The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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38 CLASSIIED THE SPRINGIELD DAILY NEWS SPRINGIELD MASS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 2 1948 CLASSIIED EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted Malo 33 GRILL Duke's Di'ncr 31 St Wst Springfield HIGH school student boy with bookkeeping 4 typing knowledge for afternoons and Saturdays Box 462 Union Office Annly housekeeper Hotel Charles HOUSEMAN Apply Lenox Hotel 1V9 Main St I YOU HAVE A CAD AN Are free to start work immediately I have the op portunity fnr you to earn far above aver age earnings Must be honest nett lh ap pearance and over 21 jears of aue Preferably married If we accept yon be piepared to spend entire day with us Re ply at Sno ni sharp 66 Vernon St Springfield Electrician by well known manuxaciurer kox union mu ire MAN To work In lumber yard and drive truck Referan'es required Enfield Ltmt hr A Coal Co Thompsonville Conn Tel 3312 MAN drive light delivery truck and hlp in retail stroe permanent In re ply state ace former employment wages and referenc Rnx 53d Un i on Of flee MAN for drv cleaning route Exp preferred Tel 6 645Q MEN Wanted for steady work in our bread dept See Mr Wilson betw 9 am 12 HATHAWAY BAKERY 353 CHESTNUT ST SPRINGIELD MASS EN If you are not Inlereated the selling fle'd ther is no use to read lhs If you are interested in selling this i what have to offer you A Opportunity to earn lotklOO per month and over Product that aro selling Permanent position with retirement after certain number of years in our employ If sou are interested neat appearing have can furnish top references and are steads' and reliable Apply In person riday Morning 900 to 1000 Worthy Hotel Ask for Mr Luca OIL BURNER Man experienced on power burners Phone 7 7611 a inters wanted CALL 4 7426 foRTER ull time position Day work Apply manager Whelan Drug Store 1507 Main St PRESSER al! aound Exp on whites silks Steady work Stood pay Apply ranklin Cleaners 201 Mill St JtADIO servicemen amateurs experimen i tars end in your name and address and receive our Bargain Bulletins regularly Buyer Synd 30 Taylor St Spfld Max i EMPLOYMENT Mtnations emale 36 ACTJC ALN UR EA VA LA BE TEL 3 9G80 ray laboratory technician desires position Good ret Avail Oct 1 Rox Union Office TYPING or business work done a home Good handwriting Excellent references ToL Chicopee 26TJM WOMAN to do at home Experienced Tel 7 8097 Situations Wanted Male 37 A CCOUNT A NT BOOK ESPER Available part th nc Te 1 4 1 121 AU around man desires work in city Call 2 068 1 after 53u B(KK KE Part time done at tfmne or at your business by experienced ac countant Confidential ft reasonable Box 7S2 Ui do (Vfire A available as management con sultant administrative assistant or in structor Box 179 Union Office INDUSTRIXL engineer yrs exp in Time Study Methods and Sales Eng grud of leading eng school in Bua Eng Admin Droirva posit in Spfld area Box Union Office MEuTlTx IC A ENG I NEK 1 Married 26 yrs old desires permanent position In Holyoke Springfield vicinity as junlou plant or with process and indus trial piping contractor Experienced in steam rower plant Sulfite and Kruft Paper Mihs Call Holyoke 20517 or write Box No 1 76 Hol Union Cice PCrt'ENTtAL Sales timber age 36 married wants selling job in NE territory Box 522 Union Office YOUNG MAN 30 desires steady job with board on farm Box 512 Un flee jobs Guaranteed satis faction Lawns mowed cellars windows cleaned pat i gft 1 i ru ckin 6 07 25 INANCIAL Business Opportunities 38 A ACTION AVe buy and sell immedi any type business or real estate Wa finance and make any type loans 2nd mortgages 'reo appraisals advice Hart Realty Uo 1421 Main St 6 0S1S ADAMS Profitable operating Amer ican and Italian restaurant 6 day week Excellent business for couple Equipment new one year See it" any time Bark Realty Company Greylobk Bank Build ing Adams Mass Telephone 1 with Estab lished Trade Up to date Equipment $3300 1 1 a 2 4 75 7 or 3 3272 ADVERTISING Medium successfully oper ated in Conn Valley for over 2' years Death of owner presents wonderful oppor tunity for young man with a small in vestment of capital 3 6305 RESTA UR ANT Manager Thoroughly ex perienced in all phases at high grade res taurant management Apply Sheridan Manchester Conn ftXLESMAN Want to sell supply items in modern downtown hardware plumbing suply store no telephone interviews ac cepted for further information inquire manager Low Supply Co 213 XVorthing ton anytime before 12 noon SATKSMAN A BUSINESS Ob' YOUR OWN If you can live nn $75oo a week for the 6trt three months you may be the man we win select for your locality Earnings will increased after your training pe iod A Bfi yer corporation will expand in Western Massachusetts in the next to 6o days In so we will needveral additional representatives in this territory Those selected will live in their present locality Write giving us the following Informa tion age status of employment the past throe jears make of automobile you own rent or own your own property Also enclose the names of three references xvhich we will investigate We are interested in people well thought of and of good reputa tion In their community Do not mail ap plication after Sept 7 1948 Box 534 Springfield Newspapers SASH to travel 100 mile radius Must have car Good renumeration Write Box 569 Union Office SERVICE MAN for gun type oil burners Experienced required Truck furnishedThia is a good job for a good man State expert list where you were employed Box 43 Union Office SERVICE STATION attendent with some experience on lubrication work Steady work good pay Johnston Cordner 425 St James Ave Tel 3 5355 $HOE exper for Sat work apply Carter's Shoes 1685 Main St INGLE MAN bet 25 35 to have charge rf work play in Protestant Child Casing Institution Must be a good char acter bAys games be able to live harmoni tis With people Good posi tion for right man Box 1245 Union Office TIRE MAN Exp truck tires Associated Transport 429 Memorial Ave XV I MME expe rie need on up I i steady work Crown Upholstering 437 State TRUCK Wanted Apply in per son Witkin Provision Co 385 Liberty St ATTENTION USED CAB BUSINESS OR SALE Going to west coaM must sell license signs plates £: 3 cars 1 truck left Goad location XVrlte giving name phone number BOX 511 UNION OIC A WELL I i ed pe ro fast growing retail furniture business Loca tion ideal for steady continuous growth miss inquiring Will lease nr sell real estate Call A Neylon 7 JOOS BAKERY old established Large volume of sales Due to illness will dispose of on very easy terms ull investigation Box 520 Union Office BARBER SHOP completely equipped 5 chairs estab 34 yrs Net income per vear Price $3500 The Harvey Co 115 State St Te! 9 3831 BUSINESS Buying Selling or Securing Partner See Us Shah Realty Co 161 Main CAE IN THE ull liquor li cense plus package store dining rm bar television est bus Excellent cond A good buy for one who can promote this tvpe of bus Call American Realty Co 3 3292 COMBI NATION beauty parlor rooms downtown income from rooms over month besides living quarters Ijow rent with lease only $35M XVe also have restaurants stores ga rages and an Ice route EARL EM PS ALL ULLAM CO REALTORS 11 ELM ST WEST SPLD TEL 6 635 1 EQUIPMENT or making rubber stamps inc 2 small vulcanizers 1 dryer 1 mould ing press Also mounting (all sizes) bench miscellaneous Phnne 3 4327 after 6 EST UPHOLSTERY and interior decora tion shop exc bus Box 516 Union Office ISH ChTp bus $50 net for 3 days wk H3im 2 5129 ORCED TO Restaurant taxi combination Price reasonable or inf ra I 2 5 OftO A NC XVe 11 st a bl i shed good buildings fully equipped Must have $25hw cash balance can he financed A good money making business located within 25 miles of Northampton Possession at once Write Box Union OR SALE emale pointer 1 yr old Call XV Spusta Stafford Spgs GG4 ring XV 3 OR Moilern apt block Excellent location or derails call TRUCK ROUTE NOW OPEN Jack 4 Jill Ice Cream Canteen Apply 1156 State St rear I to 3 pm WANTED machine tenders and back tend ers for light weight tissue Mill lo cated near vicinity and running 6 days Nn labor trouble Good working condi tions Excellent wages Box 124H Union Office frANTED Singieu sober reliable man to manage dairy farm Machine milking Rea sonable wages ncajf Springfield Box 1217 Union Office fVARNER SWASEY turrent lathe opera tor Must set up own work Products A Mfg Co 420 Dwight St i Holyoke WEATHER STRIP MEOHANICS Te Chamberlin Co of America has an for an experienced workman instal ling metal stripping screens 4 atoryi ndnws Applicant must have car 4 be willing tn work anywhere In Western Mass or appointment call Mr Barker at 4 8650 mornings 8 to 930 WOOL presser wanted Apply Clean ers 219 Broadway Chic alls TOUNG MAN afternoons and Saturdays with nr without experience Davidson's Market 337 Wilbraham Rd RUIT Vegetable groceries delicatessen A dairy products Good location 9 6633 A ST A TION ac res of land 4 rm apartment on Rt 20 Tel Brimfield 373 GAS STATION With complete luhritory used cars rang oil business six room house $1550(1 Will sell separately Tel Wcstf eld GASOLINE bulk plant for sale Inquire 510 Main St GAS STATION or sale Doing good busi ness WestStafford Ct Jtc Rte 208 30 HOME WITH HUGE INCOME A real architectural beauty In excellent condition centrally located Occupy our part of the house immediately and con tinue to rent the rest for $2700 almost $230 per month! Large fenced in yard with new oil heating system Owner leav ing town Unusu il offer at $12900 Save agents easy by calling 9 0225 LOBSTER And clnm business including equipment A Lobster pool Reasonable accepted Tel 8 164 1 MEAT A Grocery low operating costs good equipment reasonably priced all offers considered Telephone 9 2883 ena isTi 1 1 's i lable ijixx oisj rvicrri' TOUNG MAN for shade work Apply Rer sn nn b'nrbes Walla ce YOUNG MEN over 18 for outside order dept Short hours Good pay Rm 211 1562Ma in St YOUNG MAN Wanted to work in plant must have drivers license New England Sterllo Diaper Service 16 Broadway St Salesmen and A erents 33 A AT ONCE Men with canvassing exper follow lead average earnings 75 a week must have car 2 7118 DRIVER or tire routes Pref one from T'ville or surrounding area ply Interstate Tire Stores Inc Enfield St at State Line 53D SALSMEN are really flockine to Encyclopedia Britannica now Maybe it would pay you to come in see why Local office 95 State St SALESMEN The Chamberlin Co of America has open ings for several salesmen to cover territory In Snrlngfield Westfield and near by towns Applicant must have car furnish refer ences or appointment call Mr Barker at 4 8650 mornings 8 to 930 SALESMAN to carry a complete line of nurses beauticians waitresses uniforms Springfield and surrounding towns XVrite it Rite Uniform Co 51 Empire St Providence I SALESMEN Does an Income of $600 to $1000 interest you? Come In and talk It over to day See manager 05 State St Room 210 WANTED: Man for Rawleiah business in city of Springfield nearby town Per manent If you are a hustler or parti riilars write Rawleigh's Dept MAl 42 niS Albany Help Male or emale 31 BEAN PICKERS wanted Charles XV Brown North West St eeding' Hills XVanted fV machine Night work Apply Whelan's Drug Store cor Bridge A Main St EXPERIENCED ountain help ull it part time Call for apt 3 5852 MAN OR Exp in cleaning spotting pressing Tel 6 6 1 50 SECOND COOK Apply Dietitian Wesson Memo 'ia Hospi a Male Help Instruction 35A RADIO ANNOUNCE RS train for AM er Television get in a growing indus try Learn spnrts announcing newscast ing commercials dramatics or disc jock ey ad libbing The training is the equivalent of two years of college Box 393 Union Office Situations Wanted emale 3ft BOOKKEEPER Complete set of hooks pny taxes charge of office Reliable Refs Box 515 Union Office COilPTOJIETER ast ac curate Issues position Box 449 Union Office PERIENCED PRACTICAL ST1 risk AVAILAI4LE WILL TAKE CHRONIC OR OTHER CASES 4 3690 orasL Pk see EL derly man preferred 2 children school a se Live io Box 531 Union Office Ca yr nld sn wants position housekeeper In Protetnt home Te 4 S91V PRACTICAL NURSE AVAILABLE DAYS 6 9088 RESTAURANT nnd beach fnr sale Tnq Clam Bar Hampton Ponds XVestfield nnst Showhoat RESTAURANT Cor Broadway Vernon making it one of the best locations in the City Owner leaving I ease ROWAN REALTORS 7974 EVES 3 5278 SM LL ully equipped Ideal mofiey maker for young couple good rea son for selling Triced righ Northamp ton tel for appointment SUPER SE ErATf Orm lase man must have money No trlflers Box 6X3 THREE (3) Tenement house restaurant 2 garages Excellent income Vacancy 1st floor 418 Liberty St Tel 2 8374 after 130 in WANT TO BUY ire casualty Insurance agency 9 3891 t) WELL EQUIPPED And spacious neighbor grocery and meat market Reason able sale due to ceath in family Nearby apartment available immediately with sto a 1 1 Hartf rd 32 3 8 37 Bus Opportunities Wanted 38A BAKERY' either equipped or with oven alone to rent or Call after 5 9 4956 1 BUYERS Uf stores merchandise fixtures 760 Dwight St 7 0357 nr 4 373 STORES Estates machine shop bought for cash Nothing too large or too small 2 0471 XVE HAX'E BUYERS List your business or business property with us ULLAM CO 110 ELM ST WEST SPLD TEL 6 6351 Personal innancing 39 AUTO LOANS And other loans Eight hour service SPLD ACCEPTANCE CO 1 190 Main St 4 3193 Up to $300 Privately New Method inance 1563 Main 'St Tel 1 2127 IJconse 60 TODAY' is The Dav fnr Cash Loans IDEAL BUDGET PLAN 1121 MAI ST 6 2766 LTC 125 Money to Loan 40 AN ABILITY TO MAKE antype sr cured and unsecured 2d mtges We buy sell finance businesses real estate ree appraisals State Loan Co 1421 Main 6 0818 A BETTER SERVICE In any type loan se cured and unsecured business bought sold inanced uans to heirs beneficiaries Seaboard Discount Corporation 1562 Main St Tel 4 3191 CXSTf OR VIAMONJiS RE 1563 MAIN ST TEL 2 9123 AL SA VINGS 1st mortgage de sirable homes Nt fees Springfiqid of fice Worcester ederal Savings 6 4269? Third National Bank Bldg MORTGAGE LOANS If you need money to buy build or refinance your present house see Lomas Co 23 Elm St 6 3U37 INSTITUTION I at I st ii Hion 45 RE KI ND ERG A RTEN''' Children Ae 3 I yrs Dtrerled play music rreativ skills Mornings 9 to 12 Limited enrollment xates reasonable I ransportatrnn provided ELINOR SAMSON 6 Northumberland St Dial 3 0866 INSTRUCTION Musical Danclnir Dramatic 4t EIEAXOrt ndiIINS teacher of piano Pu pils nil nKes studio 115 State ti 'i5lt 1 I I 1 livestock logs Cats IVts 47 REEGLE or Sale Stale beautifully spot ted running 2 yrs old Sacrifice 35 ock! and Ave Tai dlow BOSTON TERRIERS puppies all agee rom ARC registered stork Boston Ter tier Stud Service Wells Kennelp 30 St eeding Hills Tel 6 1306 BONER Great Dane pups to sell Phone Southwick 130 co*ckERS Black reg litter top breeding Male $25 emale $1 5 Suoy co*ckER PUPPIES reg Dubuc Kennels Viviannl St Hadley alls Holyoke co*ckER spaniel puppies Reds blondes box ers collies German shepherds shelties16wln arm lleivJSt 24T40 ENGLISH SETTER puppies Orange Belton ARC Reg 3 mos old Tel Hampden 99 IRISH sale wks ohl 552 Spfll St Wilbraham R1I Of beautiful farm raised collie pups Sable white A 'so nice litter of Beagles Tl Monson 1 7 1 12 Puppies female $3 'Male $5 Tel 4 3Q5L PUPPIES ES I 1 2J 84 2 TROPICAL ISH tanks all accessories 333 Elm St Northampton Te 1 4ik0 Horses Cnttle Vehicles 18 ABLE ACTION at agreeable terms for your old disabled horses Ecpprienccd humane disposal Berkshire Mink Ranch Call Bel chcrtown 2092 collect ABLE dependable removal of your old or disabled horse "16 yrs exverioncA In humane disposal Tel Westfield 1043 Collect BEST rUl'CKS PAIL' cows calves Market 7 4163 CUNNINGHAM garden tractor with culti vator Jt lawn mower attachments Used very little A good bt ty Tel 7031 IIORsllS ON HAND 1 pr outstanding horses wt 4200 a drawing team The best that grows Saddle horses saddle5? bridles Any clas of a horse can be found here Wo buy old horses Shelburne alls Horses Market State Street Tel 2239 Shelburne alls RODS at Miller St Ludlow now located at the ARM WEST ST LUDLOW We have available at all times a complete stock of local Canadian dairy cows Gall at the farm or Tel Ludlow 412 or 2019 NEW MILCH cows springers Also McCormick corn harvester 2 new rubber tired farm wagons Will take stock in trade John A Mazars 29 Loomis St Westfield Tel Southwick 15 4 SAW DUST shavings Lynch for Lum her Tel 9 47SI HIGH prices paid for cows calves hogs I Maspo 275 School St Agawam 1939 bRMTi7f71UOT tools for sale 'Pel 3 3130 Poultry and Supplies 49 A DEEND MILE' nearby source of quality chicks pullets fc capons Elm St T'ville473O ALL LIX'E Poultry wanted Highest prices paid I Kaplan 42 Essex St 6 OS85 or 0 5403 Ain'ENTR POO pullets 11 weeks rom pulorum free bleeding stock $3 each Call Spfld 7 277 special price ort whole flock or lots of 1 no BABY Started pulletts and ca pons Elm St Thompsonville Conn Tel Spfld 7 9764 or Thompsonville 4 730 OWL A pullets wanted Best prices of fered Superman 3 2371 or 7 1 S3 and ungicides for the arm and DUST OR SPRAY Roton one Bordeaux Arsenate of Lead Lawn and Garden ertilizers MeJhe 1 nc 68 Taylor St Tel 2 1 194 PULLETS WANTED Any amount or breed at ton mice Hughes arm Bernardston Tel 3601 PAY' top prices for large roasting fowls broilers turkeys ducks Zelazo XV Spfld 3 2310 or 7 2327 200N TTU LE 3 4482 or 133 Morgan Rd West Spfld MERCHANDISE Articlrji for Sale 51 ACETYLINE Electric arc new used welding equipment Taft Welding Equip ment Co 3171 Main St Tel 4 5709 VMMUNITION BO dak Ideal for lunch boxes fishing tackle personal pa pers etc Memorial Ave Spfld ash Garbage cans packing barrels oil drum units compkte Switzer Ave sOIG We deliver ASH Rubbish cans water barrels range oil drum stands faucets PHELAN BARREL CO Rear 16 Eastern Ave 2 2S03 ASH rubtdsh trttns oil drum ts packing barrels 204 Stafford St just above Cass llerllhy Sons 4 1812 We deliver BABY CARRIAGES Heywood XVakefleld $20 Tel 4 09 1 2 REST OER Elec drinking foun tain oo I motor bl wers Tel 7 1335 iiLTK ENGLISH CARRIAGE roach girls 26 in balloon tire bike BrolI Klng broiler never used 'Bet offer 9 1 118 YC cond $20 Metal eather stripping Tel 2 8014 after 6 pm BOYS 26 in Coleson chain driven tricycle like new Also pxminister rug Very good cond Tel 3 1321 Bicycle $12 XVicker Bassinette 1 nGW 6 6866 BUNK Army surplus with 2 springs 1295 COOPER'S 2198 St CEILING or beautiful ceillrgs easv to out up Only IHsC per sn ft Springfield Lumber Co 15r Page Blvd Tel 3 3 1 SEWING MACHINES OR RENT Call 4 244 9 8 a to 8 on hr 3t 'smull baby crib 42 River side I ive Westfield Tel 3 O47J CLo'l'HES lino poles made of 2 in pipe 8 7 5Jo I 7 7 7 66 eT7ecTRI(1 Sewing Machine for rent Tel Tel 4 1121 White Sewing Machine orbes re Away to SCnOOLI Be sure OU have one of our sturdy Plywood Locker Chests with reinforced metal corners equipped with rugged handles Can be painted in attracthe colors Easily stored under a bed or can be used for an extra seat Excellent for storage of books clothes games etc Phone Roy Lumber Co Chicopee 1180 GOVERNMENT Paint gal 5Oc Axes $1 Pinch bars 25c commercial incin erators 36x60 $25 garbage pails 50c: Pitchforks $1 Shovels long handled short $1 ea sledge hammers $1 coal hot water heaters $15 Lawn sprinklers $1 Crowbars $2 Crosscut saws $3 Iceboxes $10 Lawn seats $5 Lawn cushions 50c Whits conks0ves $15 Army bunks $350 double deckers $5 New toilets for camps $250 Wood sealer bring your jug 50c gas Post hole diggers $250 Chicken wire $250: roll Ladles 10c ea 16 17 5 KXV light' plants 25 ton of new Billing Spenrer wrenches to 25c ea 122 consin engine with pulley Toilet seat $1 large laundry Hags 5oc Shopping Bag 15c Garage Thumb Latches 35c Navy Ham mocks $25n iles seel 2 drawers 4 compartments $4 a section Truck (2) btftlt for concession deliv eries $30 and $25 Coffee urns (3) $20 ea 807 MEMORIAL AVE XX'EST SPLD HANDMADE realistic fireplace with radio inclosed Also divan sleeps 2 people air cond Tel 7 HOLYOKE GA3 HEATER student lamp 9 3 174 PAINTS $199 gallon up 'Hirnnn tine 8fc gallon bring cont also many other items Come in and look around NOWAK BROS 333 Columbus Ave Spfld 3 is Meadow St XVillimanse It LAMPS old glassware trivets THE LITTLE HEN off route 187 Old eeding Hills Rd Westfield Open eve nings am! all day Sunday 1 1 NOLE LA JDR EE 20 8Q YDS OR KITCHEN ONLY' $1795 GOLD SEAL RUGS 9X6 595 COOPER 2194 MAIN near Memo rial PAIR Grae doors hardware perfect cond Call after 7 ni 9 2765 gdg ITSTON RINGS connecting rod bearing 50 to bo'i off all makes 7 4978 4'3 Worthington PORTABLE Elec exhaust fan Adjustable for any window $25 Tel 7 3972 rtUSSIAN OX (2) new Box 533 Union Office SCALES Portable rebuilt new 19on 50u lb capacity Call 2 1583 National Scale Co SHOT GUN 16 gage model J2 "Winches ter new Call 2 2105 SOLID MAPLE twin hsd steads radin radiator paint 2 new metal kitchen cabi nets garage door hardware pint canning jar? Tet 3 3858 SKINNER I 7 A I fr 3 acrs at fraction value Tel Windsor Locks 35OJ3 xMEllC'HANDlSE Articles for Sale SI SUNBEAM Alix Master used few times Excel Reason for selling 6 9240 SPECIAL OR THIS Ping Pong 'Table Tops (plywood) regulation size and thickness Onlv no Springfield Lumber Co 15r Page 1 vd Tel 3 3168 TABLE MODEL Singer sewing machine 23 Allendale St flM oTlBU iTn Tleat 2 farniiy home 12 rooms Philcu Console Radio bond 4 6618 WALLPAPER In bright smart clean new patterns Nice selection of Patterns 10 rents a roll and up Bring room measure ments 4th fir Wallpaper Shop 4 Gas stoves 2 Westing house Electric Refrigerators 20 1 panel mahogany stained doors with locks 1 Inch thick Gall Mrs Noel 4 2438 Cameras and Equipment 5A A BA RETAIN SA LE CLEARANCE: USED DEMONSTRATORS Kodak 8mm model Gn II 9 and case G950 Keystone KR movie eamern it 9 5950 Bolrx JI 8 movie camera 198 5o Retina 35mm Kodak f35 candid 3950 Zlw Ikonta special range tinder 121 oo Zeiss Ikonta f35 Trsser 5950 Emit Derby f35 5oOth shutter 1959 Rolhdtlex Super Ivicas and Contax cameras all reduced fur quick clearam 'Perms and Trades Accepted UNITED LUGGAGE CAMERA 16 8 8 I a i I a ra mount Bldg A BETTER ASTER Camera repair ice Reasonable Prices Camera Center 1657 Main St opp Hampden St 10 NEW used sound projectors Rent sound 1 hour programs $395 up Low prices easy terms Camera Shop Palmer 31x4 SPEED GR API Syn" chro Shutter Complete with flash etc Also Recmdak Enlarger T'Ville 3847 between 6 7 Business EqnlpmelTt 52 ADDING MACHINE Burroughs with nirtal stand Good condition Business Ac counting Service S3 Slate St 'Pel 6 1771 ALL ELEC Beep coolers for as little as $697 Completely Installed Neff Re frlgrration R6 Main St Tel 4 QR9H cake mixers pan frilater stee trough pans etc Call Chic 21 ICR BEAUT1I UL STEEL DESKS 1 ILES LA PALME 6 4761 BOOTHS Chairs tables showcases new and used ixtures built for every type of business PAVA STORE IXTURES 5RQ Main St Holyoke BOOTHS 6 capacity 4 seats good cond Chic alls Polish Home Assoc TeL 8912 CANDY Marble slab drop machine mint drop machine carmel knife elec furnace copper kettles 155 Boulevard St West Spfld COUNTER speed grill stainless steel Ice Cream Rar 258 Main St Indian Or chai 5 lass Tel 8 I24Q DESKS: steel grey or green flat top and typewriter oak or walnut flat top and typewriter oak nr walnut flat top type writer secretarial executive new or used office tables bentwood ture swivel arm and stenographer wooden or steel work stools files letter or legal in all sizes Holyoke Auction Co Holyoke DESKS files chairs tables safes equipment BROADWAY OICE SUB TLY EQUIPMENT CO 4 2040 EQU1 PMENT OP UR ANTS LI LN EON ETT ES S'1A OUNTAINS MEAT MARKETS TAKGERT LN WESTERN MASS STEINS 32 34 HAMPDEN ST SPTD 512 HIGH ST HOLYOKE KOCH RERIGERA 21 42 65 mi ft meat caes counters bobtails booths ranges potato peelers show cases sinks files silverware glassware stools chairs slicers K1TTHIDGE STORE IXTURES 60 14 Dwight St 3 1862 6 6415 OUR Twn section variety gas ovens Bake Shop 1338 Main St GARLAND RANGES Gas nr electric oven grills toaslers steam tables bun warmers french fry cutters coffee urns soda mixers pbtnto peelers chrome furniture booths foldingchairs banquet tables See us for your needs we carry a large stock of restaurant equipment Holyoke Auction Co Inc Holyoke ONE Used 1 6 compressor complete with motor also one Brunner ref compressor used 1 mo 37 Dorchester St Tel 7 4 2JX SALE of Pasteurizing Equipment Many units In operation less than one jear COEE URNS Schultz Clinton Hotel No phone calls USE! Showcases toastmaster coffee urn silexes meat scale meat grinder lunch counter stools cash drawer bar range elee cola box hot water heater 30 gal etc 27129 1) Cherry burrel 6 18 illo fright hand)l) Clayton steam generator 25 i2V Brunner condensing 74 () Mario Evap Condenser Modr EC7 I) Mario Blower coil model UA 875 (1) Cherry Burrell 150 gal sprey manuel pasteurizer (1) De arell separator (1190 lbs per hr)(1 Cherry burrel Deluge washer (3 bdy) (l) Cherry burrel 150 gal sprey Auto matic Other Items cases bottles spare Tarts etc also: (1) 1946 ord ton pick up $900 A MURBHT MA1N ST SOMERS CONN XTLLE 5321 Boats and Accessories 53 In used motors $30 up New Evinrudes from 1 to 224 Old Town Penn Kingcraft Century Boats Lawrence King Southwick 144 BIG NEW Of chrome boat fit tings Drop in and drool politely Largest yoi rornd display of boats motors fi marine supplies in Western Mass 59 Appleton St Holyoke Closed Sundays Mondays 75th Anni versary Sept 3rd 4th 5th and NG I I0RV Must sell this week 16 hp Johnson 15 ft 'Thompson boat trailer ChU 2761 or 3 1556 IN Speed boat 18 ft X' conver sion with transmission fe clutch Now in water at Congamond Lake for quick salt $325 Tei Southwick 221 4 JOHNSON Sea Horse motors all sizes Immed delivery 1 2 down Bassett Balt Boat Co 46 Berkshire Ave 4 8364 MARTI A DS Sales Service Parts 820 WHITE SG? TEL 6 6623 SAILBOAT 15 ft round bottom and tratl er Tel 6 2557 or 4 7779 Building Materials 51 A ARCHIE Cinders from gas light $125 per cu yd Minimum 5 yds COD 4644 or 9 1440 A COMPLETE SELECTION building materials for your new home including frame roofers flooring windows plywood celotex ree estimate from your plans See us now for low prices Spfld Wrecking Co 62 Osgood St ANGLE IRONS Lintels steel flash beams channels Lally columns 0'1 tanks Lintels Iron Go 7 Logan St 2 61 2 3 Al BtHDLlNG materials Complete line of clear seasoned lumber from Army camps 11 sizes radiators plumbing supplies Surplus Jnmber Corp S9() St Tel 7 5058 CONN VALLEY CO SPLD Tested Cinder Building Blocks Te I 4 6533 CARLOAD ir 2 panel resin sealed first grade $1150 outside $1250 Young Lumber 9 Broad St City LAG STONE by square or truck load full ra nge coin rs Wilbraham 211 2 JUST ARIUVED Carload of RAMING NOVELTY SIDING IZ)W TH LN TUBE RADIATORS salvaged from Government hospital In lorida Colored bathroom out libs arriving shortly Ray State reck ing Co Heywood Ave at Memorial Ave XVest Sprin gfiel SAVE time money headaches Build with quality lumber ir raming pine St flpruce matched boards drthrs flooring windows frame complete nails etc Reasonable price Union Lnm ber Supply Co 15 Dale St Tel 3 8570 WELL Clean hoards 6 ft length $65 per 3500 ft 7 2045 WRECKING At 974 State St Lumber windows bricks for sale Tel 2 4 722 uel and eed A 1 CLEAN DRY KINDLING WOOD 18 Bit $3 32 nil $5 66 BU $10 4 2557 ALL Clean stnve furnace fireplace Call I 8109 A 1 CLEAN DRY I DL I WOO 18 BU RU BU ireplace CALL SPLD WOOD CO 9 4570 COAT or sale about 10 tons High grade chestnut Deliver anywhere Immediate accepts req uired Phon 6 8010 NO 1 BALED $35 per ton delivered also armall IT Trartnr Holyoke 2 7980 SLAB or Bale Cut to any size Tel 8177 SLAR woon rjut tnv length $13 a rord rnrd BM Tel 4 4422 Seasoned heavy body for stove furnace or fireplace prompt de livery $12 Tel 7 5214 MERCHANDISE Good Io Ea 1 57 CANNING TOMATt Only 6'Jc a basket Pete and Don 1061 State St Tel 7 3839 A NN 1 NG lave container A your own 50 cis basket A lay on hand pickling cucumbers peppers aiuah 261 School St Agawam Mawt PEaTThes'' only $399 bushel Buy them now Pete Don 1061 State St Tel 7 3839 PEACHES YELLOW i TlE EST MARGOLIS BROS 115 LYMAN ST LARGE Cantelnpea only 19c each Pete and Don 1064 State St Teh 7 3839 ARM RESH KILLED poultry eggs Pilch a rm I St Thompso nville 4739 IRST resh picked corn for canning $3 per 100 ears ranks Market Garden 1398 AllenSt PICK Ripe tomatoes 7 5 basket bring container 1131 Springfield St rrd iny IlillM SOLITARIO TURKEY' ARM Young broad breasted bronza tu keyg or ders taken now for the holiday 530 North Westfield St eeding Hills Tel TIATtEs pick your own bring liakeis Afternuns only No children 268 Maple StE Long 1 Household Goods 59 A APT Size Electric Stove $59M ALL WHITE 4 4 airmont Range BENGAL ANDES QUALITY MAGIC Chef STEWART COMB: ATA In PERECT Condition Guaranteed: EASY TErms SMALL DOWN Payment LEWIS URN r) (South End) 99 1 Main A BARGAIN Simmons sofa bed 5 pc dl nette set easy chair Tel 9 TROQ A RIG SET Walnut dining set pc fine wool $5960 elt Base attractive patterns sq yd 55 and up 3 pc Redroom Set antique finish 59 in 3 pc Walnut Bedroom Set glass top 699t Gnngolenm Rugs all sizes from 495 up Maple Crib full size new 1155 Dresser 895 Studio Couch jiffy back new comfy 55io Andirons urn top brass df 9 i BookcaMcu open for students 4 go Cabinets new porcelain top (all sizes? 8 9 Combination Radio Victrola with records 1500 UphgolstiTed Davenport Iiuilt in hed 15900 XVe have a full line of rugs 1 imps floor coverings tables stoves gas ranges chairs of all descriptions and miscellaneous pi of furniture CLINTON COMPANY Y'eurx uf 1997 Alain Street Sptingfiehfc A BLACK IRON 2 btwner range Reas Call bet 530 730 ni 39 Linden St Chic alls Apt 28 3rd fir Right rear ALL Makes washing machines (25) derful condition Take your choice $20 or $25 493 Worthington St Tel 7 A NY KI TC 1 1 up to 12x13 ft With ROCKEL'P lout Covering only $1595 LEWIS I CO 994 AIN A LARGE Of vlnyl coatcd Im itation leathers just received 5 Suitable for dmingroom and kitchen chairs auto doors card tables etc Rt $150 per vard 150 different patternfl of tapestriee friezes broccatelles and loucJes starting at 200 vd AH wide SPLD UPHOLSTERY CO 33 Dwight Street 263 4 ASPHALT Congoleurn Inlaid linole um Our prices Include all labor charges at no extra cost Sincla I r's 1054 Main A'rTENTTON Your Old Stove is worth much as $10060 In trade towards a new LRENCE coin hinalion ranee with all the newest fea tures Immediate deliveryknn urniture 'ompany Main St Only authorized lorence Dealer North of the Arch Tel 4 8921 fur a courtsy car No obligation ATTRACTIVE CARPETS JUST 12 ft twist broadlontn In grey 9 ft Wil ton in grey beige and green 9 ft Axon In bnrgandy Hoskin Rug Co Main St near Williams Tel 8i)8G AIR CONDITIONER floor model for home office Tel 6 5922 AUT HOT water beater for bottled gas 2 Youngstown steel kitchen wall cab one Tel No Wilbraham 12 12 cleaner Like new Good cond Phnne 4 7921 BABEE TENDA Orig safety chair for baby Modern substitute fnr high chair Babee Tenda Sales Exclusive dealers 118 Boston Rd Tine Point Tel 9 2828 BEdild*M inn closet day bed elec stove dishes 24 Acorn St after 6 SHP THE MART 99 WORT! HNGTON CARR1 AGES cribs A high chairs from $695 at MAN 1913 MAIN ST The store with green sign MB ll and ga? range $25 sun lamp Large bed Tel 3 74 111 CRAWORD Comb gas oil burner Call bet HI 3 ni TeL 6 rigidftiie efrigeratoiai Excel cund J7 497S 493 Warthingion SL CUSTOM Lawson sofa Reasonableall 9 5536 DINING RM SETS (2) 1 ma hog A 1 oak Perfect condition Tel 2 6758 DIVAN Rose colored Pullman make Rea sonable Tel Westfield 2725K WAIT DR A BLIZZARD TO BUY A LORENCE HEATER Come In today and reeerve one for future delivery Univ $2395 OKUN URNITURE COMPANY 1891 Main Street Tile Store With the Red Sign AUTHOR 1ZED TOR KNCE DE ALER BUY YOUR LORENCE RANGE UNTIL YOU SEE MAX OKUN AL LOWANCE OR YOUR OLD RANGE LORENCE COMR RANGES ROM $249 PARTS SERVICE GUARANTEED MAX OKUN URNITURE CO 1913 MAIN ST OPP STOP SHOP THE STORE WITH THE GREEN SIGN DOUBLE Counter top kitchen cab 9 ft lang cuMotn built excellent cond i 7 74h Vanity wardrobe odd tables Other articles Leaving town 119 AtnmrvSt PER1G Easy washer beauilfiil bedroom set cnnipleie with box spring mattress maple kitchen sd withHnraH tup extension table Tel 6 081 ELECTRIC RERIillBtA'D Westlnghoiise Deluxe 6 ru ft Tel 2 3013 after 6 A 1 (M lA NO1 OR RUBBER Sc ASPHALT TILE AYE'S 72 VTORTHINGTON 37 ORT ST BUDGET PAYMENTS I DESIRED OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILT CALL WITH SAMPLES AND SUBMIT REE ESTIMATE CALL 7 9168 ALL INSTALLATIONS BY OUR INSURED WORKMEN OUR RMS urniture for sale Tel 7 7486 I I Westinghouse 9 cu ft good cond Reasonable Call 3 1935 URNACES Cnal wood or oil burning fur nacce All sizes In stork Air circu lating blowers urnace cleaning Repairs A parts ree estimating Holland ur narp Co 95 Taylor St Tel 6 7271 URNACES Coal or nil burning furnaces All sizes for immediate Installation air circulating blowers furnaces repaired A cleaned ree estimates Lnwrenre Heat ing and Supply Co 40 Berkshire Ave 6 8933 GLENWOOD Comb oal oil ga range Ivory good vund Call after 5 ni2 2 73 1 HARDMAN Auto Tone Piano air cond Tel We I I dJ 32 KALAMAZOO coal stove white good condi tion TeL Chir 2215 after pm white 4 eouib? gas oil or coal with water coil Tel Hampden ALAM Combination ranges for oil gas or coal gas Models mh low as $25950 Pav as little as $2 weekly KALAMAZOO SALES A SERVICE 1196 STATE ST TEL 6 1234 OPEN EVERY EVENING KALAMAZOO urnaces for oil or coal Immediate delivery lotv down payment 3 years to pay urnace recementing repairing KALAMAZOO SALES SERVICE 1196 STATE ST TEL 1234 OPEN EVERY EVENING KITCHEN EQUIPMENT OR SALE 2 Edison Electric ranges with one (1) combination hnod for both ranges 1 Bulcan gas fired two (2) tier roasting oven 2 Brollizer co gas fired broilers Above equipment may be seen at our dining hall Deerfield Mass on Wednesdayept 1 or riday Sept 3 Contact Uunioson Constructing Agent Deerfield Academy Dee field Ma ss LIMED oak bedroom suite gas stove 9 12 rug play pen high chair end tablew etc No dealers 6 5216 MATTRESS Spring 5 lime old Nearlynew Both $25 Tel 3 8768 XVasher good condition price reasonable enamel Gas ranges with oil burner Tel 6 2586 milleTCmoney savers (rnsley washer used $2959 Miller urn 1 127 Main 3 6643 UST SELL slightly used fully up holstered soundly' constructed 3 pc llv rm set A real bargain Call Mrs Hannah 4 or see at 165 Belvidere St Spfld NORGE Elec ft cu ft Pall after 6 3 7256 SET 3 pees cr table tele phoins stand 2773 Boston Rd REAL ESTATE OR RENT Houses fer Rent 7 Exclusive 6 rm modern home Agawem Ideal Inc Is liv rm flrepl 3 Is hedrms dn auto gas heat gar attach Adults $125 month CDNTKOT SERVB 2 5129 Offiws and Desk Loom MODERN OICE Available In large small units Room 175 State St Tel MW DESK Ground floor window span if desired Tel servics Bridge St 2 OICE Main sTrnw Will decorate per month Were rk Sons Realty Co 7 XM2 DOCTOR office 4 rms cn terally located Available at once TLM 2 7 PRIVATE OICE with common fluting rooms Room 216 115 State St 38 Elm StT offresr2n4 finer New ITubtis 1 1 bl Reas Tel 2 6212 Summer Property for Hem 80 UON( Cm South I 2 ent fl I urn? water tove Tel 7 4981 or 7 LAKE WICKAIJOVI waterfront rnttaga nuMlcrn convenience boat Available now thru Sept Tel 2302 West Brookfield SUMMER TElZ HPf 1 1 ICK 189 ring 3 WATER RONT cottages A rooms fnr rent from today io Labor Day week end duced rates for the mo of Sept Did Colony Beach Sound View Conn TeL Jvinfl 456W3 Wanted to Itent 81 A Couple no children desire nicely furn nr unfurn ant nr ten or a 4 rrn aitrhurban house Reward A DESPETl TE College student A workingf need 2 3 nr 4 rm unfurn ten by Sept 29 XVrite St ruckus Hnlynkfl Bays Club Hnlvnke Mam APT or 'TENEMENT unfurnished by re liable couple No drinking Ref Phone 2 3405 until A PUT or en 7 rms wanted by adul family Tel 4H3SL APT Oft or man with daughter attending college Ref urn or unfurn Bog 411 Union Office Urgently needed by a rd ro pie 1 irf rneat White 7 Or 2 3 furn rm fl kilchcii desired by Spfld College gen nr and wlfo Excel ref Move bet today andSr pt 131 Phone 2 9940 APARTMENT or trnriiivnt unfuinlehed wanted ny 3 adult Refined reliable no drinking Call 4 983 or 3 8261 ATTEN'I' I LA 1 LO Tenant give you notice? Couple nn children urgent ly need your apartment Call 2 3597 or 4 nnt ADULTS (2) desire 3 5 room furn or Un Jurn apt Refs Call 4 6:01 ADULTS 3) dealre 5 of rnom unfur niflhed tenement Tel fl after 3 ADULTS (2C3 5 room unfurn apt or ten quiet location Box 332 Union Office ADULTS No children need 4 5 room un" furnished apt or ten Refs will do redecnratlnc Hnx 510 Union DfTfce MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE Household Goods 59 HAYNES Upright good condition Call 6 8857 PI AN' 1 vers Small upright Re enndit Inned 'Tel 4 5291 Small upright good buy 29 White St Tel 2 7831 RE RIG Set vel apt size' Almost new reasonable Ikd davenport excellent cond 4 1 14 6 Am Orienta Is "Wiltons Axmlnaters Specializing in wall to wall hrnadlooms White Rug (our lOih year) 1123 State St Open 9 5 rn cinard Mondays 2 858 REXAIR IRST Successor to the Varilmn Clenner 9 5974 SEWING Electric portable 849 Tel 4 24 19 SEW ING MACHINES reconditioned electric cabinets St $1959 to $l'950 Call 1 1121 White Sowing Machine 'V a a re Parlor heater uptight piano like new Call 33o Cheahiut Cosmos S'HID MAPhE 3 poM'i btlrHUi sei EDWARD WAYSIDE HE 13ht Jtosi UJiJ a Cooilil na ton store ivory white hot water roil silent glow burner duel oven reasonable los Grolanl st I EWART WARNER Electric refrigerator cu ft Ca 1 1 2 3043 CoiiiblnnHmi Gas Jb oil cream rhrome pipe hot water roil excellent cond 212 Elm St Agawam Tel 4 5961 STOVE gray and white Baraloxv double oven Good lorence oil but tier hot water connection Quick sale $35 4 1575 SToVES lorence Andes Renown Col umbians others $ti allowed for your old stove Central urniture Co 947 Main St 4 286 Cond condition $25 Call 3 O2I0 before 12 noon STUDIO With cover and 3 llvlng aonm chairs Call 7 7500 after 5 TRADE YOUR old sewing machine foT a brand new Domestic or New Home Call 1 8921 and ask for Mr Daugherty UN I VERSA Elert ic stoves 2 for $100 Also household furnishings Tel 4 5463 ftSEI 11LEC RE XVASIIERS RANGER TC 7 ft DmiXi potr Kel vinat or I25 7 ft Coldspot $125 19'T pore Co Id $85 2 Ib Udix WMshers i ooipl tely installed $85 A Prarfflrally new all white pore Glenwood oll range $90 Bengal all white oil range Prarl new 3 Um net' oil stove built In oven $28 Several other ranges chv hratetw washing niarliihes prart new Savage Dry spin wa loarh $90 IL $10 reon comp Allrngena 1 1 Main St Monson Tri 253 ED WASH cleaners re frlgerators leading makes Weekly or monthly terms Roberts Engineering Co 36 Dwight St Tel 7 4741 ENETIAN 2 pr wide drop 1 pr ide drop 1 pr wide drop 2 pr wide drop XVnod cornice 99 Inng wide kitchen electric clock TeL 3 O4 3C Electric cnaMer with broiler attachment Like new 9 1529 Enamel Barstow (lorence mfg1 comb gas oil 44 4 stove with hot water Call 7 8662 or 3 9368 Metal bed Windsor spring hair felt mattress Good cond 9 5512 7 'T Stewart Warner Dual temp refrigerator $135 Charles Broad 77Dwight St 2 DRAWER tabic top gas stove Good mi 9 0112 4 ROOMS furniture very yea enable Call 3 1791 after tn Jewelry and5Vatelies KO HfGIIHRT 1 ltlCES or dlamomlx olrt gold Welry Meadows Jewelers 3lli Bridge lllAlil'l OIJH 01 wsteli toward a new Loneine Coal for sol I Repairing Grime Johnson's Hookstore I Machinery nrul Tools fit HHA li KONT EXD AIJGXMKXT Eqilip mrat complete with all tool fauces also Bear neon wheel balancer In per fect condition now beinx used Best oiler Byrnes Studebaker Agency 34 Sumner Ave Tel fl 7333 removed will make or wrecker Tel No PRIDG EPORT I TcBlond if xl? Gear head lathes with chucks steady rest taper att PORTER McLeod 16x6 Gear head athe chuck taper att draw inbar A col TH BEND 18x8 motorized lathe SMITH MILL motorized aha per 2 Reid surface grinders with poe spindle A per Cuc Universal hand A production nnllers all sizes SPRINGIELD AUC IJDN V)( 7G) DWIGHT ST Tel 4 8896 BUICK Bod good farm truck Wilbraham 12 12 Musical Instruments 62 ACX'ORtioN p(r MMle7i2 base nearly new 59 Ind orvJi BRING new growth beauty To" vour lawn Bowers vegetables fruits shrubs trc vvilh hrankfl Green Thumb ertilizer Trv It on that bare spot where nothing would grow or on that sick house plant P7 onttnlc Market Garden W8 Allen St VU complete ct bine whl tZ Hardwood finish Tel 9 3795 HARDMAN ft Sinch baby yrand per fect cond 4 tffi Radios 62 A ZENITH Portable radio with battery I ike new feed only 2 months $100 Call 2 S42i Seerts Plants Eprtillzf rs fill Eor sale Retail or whole" sale Tel 3 ti7S 1 D'M fnr sale for dressing A lawn Cail 242 or 74233 Wearing Apparel 65 AGE 1 Boys sport coat winter Jacket Perfect cond Te I 31430 BARGAINS OR PRESSED STUDENTS Suita student Prep Young Over JPOq Many' new Some are Used Economy $12 tip Quality $ls up New Start MondaySi'h ffem Now Dwight Nr State 'lm hy LA CtT Sealskin and brown doth coat 1 In gitud vuudltitjn Tel 9 I9UJ BUY OR SELL clothing shoes New used at Smiths 647 Dwight St 3 blocks north off HtacorSharon 3od Summer Suits in cluding 100 just received $6 $8 $iu P5 nty of Clothing Bargnln Out let 31 Sanford GOING 'IV ELfiltmA Chi fd rens clnTheM snowsuits leggings size 19 Boys pea coats size 1( Boy legging set size 8 East Longmeadow 590 Leopard CAT COAT SIZE 14 TEL 7 7779 ORCHID taffeta bridesmaid gown Worn once $15 Tel 7 R99S SCHOOL Outfits New pants gond iwed sport coats both for $10 Ages 10 to 18 Schn ffers Best price paid urn STOVES BEDROOM SETS RUGS ETC jACVjSiitXITURECQ 7 S479 ABSOLUTELYnighest prieea paidfor bed room living room uud dining room furn rug antutm Cali 2 8512 r1 N'D 1TI COM PA NT IM97MAIN STREET Electric with or with Must be in good condition Box 529 Union Office Wanted to Buy fift A BETTER 1'R1CEAID OR TJRn" STOVES RUGS WASHERS ANTIQUES ECONOMY URNITURE TEL 2 0143 A Price furnanecs black stove Iron brass copper lead rugs paper X'et Evening ca 1ls made 7 S3OLABSOLHTELY Bost Prices Paid for black Moves iitmaces steam boilers scrap Iron junk cars lead copper brass bfUhTies A Vet Call Hioliine 6 9I7S old st es Io 1 rs China lantern Antiques Ae 1 1 A DISABLED yet buys rflgs copper lead scrap iron 7 3519 steins figurines old Good prices the Old 749 Boston Rd 9 127 Inn tnhlao ware books etc Call 7 5583 A VET Black stoves boilers urnaces Cars Batteries Lead Copper Brass Rags paper Ca 11 anytime 6 9 1 78 A X'ET buys iron metal papers rags ers furn old stoves TeL 9 puVs rags lead copper brass black stoves steam boilers furnaces pa pars Call Cnmcrata 3 97G a i A REITER Always offeredforan 2nd hand furniture Trading 08t Tel 2 7763 or 3 5730 E0R singer CHINES CALL MR DILLON 0115 HIGHEST PRICES paid for joiir Singer sewing machine Call 4 2449 BOO ST 0 1 1 Pays cash for used books antique furniture and an tiques 1379 Main St Tel 2 6221 Ob ICE URNITURE Wanted Immedi ately 2 chrome metal base lamp tables 1 chrome round table 2 metal ash tray stands wall mirror paintings or etchings Gall 7 3242 PING PONG TA I A NT TEU 4 2249 SCH AMOUS OR BARGAINS NEW AND SLIGHTLY used clothing suite topcoats tuxedos students (Tollers men business mn ran save over suits topcoats tuvedog E'es ri Sat Lots of Pants 42 New Dwight nr State Wanted to Buy 66 USED Restaurant bar 4 store fixtures 2 7129 WE RUT SELL EXCHANGE Rka an tiques We will pay cash Don't throw away thoae old bonks before calling 9 36 Swappers (UA vT LlZs w7 I 7 Studebaker 4 dr Heater 37 Studebaker Lus coupe Dodge dr Beach Wagon Plymouth for auto bodv equipment Call 9 5879 rtOOM BOARD Itoom With Board S7 ATT?" Board If desired use of Ren dlx for young student Sc wife or young hue couple $25 week Near AIC Box CARE given elderly lady or convalescent Private refined family residential sec tion large airy room Box 1SC Rmmi board laundry for working man $15 a week TeL 6 1157 A board busiiiesx Protestant couple In nice home References 63212 ROOM Board for highschool nr college girl In exchange for lidp hi hnme of wank ing mother with 4 yr old daughter Well located good home with pleasant eur roumllnga Tel 1 4 la sk fur Air Mack TWO ROOMS I unfur ft 1 fur to woman In exchange for light chores Can have child 9 2130 Kuoms YVliliout Hoard 63 ABOVE THE off Belmont single bed room In Attractive private home 7 217 1 APLEASANT front room in Iwiutiful pri vate home mins from heart of city L'o Pearl St Tel 9 0013 bet ft pm 7 pm ATI'RACTIVE Large rm central All conv Cnunle bus woman or gent 6 7849 A 'I' Exceptionally desirable rm Bus Gent 9 Q171 AUBURN 2142 RT SINGLES ft mUHLS 1 IOTEL SERVICE BED A LIVING rms adj bath prlv entM separate kit use of laund cent loc gar 1 te i ned JI 4 254 HOW DOI ST 2 large newiy decorated bedrooms near bath Kitchen privilege for breakfast 2 9257 CHOICE of 1 nr 2 rm with prlvncy quiet home gar 71 Walnut St 2 6S27 under new management Completely ren ovated all outside rooms ree parking 27S7 XIa I St 3580 1 ESI RABLH Room Excellent location Business couple or gentleman Reasonable DESIRABLE room fnr one Centrally lo cated 2 0723 OR 3 ainall rooms on Allen St Suitable for 1 or 2 adulta Suburban Phone 3 3150 itnnm near hsfh kitchen privileges working cnunle preferred Good habits TeL 2 1319 Off Ray St URNISHED rm with kitchen prlv Tel 4 9224 URN room for 1 or 2 persons Gent mLv 1" Sheldon St HILL SECTION Nicely furn front room Men only 107 Northampton Ave LARGE rooms near bath 2 or mora gents near Armory and buraes 118 Thompson St LS52L LARGE Near AIC Nut ts bath Priv ent Bus man only 3 fa76 LARGE PJW)M single or' twin' beds Near sc lu uL TeL 4 3797 LARGE Room Couple or 2 girls 943 Memorial Ave XVest Spfld LARGE James Ave In ivate home Business person or couple 7 2473 MAPLE ST Exclusve home Master bdrin for executive or professional people 4 NEAR" MAIN ENTRANCE orest Pk 4 furnished rHm ft bath All newly dee nroted' New plumbing Handy to 3 bus lines Will rent to ft or 4 Adults $26 a State hulftesfl A reference Box 518 Unim Gfflrr NICE LARGE IUmJ'ms ROM geZgig HOTEL ULI yiX)N 1976 MAIN ST urn ednsa to downtown Ni other roomers 7 tkl5 1ARK Comfortable room next to bath ree parking Gentleman Te 4 2993 Comfortable alng rm near bath Cent A RKHNEh young college couple XnrhlB drew Small furn apt Good neighbor hood 6 836L A 1 or 2 rm ant Wanted for one womnt Box 588 UnInn Office BEING Wanted 5 6 rm apt or ten TeL 3 4205 BUSINESS Desire 3U rm un furnialvd apt or ten No children nnpP 4 U89 BUSINESS couple seek 4 rm unfurna ht ten Re 4 46 BUSINESS No children dere ft rm unfurnlsh ed apt Reward Call 8 187A Apt or ten unfurn have bn evicted 4 nine agv living at neigh bor Reward 2 5115 KLDERIY LADY Wants comfort ahU room and hoard Hill or orest sc W1U pav 31090 per wk Ret 2J tbla nd Station HOUSE in Longmeadow Wanted by exec utive ft wife and 10yr old ton Teh 3 2219 ItGiiNTLY 3 or 4 room tenement or Apt Reward 527 Union flee 44 yr daughter 4 6 rm rental 3 S7M 4 5 Rm heated apt needed 0 the hy veteran hus ns Will redecorate and pay substantial rent al 3 3444 4 ROOM TEN Must buy furn Mia Pelletier 171 Massasoit St TeL 9 3296 6 RXM COTTAGE can be had by buying 4 ruoiiH ofnew furniture 59 West St See Mr Enu ry daily bet 12 ft 2 Business nares or Rent 75 All or hnlf of eq it Heated Reas Any use 4 4047 OR RENT Store 2IG Locust St full cel lar near Hoods $55 a month 7 4332 ST 50 STORE OR RENT TEL 6 0321 Maple St $100 mo Inquire 510 Ma in St on South Main St 3600 eq ft inquire at 595 Main St for rent 693 Dwight St Cor Congress St TeL Mill I 1 III Main St cor ranklin 22x02 Steam heat Available at once Apply Ran tn 43 1467 Ma In St VERY deaitable atote at 431 White St Springfield with extra sto1 ata apace In quite ISH during bueineea hours 4 5086 evenings 25nna gq Or etory bldg sun divid to suit your At Winchester Sq Xks aq ft A Neylon 7 4666 ROOM kitchen prlv Couple 8 per week TeL 2 7849 RmM with kitchen privilege for bunes man Tel 9 267 7 With steam heat Women pref Priv home TH 423 ST JAMES 34 Gentleman comfor table rm next to bath abower VERY DESIRABLE room for 2 Centrally located 2 Double room for refined work lug couple or girla TeL 7 42S4 4 ROOMS for lent studrute working couple 133 MUfcan Rd Spfld Rooms for llonsckvrplnK 69 LARG'eC KO ba th kitcljefd771 spot for right couple 72 Ward St Chic opee alls NICELY turnlsiied room with privilege Reasonable T5 9 0210 ROOM With twin beds ft kitchen privi leges child Tel 6 3816 RM4M for young couple kit hen privileges9 174L ROOM with kitchen privilege in exchange for Companionsh for 2 school age to 5:30 dally while mother works Ua 11 3 0576 Room vacancy 2ft Chicopee St near Chicopee Center XVANTED IN nr light house keeping 2 3 4 rm Box 1242 Union Office Vacation lare ATLANTIC Nantasket Rch Lynn field Hse spacious ocean front rooms $1 for each per per wk Kitch priv XVrite Box 77 North Mass TeL Hull 5 QS32J BEAUTIUL Lake Sunapee White ShuUer lodge ft cottages open tlirouph Sept or more Information call Spfld 4 673T or Sunapce 272 2 THE Gut i ouiua Ciemriit Brach Voun Special Sept rakes by day or rk Also 5 hhhii bra cottage available thru Sept Tel Niaui ic 133 Rooms Bonn 7S With lo yr old son newts room and iMitnl in Vrotrsiant home Preferably Llngmeadow Tel 4 591(1 ROOM ft Wanted for 15 yr old i I rot rata I ami ly 2 515 1 in Colony Hills or Glen Arden by teacher a ronm only preferably on Tai fbmr Will May with children night Box 537 ion Of i ce KHA' ESTATE OR RENT Apartment and lats 4 APARTMENT rma oil heat Adult only Rox 573 Union office PARK or 2 couples 4 rm furn 2d fir In 8 apt $100 month 3 SOGO 6 ROOM hen ted apartment In Worcester XVII swap fnr similar apartment In vic of Spf I "a 11 Auburn urnished Apts and Houses T4A 5 rms to share with one or 2 business girls 28 Oak St 1 3 nr ft 9 pm win home $18 per week 4 fins No children TeL 9 2712 BUSINESS GIRL tn share my apt Tel 9 1366 COUPLE or niiddie agnl lady to elutre my home Hill xeidion Call evenings 7 2373 4 rm apt In apt bldg 3rd fl $22 wk Um 1 1 Survic 2 51 h'URN 5 rm house oil heat garage TeL I 832 1 HOUSE 7 3 bedrooma A rumpus room completely furnished jeer around lioue CitMo ent Luke alxmt 7 mllea from Court Sq TeL Thoiiqemnvlll I Y'OU HAVE a furn or unfurn apt to rent call CtYNTACP SERVICE Desirable tenants guaranteed Shown by appolnt rnent No charge Why be pestered? 2 5129 PARK or 2 couples 1 rm fuin 2nd 11 1n 8 a pt KH mo 3 8o6n 4 Nicely furn Available at nnce rlgidaite ateam heat suitable for 3 adults $20 a week Box 468 Union Office 4 BEAUTIUL ROOMS furnished heated with combination stnve now Call between 7 and 9 in 3 9524 REWARD for 4 rm unfurn ten ar apt Oct 1st Qut couple Tel 4 2342 REINED mllege student with wife 14 urn or unfurn Ref Spfld Cnh lege Bnx 52 1 Union Office couple ft 6 yr old son need 4 6 rm tenement In daairahlfl Incat nn XVII! redecorate ft give ynur property beetofcare Excel references Call SALES Transferred tn Spring f'eld Must have house nr apt bv Sept 15 2 children rMdet IT months 6 SX THREE ADULTS deoita 4 or 5 rm ten TeL 2 9367 I KG Spfld College Student veteran wife ft 2 child need apt by Oct st HLfdrn Box 1213 1000 Office URGENTLY NEED 3 4 1111 heated apt Middle age couple Reward 9 1040 after rn 4 tm 3 4 RM UNURNISHED APRT OR TEX TEL 9 5769 WANTED Ry X'cteraJi 4 or 3 room wp XX'lll redecorate and furnish atok ft la bar 9 WANTED ft 4 rm apt or ten nnad 2u yrs in pres hntne WOMAN With 4 children need 4 5 rm ten badly Want one as soon as possible with rent not ton high Bov 12S1 Union Office cnunle from excel Springfield fam 1110 greatly desjre small flat or apt Have infant son pay several months In advance please write Uninn Rn Sfio Un on Office or call 9 3104 $50 2 3 unfurnished apt work Ing rnuple No children After 5 2 $150 REWARD fnr unfurnished ten 4 5 6 rnnms fnr couple ft 3 yr nld daughter 4 7596 IIEAL ITATErOn SALE Rioinoflfl Property IX NG ESI BUSH ED commercial' ft domes tic refrigeration business X'alnsbl fran chises icUHrtg from business Write A BvUU Nii't bt mptou MAIN Apartment BlockT'pay profit nn $16fl0 cah Investment after all expanses and mortgage amnrtlrstlnn Craft 1337 Main Street 2 4757 nr 3 3272 ij PUBLIC rtftabl fnr fraternal orders and other 8 ronm hoio attarhel Center of Triced for immediate sale JOHN TEH IN 9 10 ropiT HOUSE PLACE SprincfieM Mass Tel 3 0217 3 25 APARTMENT and 3 More A aound Investment priced fnr Immediate sale IHHN TEHAN 9 10 COURT HOUSE PLACE Tel QjjT 3 4454 1862 Main Inc jyvintw 985 Main Inc 10 One No Ine MM Carew Monitors Inn 6no Several fl tH 24 ant Oeq Muy Spfld Real Eat ft 4825 exe 4 191 Realtor S2A A CT ION ADVERTISING! ALERT REAL ESTATE SERVICE A COM PI ETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE MACM1LLAND ft SON REXLTORS 154 BROADWAY TEL LLOYD HOOVER REXLTOR HOM ES liny ESITES RMS ESTATES 7 95 Main Wl I hr ham 149 I'nrhi mid Lmtd for Sale S3 MAIN ST A complete ft going farm of acre Excel for developing I will sell enough lots for you to pay for the farm ft you will have 25 acres left Prl $15006 TREVALLK Ellis Title Bldg 121 State St Tel NEARBY 45 acres brook ne bids $1ov0C? ft CoHeter 2 2317 2 91J3 ORCHARD farm 225 acres 10 steam heat Vacant 3 large barns 4u7 THIS IS OR sale in Holyoke auhutba 4 rm houee car larxe jMiultry hnime fruit trees located on hard road with about acrea nf land t73H Imm poaneeainn Baldwin 390 llslde Ate Hohoka Tel Hnlvnke i ft t32 fnr Sale con nMi efr Earc oil hRt on lnmnf nk tlnor Vacancy Pric lOiiOfl Lrlla ox Had Lona AGA Blvcr KA comb ummr I winter horn modern 4 rmi hath out heat xar vacant Trie J'uoo eaah Call 1 an ox Izmir hgo AGAWAM Center 5 rooma and bat on 1st floor: 3 bedroom on 2d floor Sttn oil hcit 2car garaxa Occupancy At once nw a ttrt ioxt nEAr mrt tsti APPROVED Il A HOMES Dorrytld Av oft Plumtre Rd nw 4 room house all modrn convenience 4 Interest ou mortgage Open tor Inanec tlon Saturdays Sunday and hy appoint ment A Dufsuit A Son 4 T22 3 2U A BEAUTIbtTT 7 rm Cot 4rXMBib COME A SEE for yourself 3w0 down AIR vffer accepted 23 hwn St fitT A BEAljTIlTL tt rm home rn Improvement A splendid office nr home for a doctor Dclrahle location Now vacant Prfr reasonable Inouit Roberta HI Dwight St Tl ifllS AT 4 mom home without that "JZ veiopd look" nn Tiffany Ktret rook evtra lert nd VA anpIovZ Price tenon MACMILLAN A S0NPREA TORS fl tms or 0170.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.