New trailers 8' lO' 12' wide low nrlies Gold Star Park: rwlmmlnj pool 4 miles from town 3854 Rd OL1 S400 TU 6 2144 TRAILER" SUPPLIES ANDERVICE Heat cables aluminum cleaner trailer paint roof paint aluminum awnings trailer lurnlture supplies and equip mesit Tra 1 1 er Mart Ine 11901 Lorain SCHULTZ 1953: 3S ft 3 bedrooms extra clean Inside and out toilet an ahower Will sacrifice located at Wertllght Trailer Park 3 ml of Turnpike on Rt 21 bT rTRAItERAtES HI LO TELESCOPIC TRAILER $045 $IlnO 1 4 95 8 1795 14572 MADISON AVE LAKEWOOD AC 1 2010 OR ED 4 0721 TRAILER frame 8x12 ft brand new floor with Installation suitable for house trailer will hold 3 tons Mus sell Best offer accepted AC 1 9236 after 5:15 1955 SPORTSMAN 28 ft house trailer Immaculate: com pletrly furnished new couch Colum bia Trailer Camp AD 5 2729 TWlNHeds Hollywood Made tor trail? er Superpedle mattresses sprints With storage drawers GA 1 3900 1116 Her 6 pm 12' WIDE 140 Mobile Homes Trailers SPECIAL 50X10 3 BEDROOMS I960 PEER 'BSS RCULAR PRICE $793 SALE PRICE 56295 ON SALE ALUMINUM ROO COAT ING $375 GAL LOTS AVAILABLE VALLEY TRAILERS COURT AND TALES 4341 Riverview Rd Peninsula Rt 21 South to Richmond Then Left On Rt 303 to Peninsula SEE THE NAV REVOLUTIONARY PORCH ROYCRAT Newest Idea In Mobile living GENERAL RONTIER GREAT LAKES AND NATIONAL JI TRAILER SALES 5165 Northfield Rd MO 2 7700 TRAILER MARTJNC inest NEW AND USED TRAILERS R'chardson Elcar 14901 tcTn'n (Rt 101 OR 8811 1 1800 Brookpark IRt 171 WI 1 1581 710n Columbia IRt 252) AD 5 2735 3 BEAUTIUL PARKS AND SALES OPEN 9 9 CLOSED SUNDAY yelEowstone TRAVEL TRAILERS 18 19 2427 tt models Bldee Trailer Sates 2223 Butternut Ridge Rd 3 3888 Elyria MILLER MOBILE HOMES INC 3851 RIDGE RD OL 1 5400 TRAILER IX1TS $20 PER MONTH BASE TURNPIKE TRAILER COURT ON RT 11 STREETSBORO 32 A furnished: $1000 Motor Court 35157 Center Ridge RE 1 7030 1955 PALACE 45 It by 8 fl: like new lots of extras must StU leaving town AD 5 3626 15x8 2 83On down bai? ante like rent Call MO 2 7700 after 13 nron f959 RICHARDSON 38x8 2 BED ROOMS: beautiful parking Best offer WH 4 0111 28 electric brakes tires and wheels single axle $75 Call alter 5 evijl North Eaton KI 8 2701 SPACIOUS 1960 Great Lakes 2 bed? room washer dryer carpeting pan ellng ME 1 9ML 1 I3LM ACULATE' 2 BEDROOMS NEW SOA EXTRAS BE 4 4034 1953 a'umlnum house trailer excellent condition best offer VU 39308 1333 CADILLAC like new: 1 tv room Ideal Ur couple bachelor etc Rearonable LU 7 1029 1955 LIBERTY Good condi tion ord's Taller park Brunswick Ohio I960 LCAR I5ft Will aerrtflre: bv appointment BE 7 5748 ar CL 1 9289 1955 LIBERTY32x8 air conditioned" A lSJ50O AT 1 2143 TRAVALEZE'tofet shower make offerVJJ 3 3838 10209 Mlles Are i960 tXCONA 50x10': reasonable in KlrtllUL financing CL 8 3338 1958 APACHE camp trailer sleeps 4 good condit on $395 TR 1 7131 'r hhtnr and vacation trailer sleeps to 6 AC 1 0137 1957 GREAT Lakes 3 bed rooms: Immaculate $2550 PA 9 4024 ROYCRAT" 1959 10x42 j' bed rooms aluminum awnmz SH 1 9167 1957 STAR 3 xS 1 bedroom: sarl? flee: make offer BE 5555 1957 GREATLakea Sxiil 1 bed? CTns: $2300 BE 4 538 1958 CADILLAC 43' extras $2900 or heat otter AD 5 4358 23 TRAVELEZE MleN showei? 12 qovv J3 S3 3 102 09 MUes Ave? 16' HOUSE or camp trstier sleeps 4 good condition Mf 1 0761 1259 TROTWOOD I afteleet rig trijeratur modern JIU 1 1593.

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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.